2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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cltrat said:
WeAAsles first let me say that I agree with your position 100% that a union is needed in the airline business, my issue is that I don't trust neither the IAM or the TWU as far as I could throw their collective leadership and I don't see how I ever will. It's not just them I wouldn't trust any other collection on letters of a union any more than I do the ones we have.
I have no way of knowing but I'd guess there are hundreds of members just like me.
Rat you do understand that the unions are just a collection of individuals like you and I don't you? They started off as new hires in the company working side by side with each other like everyone else. First they decided to become a union advocate, then a shop steward and then started the climb of running for different positions. They reached the positions they're currently in because the MEMBERS voted for them. Very different from the company where many managers went to the Wharton school of Business and where they learned to put profits over people.

You have the ability if you don't like the direction your union is going to make changes in that direction. It starts by being active and participating first though. Attend your meetings, learn about the candidates and vote for the one's you feel will best serve your interests and have your train of thought. That starts with you though.

You guys just had an election where you decided if those candidates were doing a good job for you or not. Most of the people won that election because the members said, yes they are.

Now let me talk about the TWU. We had an election last year that changed the entire leadership structure. Delegates voted into Local office by the membership did not like the former direction and decided to change that direction. The new leadership let go of tons of individuals who some members felt had become too soft and forgot where they came from. I've noticed a very different TWU the past year. Far more politically active locally and concentrating very successfully on organizing.

Some members say that they don't trust the IAM or the TWU , well you're actually saying that you don't trust the people who have been elected by your own peers. And in most cases the one's who don't trust those people don't even know them.   
WeAAsles said:
Some members say that they don't trust the IAM or the TWU , well you're actually saying that you don't trust the people who have been elected by your own peers. And in most cases the one's who don't trust those people don't even know them.   
Usually when people say they don't trust the TWU/IAM/IBT/etc they aren't referring to the local level, they're referring to the INTL level - not their peers.
blue collar said:
Usually when people say they don't trust the TWU/IAM/IBT/etc they aren't referring to the local level, they're referring to the INTL level - not their peers.
The reality is that the "Union" is NOT the membership.  It is a non profit organization run by professionals [accountants, attorneys, managers, etc].  Decisions are made that have nothing to do with membership participation. For instance, the association.   With the TWU,  not one member voted that profit sharing should be abolished [not saying the agreement was right or wrong, but no members voted on it].  It is an incredible injustice to say that the "Union is you".  It's not, you are just a member....just like being a member of any other non profit organization. The union does its own stuff at times. When it took surveys, not one survey came back that said the members wanted to give the company a possible health care waiver.  Not one member told the TWU in surveys that it wanted to whack a few dozen stations, yet that and many things found itself in a TA.  And the method of voting is also skewed.  
When members say, "Go to the local Meeting" and participation starts with you, I throw up because I know that's not altogether honest.  Unions don't want member participation, in fact, they discourage it.  Very easy to use rhetoric and say "Go the meetings',  but in moments of decisions, notices are not posted, meeting times are purposely held at times that are inconvenient, the method of voting is a joke,.etc...all to oppress the vote. 
Going to a meeting is fair, but the union administration also should do a better job.  The problem with non profit labor organizations is that they have done quite a shitty job lately.  Workers realize they need representation but they aren't stupid.  They expect more accountability, and in this age, it's very hard to see where unions start and management ends. Especially when unions sound like management. 
The company should be announcing, the authorized additional manpower to be assigned to the stations where Fleet will be insourcing vendor work, this week. Will the company provide the necessary headcount to each station, to successfully handle the additional work or will they expect more productivity with less manpower? Providing the necessary manpower to successfully meet the additional operational needs will be seen as an honest attempt to bring more work in house. Not providing the necessary manpower will be seen as setting the announced stations up for failure. The truth will be in the numbers. Stay tuned. Should be an interesting and revealing week. 
Are stations picking up insourced work being opened for system transfers in? Wouldn't transfer list have to be utilized before off the street/preferential hiring?
JFK  yes the transfers will have priority over hiring off the streets..   I believe that the order is or close to this way..  USAIRWAYS Furloughed  then AA Furloughs  then transfers  then hiring off the streets
robbedagain said:
JFK  yes the transfers will have priority over hiring off the streets..   I believe that the order is or close to this way..  USAIRWAYS Furloughed  then AA Furloughs  then transfers  then hiring off the streets
i think that is incorrect. Aa furloughs go last, except that they go preferred before some brand new employee.
Tim Nelson said:
Workers realize they need representation but they aren't stupid.  They expect more accountability...

And most (but especially the younger ones) expect organizations to adapt to new models of communication/participation. Online voting, social media pushes, etc. are all things that are the norm in many places, but are almost non existent at the local lodge level.
Tim  from what we all (at least in my station) is that in Nov when we move to the C pier the US furlough will have first dibs  then AA furlough  then transfers  and then hiring off the streets.   AA folks who accept it will keep the seniority for pay but in doing shift bids vacation bids they'll be behind us.     That is how we have been told anyhow....  
Future of catering at AA/US?

US and WN are the only US carriers that maintain their own "catering" divisions, although ironically neither serves or directly prepares anything edible or worth serving onboard they more or less stock the galleys and lavs with supplies. Given that AA has long outsourced catering since the spin off of Skychefs, what does the future hold for US catering? During the second bankruptcy, against membership interests, some 20+ ramp stations were closed in the name of saving a few hundred catering jobs at hubs and large stations.

There were no changes in the US IAM CBA in regard to catering, and at US the DONT stock the lavs. That would be ramp or a vendor depending on the station.
It's an acknowledged fact by many on this forum, including yourself, that small stations were closed to save catering. I'm curious to know what lengths the NC will go in JCBA talks to save these few privileged employees.

I don't think catering will go away    even in the JCBA talks.   Most of the stations will see increase in ML flights when AA and US metals are added in together.   as for lavs  Ive never heard of catering restocking lavs.   ramp and or other cleaners do that.    since u truly hate US  you might as well stay away from the new AA given its the US/HP folks running the show.   just stay w WT's fav airline that he staunchly defends  and all will be ok w you... 
Correct I concur the negotiatiors will give away even more to protect these privileged jobs to the detriment of the membership. There's a reason so few carriers operate catering in house. Wouldn't everyone be better served with more scope and $30+/hr than saving a few hundred insignificant catering jobs at CLT & PHL?

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