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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Please correct me if I'm wrong.
- Current AA TWU CBA concerning holidays: 5 each year. If you work the holiday you receive time and a half plus your regularly scheduled hours. Equal to double time and one half. If you are not scheduled to work you receive nothing.
- Current US IAM CBA concerning holidays: 7 each year. 8 hours of holiday pay for all members. Regardless, if you are scheduled to work or not. Member working receives, in effect, double time. Member not scheduled to work receives 8 hours holiday pay.
- What language, concerning holiday pay in the respective CBAs, is better? Please compare. Where should the NC go from here regarding this one Article? The floor is open for discussion free from personal attacks.
ograc said:
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
- Current AA TWU CBA concerning holidays: 5 each year. If you work the holiday you receive time and a half plus your regularly scheduled hours. Equal to double time and one half. If you are not scheduled to work you receive nothing.
- Current US IAM CBA concerning holidays: 7 each year. 8 hours of holiday pay for all members. Regardless, if you are scheduled to work or not. Member working receives, in effect, double time. Member not scheduled to work receives 8 hours holiday pay.
- What language, concerning holiday pay in the respective CBAs, is better? Please compare. Where should the NC go from here regarding this one Article? The floor is open for discussion free from personal attacks.
Cargo we receive time and one half. Nothing more. It used to be double and a half and if you were off on the Holiday you got that on your first day back. And we had at one point Thanksgiving and the day after as Holidays. Now that was a check.

The floor is open to massive improvements being needed.
WeAAsles  what holidays do u have at AA besides Thanksgiving and Xmas?    At PMUS we have New Yrs day, MLK, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th  Labor Thanksgiving and Xmas  
robbedagain said:
WeAAsles  what holidays do u have at AA besides Thanksgiving and Xmas?    At PMUS we have New Yrs day, MLK, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th  Labor Thanksgiving and Xmas
robbedagain said:
WeAAsles  what holidays do u have at AA besides Thanksgiving and Xmas?    At PMUS we have New Yrs day, MLK, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th  Labor Thanksgiving and Xmas
July 4, Labor, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day.

That's all she wrote.
robbedagain said:
In JCBA itd be sweet to get 10 holidays. Time n half for holidays or double time working holidays?
Sorry Robbed. You're low-balling in your thoughts there. I want at the very least what I once had returned to me. 10 Holidays at Double Time and One Half. And if I'm off on the Holiday I want it the day I return to work, paid.
WeAAsles said:
Cargo we receive time and one half. Nothing more. It used to be double and a half and if you were off on the Holiday you got that on your first day back. And we had at one point Thanksgiving and the day after as Holidays. Now that was a check.

The floor is open to massive improvements being needed.
Duly noted regarding this issue. Going into JCBA talks the TWU AA agreement is inferior to the existing CBA at US. The future combined NC should take notice. A gap that needs fixing,   
WeAAsles said:
Sorry Robbed. You're low-balling in your thoughts there. I want at the very least what I once had returned to me. 10 Holidays at Double Time and One Half. And if I'm off on the Holiday I want it the day I return to work, paid.
Robbed doesn't seem too far off. 1.5xs for working the holiday and being able to 'bank' the straight time for future use would come out to 2.5x pay. The only kicker is making everything beyond 8/10 hours paid at 2.5x or 3x pay. As far as getting holiday pay if you're off, then yes, revert to the old rule of first day back is holiday.
one thing if I can remember  in the older contracts was something regarding 4 day work  3 days off    I have not heard much regarding that but how would that be to folks?   I know some folks might like that kind of thing rather than use swaps to do 2 doubles n a single for example
blue collar said:
Robbed doesn't seem too far off. 1.5xs for working the holiday and being able to 'bank' the straight time for future use would come out to 2.5x pay. The only kicker is making everything beyond 8/10 hours paid at 2.5x or 3x pay. As far as getting holiday pay if you're off, then yes, revert to the old rule of first day back is holiday.
I would be ok with banking the extra 8 hours of pay off a 2.5x holiday if I knew what the ease of use was going to be. If I have to put in for a day off one month in advance I wouldn't find that to be too enticing. One week or more ok.

As far as OT on a holiday, on the rarest of occasion when we had it that they did hold you over, yes the pay continued at 2.5x. A deiceing event on a holiday could wind up being a substantial winfall.
robbedagain said:
one thing if I can remember  in the older contracts was something regarding 4 day work  3 days off    I have not heard much regarding that but how would that be to folks?   I know some folks might like that kind of thing rather than use swaps to do 2 doubles n a single for example
We still have it in our contract but I don't know many stations where it's used. In DFW it was tried for only one bid but morons complained that they thought OT should be paid after 8 hours so it was done away with. If you voluntarily choose a 10 hour shift of course OT should not be paid until after your shift.

For me I would jump on it in a heartbeat. I don't work OT or extra hours and would enjoy the extra day off. With the rebanking going on maybe management will revisit the idea in the future?
WeAAsles said:
I would be ok with banking the extra 8 hours of pay off a 2.5x holiday if I knew what the ease of use was going to be. If I have to put in for a day off one month in advance I wouldn't find that to be too enticing. One week or more ok.

As far as OT on a holiday, on the rarest of occasion when we had it that they did hold you over, yes the pay continued at 2.5x. A deiceing event on a holiday could wind up being a substantial winfall.
If I remember, you had to put in for a bank day no less than 5 or 7 days before you wanted to take it. You could put in with less time, but it wasn't always approved.

The reason I mentioned the OT needed to be spelled out is that currently you would 'fall back' to 1.5x for any hours after 8 (or 10).
blue collar said:
If I remember, you had to put in for a bank day no less than 5 or 7 days before you wanted to take it. You could put in with less time, but it wasn't always approved.

The reason I mentioned the OT needed to be spelled out is that currently you would 'fall back' to 1.5x for any hours after 8 (or 10).
Those WERE called PV (Paid Vacation) days and you could take up to 5 per year that came out of your vacation bank for next year. The company has said that they are doing away with that program.

All OT paid on our side now is at 1.5x no matter how many hours you work. If you work less than 40 hours in a week and sign up and get called in for day off, it's paid out as straight time until you go over 40. The exception is early call or holdover. The hours you have for the week don't matter. It's paid out at Time and one half irregardless.
FWIW, at DL we get 10 holidays. Five of them are "non premium" holidays, and employees get a paid day off to float elsewhere. The other ones are "premium" days, and if working, you have the choice of either taking the DT, or moving the day elsewhere. Since some people prefer time off (like me), and some prefer the $$$, it's a good set up. Availability can be an issue, though...

As for 10's? I'm all about that. Not only do compressed work schedules allow an extra day off, they can also mean a de facto raise for someone no longer having to make a long drive in, one less day of day care, etc.
Kev3188 said:
FWIW, at DL we get 10 holidays. Five of them are "non premium" holidays, and employees get a paid day off to float elsewhere. The other ones are "premium" days, and if working, you have the choice of either taking the DT, or moving the day elsewhere. Since some people prefer time off (like me), and some prefer the $$$, it's a good set up. Availability can be an issue, though...As for 10's? I'm all about that. Not only do compressed work schedules allow an extra day off, they can also mean a de facto raise for someone no longer having to make a long drive in, one less day of day care, etc.
On a personal note. I had that 4 day workweek when I worked for FedEx over 20 years ago. Friday Saturday Sunday off. It was by far the best work schedule I ever had.
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