2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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My understanding is that management has made a system decision in the handling of eagle bags that is not the way we normally and customarily handle transfer bags.

As of october 11, management wants usair fleet to put eagle bags at tail of plane instead of transporting them normally and customarily to eagle transfer belts. Although management said the union leaders signed off on this, idont think thats the case.

I believe this would b a breach of contract and i dont think management should realize any more seamlessness without a joint contract. Thoughts?
We at AA use to handle Eagle bags. But now we just pile them on the ground and Eagle comes and picks them up. One of the "High Seniority" jobs that was outsourced. Believe me, when the joint talks commence, they will be after those jobs. AA has slowly been whittling away at them to force those guys to work the line or retire. The TWU didn't put up a fuss then, and I don't imagine the "Association" will either. Our senior jobs were the Eagle transfer bag driver (gone), Cabin Service (gone) Mail handling (gone) Cargo (all gone but five stations). They wanted them all but we gave them something else instead. Encoding (still have it at the loss of something else).
There are a couple more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
We at AA use to handle Eagle bags. But now we just pile them on the ground and Eagle comes and picks them up. One of the "High Seniority" jobs that was outsourced. Believe me, when the joint talks commence, they will be after those jobs. AA has slowly been whittling away at them to force those guys to work the line or retire. The TWU didn't put up a fuss then, Yes they did. and I don't imagine the "Association" will either. Of course they will Our senior jobs were the Eagle transfer bag driver (gone) Bankruptcy, Cabin Service (gone) Bankruptcy Mail handling (gone)Bankruptcy Cargo (all gone but five stations) Bankruptcy. They wanted them all but we gave them something else instead. Encoding (still have it at the loss of something else).
There are a couple more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Voted out or Bankruptcy?
WeAAsles said:
We at AA use to handle Eagle bags. But now we just pile them on the ground and Eagle comes and picks them up. One of the "High Seniority" jobs that was outsourced. Believe me, when the joint talks commence, they will be after those jobs. AA has slowly been whittling away at them to force those guys to work the line or retire. The TWU didn't put up a fuss then, Yes they did. and I don't imagine the "Association" will either. Of course they will Our senior jobs were the Eagle transfer bag driver (gone) Bankruptcy, Cabin Service (gone) Bankruptcy Mail handling (gone)Bankruptcy Cargo (all gone but five stations) Bankruptcy. They wanted them all but we gave them something else instead. Encoding (still have it at the loss of something else).
There are a couple more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Voted out or Bankruptcy?
Corporate Bankruptcy laws in this country are demonic regarding existing labor agreements. Vote for our final offer; or we abrogate the existing contract and take more. Much has been lost by the IAM and TWU members on both sides, as a result of US and AA being under bankruptcy protection. When the joint talks commence; they may be after more, however, they will not have the protection of the bankruptcy court and judge entering into negotiations. A much more level playing field will exist. Both unions, on both sides, have been at a considerable disadvantage under bankruptcy. The company will not have this advantage entering into JCBA talks.  
If I remember correctly WeAAsles, mail was given back before bankruptcy and if I'm not mistaken, a deal was made to outsource cabin as well. Nevertheless, the fact remains they were ALL SENIOR JOBS AND THEY ARE GONE!
If I remember correctly WeAAsles, mail was given back before bankruptcy and if I'm not mistaken, a deal was made to outsource cabin as well. Nevertheless, the fact remains they were ALL SENIOR JOBS AND THEY ARE GONE!
No if you remember AA lost the domestic mail contract many years ago because they weren't providing the service that the USPS demanded. They then began to gain back some of those contracts on a limited basis and with stipulations attached. AA finally decided that it just wasn't worth the cost to handle mail with those stipulations and because they were only making pennies per bin. The USPS now gives a good amount of their mail handling business to Fed Ex. The domestic mail jobs were lost because there was no more mail mostly and what was left over including International mail was lost in the BK.

Every job has a cost factor associated with it. Our CORE job which is handling bags on aircraft is far and away the largest cost. We could have kept some of those other jobs in the BK but that would have required paycuts. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford some of that but most were not. Remember the firestorm when before the "Me Too" was triggered how many people were freaking out because we were going to take a paycut of .43 cents per hour? We passed the BK contract with the .43 cents. Do you think it would have passed had it been say a $2.00 per hour cut to keep those jobs?????
Tim Nelson said:
My understanding is that management has made a system decision in the handling of eagle bags that is not the way we normally and customarily handle transfer bags.

As of october 11, management wants usair fleet to put eagle bags at tail of plane instead of transporting them normally and customarily to eagle transfer belts. Although management said the union leaders signed off on this, idont think thats the case.

I believe this would b a breach of contract and i dont think management should realize any more seamlessness without a joint contract. Thoughts?
In this case, does "normally and customarily" literally equate to "language in our CBA," to system-wide past practice, or a station-specific one?
Kev3188 said:
You gotta stop seeing us as merely a "cost" and start seeing us as the revenue generators we are...
Great comment Kev, thumbs up. The problem is for these exercises though it's difficult to pinpoint that? That's a customer service, experience and commitment metric that absolutely we provide over those who earn less and those who earn substantially less. 

During bankruptcy though the company and the creditors don't assign any value to that as they should. 
roabilly said:
Donald Duck met with Minnie Mouse for a lunch date in volume 6, issue 14 of the Disney Comics series...
you are such an angry man for being retired. Sheesh!

And josh is someone who has met several of us posters.
BLUTO said:
You are lying Dave. I never offered to meet you in CLT. You said you would be in MIA and I offered to meet you somewhere near the airport, Gulfstream or Aventura Mall.

BLUTO said:
Again I haven't been in CLT, never offered to meet you there. I only said BOS or MIA.

rockit2 said:
Just throwing this out...................how long does it take you to get from your parking area into your work area? It takes me about a half of an hour each way. In the UPCOMING NEGOTIATIONS, does anyone think it would be absurd to ask for some type of compensation for this extra time we take just to get on the property?
Interesting case now before the USSC regarding being paid for going through security...
Now at PHX we do have a clock-in location before the TSA security, so if I have an 0800 start, and I clock in at 0759 and then stand in the TSA line for 15 minutes, that's going to fly with Management?  Within a few months, pretty much all of us are going to be pushed to some remote parking deck for a longer commute into work... I wish the USSC would address those issues eventually.
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