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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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700UW said:
You have to know Freedumb on the Transition Agreement voted for it gloated about all the money he was going to get and threw his coworkers under the bus at numerous stations got outsourced.

All the PMUS people were telling him and other PMHP people that would happen if he voted for the money.
Obviously for me money was a big motivation but you would do well to recall my economic arguments at the time ..

I was then deeply worried about the economy and I to this day remain so ...I believe that within my career our company will be nationalized by the USG...

That's another reason that I'm also big on schedule flexibility. ..When the hammer drops someday we will need to be able to be fluid in our work schedules. .
DFWFSC said:
At AA you have to work the actual holiday to get holiday pay, if your off you do not get anything. This year Christmas and New Years are on Thursdays along with Thanksgiving. If your off on Thursdays you loose out on 3 of 5 holidays this year. Our holiday pay is 1.5X so for some people being home with family is worth more than the extra 4hrs pay. That's why 300 people call in sick on Christmas day.
How is that holiday pay if you have to be at work on the holiday? That's just awful ..you get 5 holidays but only if you work them? That's as bad as our sick leave that used to really punish you for being sick. .
freedom said:
How is that holiday pay if you have to be at work on the holiday? That's just awful ..you get 5 holidays but only if you work them? That's as bad as our sick leave that used to really punish you for being sick. .


Maybe you should resurrect the doom journal. I cant believe you are still around.

Famous quote from "freedom":

"because i know more about the U.S economy than anyone on this message board or at my company US Airways ...

Remeber when i started talking to you about inflation and deflation and you called it "crazy talk " .... those are economic terms 🙄

i'm an economist because i LOVE economics and it comes naturally to me ..."

Just wanted you all to take what he says about fleet service with caution.
Yes i'm still here ...
and so are the serious fundamental economic problems of the United States ....
Trillion dollar wars , Trillion dollar losses in the housing markets , poorly capitalized banks, paycheck to paycheck society , employment skills imbalance, ect ect ....
and then the magic wand was waved and now poof everything is better without any hard work .... EVERYTHING IS BETTER ............... keep telling that to yourselves ...
i stand here Defiant to the end when it comes to the economy , i will NOT back down , i will NOT renounce my views on the true state of the US Economy .... 
Uncle Ben and Aunt Janet have been juicing this country like there's no tomorrow , markets built from pure CRACK , and the sickness has manifested itself now beyond just stocks ... Houses are spouting up like Weeds here in AZ again ( which is total BS! ) ... They're giving cars away like they're CANDY ! turn on the radio and listen to those ads , it's madness!  a Trillion dollars in student loan debt and what are the lessons we've learned ? oh i know lets lower the interest rates a bit on the repayment plans , where is the common sense that should have prohibited people from even being extended loans for fields that have no employment ? NO LESSONS LEARNED ... 
FED still has the peddle pushed all the way to the floor with Zero , oh wait i'm sorry, correction 0.25% interest rates ... 
I don't believe there's been a recovery , i believe that MORAL HAZARD IS DEAD and that everyone's asleep at the wheel , the wealth effect is riding high for now , people spending because "hey my 401K is looking good , i'm rich !" but the true economy is SICK .... 
I guess i'm lucky to be a baggage handler because i sure wouldn't cut it as an economist ... 
freedom said:
Yes i'm still here ...
and so are the serious fundamental economic problems of the United States ....
Trillion dollar wars , Trillion dollar losses in the housing markets , poorly capitalized banks, paycheck to paycheck society , employment skills imbalance, ect ect ....
and then the magic wand was waved and now poof everything is better without any hard work .... EVERYTHING IS BETTER ............... keep telling that to yourselves ...
i stand here Defiant to the end when it comes to the economy , i will NOT back down , i will NOT renounce my views on the true state of the US Economy .... 
Uncle Ben and Aunt Janet have been juicing this country like there's no tomorrow , markets built from pure CRACK , and the sickness has manifested itself now beyond just stocks ... Houses are spouting up like Weeds here in AZ again ( which is total BS! ) ... They're giving cars away like they're CANDY ! turn on the radio and listen to those ads , it's madness!  a Trillion dollars in student loan debt and what are the lessons we've learned ? oh i know lets lower the interest rates a bit on the repayment plans , where is the common sense that should have prohibited people from even being extended loans for fields that have no employment ? NO LESSONS LEARNED ... 
FED still has the peddle pushed all the way to the floor with Zero , oh wait i'm sorry, correction 0.25% interest rates ... 
I don't believe there's been a recovery , i believe that MORAL HAZARD IS DEAD and that everyone's asleep at the wheel , the wealth effect is riding high for now , people spending because "hey my 401K is looking good , i'm rich !" but the true economy is SICK .... 
I guess i'm lucky to be a baggage handler because i sure wouldn't cut it as an economist ... 
Why am I writing this?

(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

After all it’s already common knowledge among economists, Fed officials, and an increasing number of sophisticated investors.
Maybe so, but it’s still not common knowledge among politicians and among the general public. A lot of people still think that the US is under some risk of one day becoming like Greece, and it’s distorting our public debate.


In fact, there is little in economic theory, or in the data presented for the United States, that supports this proposition. While we do believe that projected unsustainable deficits in coming decades should be addressed, there is no solid evidence that we are approaching a tipping point. In fact, the greatest threat to economic growth is policy inaction fueled by deficit fears.

Freedom has a long history of tossing ludicrous comments into this forum as red herrings. Generally, what happens is this -- he will write comments designed to inflame and sidetrack the forum. My advice is for everyone here to not let him bait you into preposterous arguments that are a complete waste of bandwidth, and neurological activity!
I don’t even have to provide examples... because he just did!
Let's talk retirement options. You guys are in the IAMPF and we currently have a 5.5% 401 match. The association has stated that they will make participation in the pension a priority in joint talks. I'm not looking to debate the merits of the Pension at this time but to gauge an opinion on the 401K if that also became an option for your side.

The APFA in their decision during the BK as to how best to set up the formula for the 401K took a tiered approach over a one size fits all. A new hire I believe under 40 will only receive from the company a 3% contribution. As a member ages that goes up. Over 40 is a 5.5% match and over 50 is a 9.9% match.

I like this approach for multiple reasons. First it puts the new hire automatically in the retirement system and starts them rolling. Young people rarely consider retirement and many times it's almost too late when they start. The second thing I like is the over 50 allows someone to play catch up and more than likely they're at the top out rate so it's compounded against that.

Whatever our retirement options ultimately wind up being I hope that our negotiators consider this approach. I've heard people say that it's discriminatory to the younger and more junior on the ladder? NONSENCE. None of us are immune from aging and it all equals out as time goes by. Giving a 5.5% match to those on a lower scale does not maximize savings later on down the line as much as the tiered system does.

I would like to see that 401k w match option in addition to the pension  but I would also like to see if we cld have the option of adding to the pension as well      WeAAsles  I too hope our JCBA Negotiators will consider that approach u described.
robbedagain said:
I would like to see that 401k w match option in addition to the pension  but I would also like to see if we cld have the option of adding to the pension as well      WeAAsles  I too hope our JCBA Negotiators will consider that approach u described.
I don't think you could legally or practically contribute more to your pension directly as an individual as the payouts are supposed to be defined. A DBP is not the same as a 401K in that regard.
I'm not terribly interested in a 401K's match, I would rather have more money go into my pocket so that I can choose how to spend it .
freedom said:
I'm not terribly interested in a 401K's match, I would rather have more money go into my pocket so that I can choose how to spend it .
If you are someone who is fiscally responsible or has the means to be able to fund your retirement adequately I would agree with you. But not all people are and I also know way too many who live for today and tomorrow is not even a thought in their minds. That kind of thinking eventually leads people to wind up hitting the brick wall down the road.

So because of those people and being that I'm a part of a Union I have no issue with any direct wages I may be able to have or gain being diverted for my future.
Look when we direct more of our compensation package to the 401K's all that happens is that we get less control over our own money ...

We are all adults here, people need to be responsible for their own future. ..
freedom said:
Look when we direct more of our compensation package to the 401K's all that happens is that we get less control over our own money ...

We are all adults here, people need to be responsible for their own future. ..
I agree one hundred percent.  
I dont need a baby sitter, and i dont want to be someone elses... thats why i get taxed social security taxes and thats why our kids and grandkids will be taxed it to provide for us... do we really need to double dip and double be responsible for others lack of planning?
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