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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Thanks rat
no problem T5towbar may can weigh on this but I believe in the UA agreement there is substantial shift differential. Trouble the scope language is so poor it's hard to look at that part .
Excellent post roa yes I noticed that day 1 our ta was signed! Even the banker has been largely "quiet"
cltrat said:
no problem T5towbar may can weigh on this but I believe in the UA agreement there is substantial shift differential. Trouble the scope language is so poor it's hard to look at that part .
They do have 3 rates of shift differential. High .40's to low .50's I believe. Funny thing is it looks almost exactly like what we had prior to the 03 concessions. The reason it's still in our TA at 1 2 and 3 cents was to keep a placeholder essentially to bargain for its return in the future.
this is not something in the cards for me but what are you guys thoughts on a buy out? I know several here in CLT who are thinking retirement but holding back hoping for a buy out.
I don't really disagree Harry but on the otherhand I'd hate to walk away then a couple months later they offer up something. But as I said it's not in the cards for me. I need about another 10 years.
WeAAsles said:
They do have 3 rates of shift differential. High .40's to low .50's I believe. Funny thing is it looks almost exactly like what we had prior to the 03 concessions. The reason it's still in our TA at 1 2 and 3 cents was to keep a placeholder essentially to bargain for its return in the future.
I would like to see that WeAAsles if you're stuck at night at least you get a little chedder  for it
cltrat said:
this is not something in the cards for me but what are you guys thoughts on a buy out? I know several here in CLT who are thinking retirement but holding back hoping for a buy out.
My 2 cents Rat. I've been hearing about the carrot on the stick since I hired on 19 years ago. That's what I think of buyout's and packages. Nothing more than carrots on a stick that's attached to the old horse to keep him moving.

Pick a date, your date. And no matter what rumors you hear and from who they are, go. None of us have a clue how long our lives might be after we retire and why give the daily grind one more day than it deserves?

My date is May 4, 2027. My 62nd birthday. I may even move to a foreign nation to live even more comfortably than I would here in the States.

And Rat go with no regrets. If a package comes out even one week later so what. Don't look back. Look forward and have a fantastic, adventure filled retirement.
cltrat said:
no problem T5towbar may can weigh on this but I believe in the UA agreement there is substantial shift differential. Trouble the scope language is so poor it's hard to look at that part .
Yeah. We had shift differential for years, but lost it in 2004 I think. (sCO). I don't know what sUA's was. It probably was the same or better since they were getting paid more than us, till the BK and the 09 contract.We recently brought it back in 09, and that was one of the parts that was inserted in the contract. 48 cents (mid shift) and 54 cents (evening). It helps the junior people a lot since most are on afternoons. There is also a rate for split shifts as well. I think that is 57 cents.
What I miss the most is the "market rate" differential for higher costs cities. sCO had that and it was a good deal. And SFO and MIA had an separate rate as well. That was an additional dollar. But that was eliminated due to "harmonization". That's an 160.00 hit per month! The base rate was adjusted in the contract so no one would take a loss on their present pay. All will be caught up by next year.
WeAAsles said:
My 2 cents Rat. I've been hearing about the carrot on the stick since I hired on 19 years ago. That's what I think of buyout's and packages. Nothing more than carrots on a stick that's attached to the old horse to keep him moving.

Pick a date, your date. And no matter what rumors you hear and from who they are, go. None of us have a clue how long our lives might be after we retire and why give the daily grind one more day than it deserves?

My date is May 4, 2027. My 62nd birthday. I may even move to a foreign nation to live even more comfortably than I would here in the States.

And Rat go with no regrets. If a package comes out even one week later so what. Don't look back. Look forward and have a fantastic, adventure filled retirement.
THIS. Kinda says it all buy out rumors will go on & on. I stayed at that rat hole until I was 66. I do not recommend that for any one. Best wishes to each of you.
Historically, buyouts were issued during periods of significant downsizing as was the case a couple of years after the US/Piedmont merger in the early 90’s. As far as I can remember, only one... or maybe two more were ever offered, and they were far less generous than the first one.
There is a chance that the JCBA language may allow for something similar to the language in the last agreement. However, I think it would depend on each Member’s circumstances in terms of lay-off or displacement status. Of course... this brings us full circle right back to job protection, and scope post merger. To trigger any potential buyout language, there would need to be job losses, unless the Committee bargains for an early retirement buyout of some sort to purge senior workers.
One thing for certain is this... you can bet every executive and VP have the ultimate buy-out package... the "Golden Parachute"! They are GUARANTEED preposterous sums of money even if they under perform, and are asked to leave the Company. I think if I were on the N/C... I would bring that up to them if they balked at a buy-out for Fleet. Better yet... ask everyone sitting on the Company side of the table how much their contractual severance guarantee is!
T5towbar said:
Yeah. We had shift differential for years, but lost it in 2004 I think. (sCO). I don't know what sUA's was. It probably was the same or better since they were getting paid more than us, till the BK and the 09 contract.We recently brought it back in 09, and that was one of the parts that was inserted in the contract. 48 cents (mid shift) and 54 cents (evening). It helps the junior people a lot since most are on afternoons. There is also a rate for split shifts as well. I think that is 57 cents.

Thanks Towbar.
What I miss the most is the "market rate" differential for higher costs cities. sCO had that and it was a good deal. And SFO and MIA had an separate rate as well. That was an additional dollar. But that was eliminated due to "harmonization". That's an 160.00 hit per month! The base rate was adjusted in the contract so no one would take a loss on their present pay. All will be caught up by next year.
I 100% agree with "Market Rate" or better still the wording "COLA" for locations where it is much more expensive to live and our members are suffering because of it. 

I've been told by members who live in low cost areas (Southern locales) that they believe "COLAS" are anti - union. I call pure BS on those people who say that. The reality is that they want to have their cake and eat it too and have no regard for people who either like or are forced to live in expensive cities.

Another thing people say is "Well they can move here then." Why should they feel compelled to do that? And especially if they DO NOT want to. It's comments like this that I consider anti - union.

For the sake of considering EVERY member in the system I really hope this is reintroduced and implemented in the future.
roabilly said:
Historically, buyouts were issued during periods of significant downsizing as was the case a couple of years after the US/Piedmont merger in the early 90’s. As far as I can remember, only one... or maybe two more were ever offered, and they were far less generous than the first one.
There is a chance that the JCBA language may allow for something similar to the language in the last agreement. However, I think it would depend on each Member’s circumstances in terms of lay-off or displacement status. Of course... this brings us full circle right back to job protection, and scope post merger. To trigger any potential buyout language, there would need to be job losses, unless the Committee bargains for an early retirement buyout of some sort to purge senior workers.
One thing for certain is this... you can bet every executive and VP have the ultimate buy-out package... the "Golden Parachute"! They are GUARANTEED preposterous sums of money even if they under perform, and are asked to leave the Company. I think if I were on the N/C... I would bring that up to them if they balked at a buy-out for Fleet. Better yet... ask everyone sitting on the Company side of the table how much their contractual severance guarantee is!
I of course love the sentiment Roa but in all honest reality if you use that approach and say something like that to them you just may get the response "How many of you went to the Wharton School of Business"

The better approach is to try and attempt a package through comparing a cost analysis to keeping higher wage, older workers as opposed to bringing in lower paid younger ones. The problem with that also though is that you know they have already compared the data and it would be happening right now if there wasn't something financially preventing it? That's why in the past buyouts have been offered usually at the cost to someone who hasn't even walked in the door yet.

Should our Unions even consider entertaining harming the unborn so to speak anymore just because some of us would like to get the hell out of Dodge with a little gold in our satchel?
I don't think you have to go that far...
We had language guaranteeing 100 EO spots every year. Double the normal severance, and a "bridge" to retiree medical (if applicable).
Some years, they were all taken, others not.
When you're at the table, it's positioned as a way to get TOS workers off the payroll.
When you're in the breakroom, it's positioned as not only a nice (optional) way to leave a little early, but also as possible upward mobility for junior(er) people.
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