Yes i'm still here ...
and so are the serious fundamental economic problems of the United States ....
Trillion dollar wars , Trillion dollar losses in the housing markets , poorly capitalized banks, paycheck to paycheck society , employment skills imbalance, ect ect ....
and then the magic wand was waved and now poof everything is better without any hard work .... EVERYTHING IS BETTER ............... keep telling that to yourselves ...
i stand here Defiant to the end when it comes to the economy , i will NOT back down , i will NOT renounce my views on the true state of the US Economy ....
Uncle Ben and Aunt Janet have been juicing this country like there's no tomorrow , markets built from pure CRACK , and the sickness has manifested itself now beyond just stocks ... Houses are spouting up like Weeds here in AZ again ( which is total BS! ) ... They're giving cars away like they're CANDY ! turn on the radio and listen to those ads , it's madness! a Trillion dollars in student loan debt and what are the lessons we've learned ? oh i know lets lower the interest rates a bit on the repayment plans , where is the common sense that should have prohibited people from even being extended loans for fields that have no employment ? NO LESSONS LEARNED ...
FED still has the peddle pushed all the way to the floor with Zero , oh wait i'm sorry, correction 0.25% interest rates ...
I don't believe there's been a recovery , i believe that MORAL HAZARD IS DEAD and that everyone's asleep at the wheel , the wealth effect is riding high for now , people spending because "hey my 401K is looking good , i'm rich !" but the true economy is SICK ....
I guess i'm lucky to be a baggage handler because i sure wouldn't cut it as an economist ...