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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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737823 said:
Well yes I don't understand it. Kev believes people should turn down OT in respect to employees in furlough. That to me is crazy talk. People do what is best for themselves, period. You guys can come on here and say you are "trade unionists" and philanthropists but in the voting booth people vote for their interests.
Hey Sparky. You're batting average stinks. After 9/11 I was laid off from DFW and went back to LGA for a month and a half. When I came back to DFW I worked ZERO OT. Not even supposed mandatory holdover. Because UNION members in my city were still on layoff.

Then I got layed off again to MIA in 03. Found out 2 months in that MIA had EVERYONE back from layoff because tons of people refused OT. They had to teach how to sign up in the computer because the last time I signed up it was still on paper.

Not everyone in life thinks about themselves like you. And I suspect you pay dearly for the person you are.
WeAAsles said:
Union people converse and assist each other. Doesn't matter which union you belong to or even if you no longer belong to one. It gets in your blood and is an ideology.

Something I suspect you either can't or refuse to understand.
737823 said:
Well yes I don't understand it.
Shocking. 🙄

Kev believes people should turn down OT in respect to employees in furlough.
That's right.

ograc said:
Vote for your own best interests. A me, me, me society. It is what is destroying unions and this country. Gone are the days when one sacrificed for the common good. What a disgrace to the generations before us (our ancestors) who sacrificed and many paid the ultimate sacrifice, to advance the virtues of the common good and unionism in this country. We are failing as union members. We are failing as US citizens. We are failing as moral human beings. Thankfully, there a few who continue to serve. A few who continue to believe in; and advance the virtues that we should all live by. The few, the proud...
Tim Nelson said:
Ur bankruptcy strwaman arguments hold no weight since usairways and delta been thru bankruptcies. Can you explain to me what is the difference between ready reserve at delta and vendors that you agreed should replace dozens of stations that tossed away thousands of union jobs, in return for a better pay increase. The members wanna know.
It was hundreds, but let's not let facts get in the way. What is the difference? Well, the process by which Delta can bring in Ready Reserves at will can be done without the process of bankruptcy for which corporate American has received a legal lethal injection which they've used at all legacy airlines to shed jobs. Delta, they just do it when they want.
Now that you're part of the AA family and I sure hope it doesn't come to this but if we have the misfortune to be in another BK, I'll be sure to wait for your advice to your fellow union members that they should forgo any pluses in a bankruptcy BK and we should just all bite the bullet.
Oh. One last thing. I suspect you have refused to accept the raises you have also gained since their were a carbon copy of the ill-gotten money from the AA BK.
NYer you realize the 08 IAM fleet agreement added ready reserve? As did the IAM Hawaiian agreement. While not called ready reserve UA has unlimited part time and temporary employees. UA also will have 7 stations at the end of the current agreement. Is that something you want at AA? Sell out the small stations so the hubs get more?

737823 said:
NYer you realize the 08 IAM fleet agreement added ready reserve? As did the IAM Hawaiian agreement. While not called ready reserve UA has unlimited part time and temporary employees. UA also will have 7 stations at the end of the current agreement. Is that something you want at AA? Sell out the small stations so the hubs get more?

BLUTO said:
Familiar with all kinds of labor agreements...AFA, APFA, CWA, IAM, IBT, and TWU in the airline industry. Also familiar with the UAW agreements covering clerical staff,teaching assistant/student teachers at the area universities.

737823 said:
NYer you realize the 08 IAM fleet agreement added ready reserve? As did the IAM Hawaiian agreement. While not called ready reserve UA has unlimited part time and temporary employees. UA also will have 7 stations at the end of the current agreement. Is that something you want at AA? Sell out the small stations so the hubs get more?

No, and that's why we fought that for many years. Unfortunately, the bankruptcy process caught up with us and the changes sought under that legal action were unavoidable.
737823 said:
I know more about many of these agreements than some of the people who are covered under them.

An expert, eh.
737823 said:
NYer you realize the 08 IAM fleet agreement added ready reserve? As did the IAM Hawaiian agreement. While not called ready reserve UA has unlimited part time and temporary employees. UA also will have 7 stations at the end of the current agreement. Is that something you want at AA? Sell out the small stations so the hubs get more?

I'm sorry, but it will be more than the six hubs left by the time this is over. (CLE got de-hubbed already) It will be all of Tier 3 and about 75% of Tier 2. 30 more are being looked at now for outsourcing. I say about 20 will be left when all of the cuts are done. It's the downgrades and furloughs that really hurting the members now. This has to stop for the members sake. They will (as they did in my hub) probably temporary upgrade members during the summer months and downgrade back during the Winter/Spring. The "lie" of LOA #5 hurts.  Unless both sides are happy and the members keep getting hurt. In other words: Win + Win = Dues Flow continues. Members lose.
737823 said:
Exactly the small stations were sold out for Roabilly and his catering. 700 even posted that the jobs could have been absorbed on the ramp.

You said you advocated this
737823 said:
NYer you realize the 08 IAM fleet agreement added ready reserve? As did the IAM Hawaiian agreement. While not called ready reserve UA has unlimited part time and temporary employees. UA also will have 7 stations at the end of the current agreement. Is that something you want at AA? Sell out the small stations so the hubs get more?

You should be all for that. After all, you're the one that talked about how keeping small stations staffed wasn't fair to those in the hubs...
This guy Doosh, Josh, or whomever, is obviously in here to discredit unionism, especially if that union happens to be the IAM. Since the alliance, both he and Tim have had to re-write the play book to include the TWU. 
I find his Catering VS small stations argument amusing... "IF"... (a big if) We had voted down the last BK T/A, and the BK judge were to have imposed an agreement that abolished Catering, while keeping the smaller stations, he would be in this forum calming that Catering was traded for the smaller stations! Of course... there would be no mention of BK, or an impending judicial ruling. The only thing we would hear from him is how the incompetent IAM "sold-out" over a thousand Catering positions, (an entire department) in a crooked back-room deal! 
Now... he states that he would love to see the New Company (PMAA) keep Air Cargo, and eliminate Catering... think about this... he is advocating the loss of Recognition and Scope in PROFITABLE environment sans bankruptcy, He is your enemy, treat him as such... 
Roa you wanted the small stations gone and keep catering. Tim told me all about it, you are very divisional and only care about your own job, not very union like. Had catering been cut those people would have ended up on the ramp even 700 stated this. It makes more sense to retain cargo for AA TWU over catering for US IAM. At USAIR LSG Skychefs anyway prepares the meals why shouldn't they load them into the plane? Other than WN and sCO at UA there is a reason no other US carrier has catering.

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