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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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psa8979 said:
AF readers/posters the starting point/floor in AAL JCN and a SCBA now that the ASSOCIATION will have a HUB and many more Members is the CA. Labor Laws. Those Members that don't live in CA. and plan on being on JNC should familiarize themselves with them. We need to be paid 2X after working 12 hrs. is one example.
Fish On !
I'm relatively certain that CA Labor Laws will not be relevant, as the Federal RLA supersedes any, and all state labor laws. Fortunately for us in NC, this is the case, as we we would be considered "right to work" and without representation!
roa wasn't there a lawsuit out there on these ot issues in Cali?
cltrat said:
roa wasn't there a lawsuit out there on these ot issues in Cali?
This one?
Unless some Federal Agency amends the RLA (Insert Rand Paul here) it will ALWAYS prevail over State Laws. However, this class action could change that, if it goes far enough... Supreme Court perhaps...
roabilly said:
I'm relatively certain that CA Labor Laws will not be relevant, as the Federal RLA supersedes any, and all state labor laws. Fortunately for us in NC, this is the case, as we we would be considered "right to work" and without representation!
I'm relatively certain the Federal Railway Labor Act supersedes any and all state labor laws. The unions representing workers of the airline industry fall within the RLA. This is why employees working for an airline, and a particular classification where a bargaining representative (union) is legally recognized by the National Mediation Board, must be members (closed shop). Individual state labor laws, such as "right to work", are superseded by this Federal Law. All airline workers fall under the jurisdiction of the Railway Labor Act. 
Cargo, you are correct...
Rand Paul wants to change all of that with the National Right to Work Act. Pay close attention to any potential candidates that support this bill before pulling the handle in November!
I don't think the CA lawsuit will prevail and/or alter the status quo in that regard...
roabilly said:
Cargo, you are correct...
Rand Paul wants to change all of that with the National Right to Work Act. Pay close attention to any potential candidates that support this bill before pulling the handle in November!
I don't think the CA lawsuit will prevail and/or alter the status quo in that regard...

Rand Paul strikes out concerning union representation. Another politician looking to erode the strength and influence of the middle class union represented citizen. It is indeed time for the middle class, brown bagging, American union represented workers to pay attention to the candidates who support our cause and those who don't. It is time we exercise our right and freedom to vote accordingly. Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom to choose our leadership in this country. A freedom that has come at a great cost. IMO... all of us, should feel obligated to exercise this freedom, considering the sacrifice many have made.
Semper Fi!
The point is that in JCN the floor should be based on Labor Laws like CA. that benefit and protect ALL Members in a JCBA .So, the Company Suits can't use RLA to screw US in Court.
psa8979 said:
The point is that in JCN the floor should be based on Labor Laws like CA. that benefit and protect ALL Members in a JCBA .So, the Company Suits can't use RLA to screw US in Court.
I understand your position concerning getting as much as possible in a JCBA. The CAL labor laws are probably a good bench mark to shoot for in a CBA like the OT 12 hr rule you cited.
However, The RLA is a double edge sword. When you view the scope of all that it encompasses state by state, it does more good than harm to Airline Employees, especially in the Southern States that are typically anti-union. As I said earlier, NC would argue that if State Laws prevailed over the RLA in CA, then they should prevail over it in NC as well! This would open a can of worms, allowing an argument for opening shops, and eradicating represented labor in ALL right to work states!
The lawsuit could potentially do more harm to labor than good...
But... not nearly as much harm as the NRTWA!
ograc said:
Rand Paul strikes out concerning union representation. Another politician looking to erode the strength and influence of the middle class union represented citizen. It is indeed time for the middle class, brown bagging, American union represented workers to pay attention to the candidates who support our cause and those who don't. It is time we exercise our right and freedom to vote accordingly. Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom to choose our leadership in this country. A freedom that has come at a great cost. IMO... all of us, should feel obligated to exercise this freedom, considering the sacrifice many have made.
Semper Fi!
Rand Paul is a far-right Koch Brothers lackey!
Here is some Apache FLIR for you enjoyment!
Semper Fidelis!
Let's compare Holidays and compensation. Let's compare sick time accrual and compensation policies. A review of attendance policies from one carrier to the other needs to be brought to the light. The floor is open to any AA TWU member to provide factual information. I'm certain there is a gap between carriers on both issues. These are the gaps that need to be addressed in JCBA talks. These are the gaps that need to be brought to the attention of all the members. Let's exercise due diligence before we decide what needs to be fixed. One issue (Article) at a time. The floor is open to input.
roabilly said:
Cargo, you are correct...
Rand Paul wants to change all of that with the National Right to Work Act. Pay close attention to any potential candidates that support this bill before pulling the handle in November!
I don't think the CA lawsuit will prevail and/or alter the status quo in that regard...
I dont understand the many times we have had democrats in both houses of congress and and the white house why taft-hartley is still a law allowing states to have such laws in the first place... by allowing that law to stay in place for the last 67 years democrats have allowed the possibility of a  national right to work federal act... 
this is the problem with big labor becoming a democrat whore..it screwed us in this regard, its screwed us in obama care we need  to start to ask as a group why staying connected to the democrat party exclusively has been such a wise idea 
PHXConx said:
I dont understand the many times we have had democrats in both houses of congress and and the white house why taft-hartley is still a law allowing states to have such laws in the first place... by allowing that law to stay in place for the last 67 years democrats have allowed the possibility of a  national right to work federal act... 
this is the problem with big labor becoming a democrat whore..it screwed us in this regard, its screwed us in obama care we need  to start to ask as a group why staying connected to the democrat party exclusively has been such a wise idea 
The answer is “Corporate Lobbyist”! The corporations are now considered “People” thanks to the GOP efforts in the Citizens United ruling. I have always been against corporate influence in American Politics. I supported a third party with Ross Perot as a member of United We Stand. Everyone here thinks that I’m a liberal, or a Democrat, but I actually support the formation of a third party, sans special interest groups!
That third party I wish for will NEVER happen because of special interest money from the likes of the Koch Brothers, and Corporate Super PACS. The Democratic Party receives corporate funding as does as the Republican Party, although the percentages can be debated as to which party receives the most.
In closing, there is no way anyone can deny that the Republican Party is anti-union. They make no effort to hide it publicly, and it has only escalated since the Reagan years...
PHXConx said:
I dont understand the many times we have had democrats in both houses of congress and and the white house why taft-hartley is still a law allowing states to have such laws in the first place... by allowing that law to stay in place for the last 67 years democrats have allowed the possibility of a  national right to work federal act... 
this is the problem with big labor becoming a democrat whore..it screwed us in this regard, its screwed us in obama care we need  to start to ask as a group why staying connected to the democrat party exclusively has been such a wise idea 
I find your argument that Democrats are to blame for the National Right to Work Act interesting, and convoluted...
First... The Taft-Hartley Act was orchestrated and written by Robert Alphonso Taft, and  Fred Allan Hartley, Jr. who were BOTH Republicans!
Second... President Harry S. Truman, who was a Democrat, vetoed the bill, and it was consequently overridden by the House and Senate in 1947 making it law.
Third... The argument that Democrats should have unraveled decades of State Legislation in the Republican majority "Right to Work States" (and since they failed to do so ) it has empowered Republicans like Rand Paul to seek anti-labor legislation like the National Right to Work Act is insane!
This is like saying that customers that keep their money in banks are responsible for enticing, and empowering bank robbers, because they have provided a catalyst for the crime to be committed in the first place -- so they are actually the criminals!
roabilly said:
This one?
Unless some Federal Agency amends the RLA (Insert Rand Paul here) it will ALWAYS prevail over State Laws. However, this class action could change that, if it goes far enough... Supreme Court perhaps...
Win the battle, loose the war.
Best option is to get the other states to come up to KommieFornia standards, giving the RLA a state by state by state ruling will bite everyone in the butt eventually.
Maybe some of you union guys can explain it to them.
roabilly said:
The answer is “Corporate Lobbyist”! The corporations are now considered “People” thanks to the GOP efforts in the Citizens United ruling. I have always been against corporate influence in American Politics. I supported a third party with Ross Perot as a member of United We Stand. Everyone here thinks that I’m a liberal, or a Democrat, but I actually support the formation of a third party, sans special interest groups!
That third party I wish for will NEVER happen because of special interest money from the likes of the Koch Brothers, and Corporate Super PACS. The Democratic Party receives corporate funding as does as the Republican Party, although the percentages can be debated as to which party receives the most.
In closing, there is no way anyone can deny that the Republican Party is anti-union. They make no effort to hide it publicly, and it has only escalated since the Reagan years...
Well, we complained about lobby reform for decades and now we have it...
They made it worse. No doubt the lobbyists run the country, regardless of political affiliation. DemoRats love it, RepubliRats love it as well.

Politicians are not acting in our best interests, haven't for many years.
Get rid of lobbyists, in 'all' forms is the answer.
B) xUT
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