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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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psa8979 said:
DD= Paperless Pay /WINGS. Thanks AA. Also, many former AWA/FS Agents in US/LCC Stations are happy to be scheduled minimum hrs. like SAN because they're working other job's and primarily work for FB's. We need to get back  in JCN and SCBA either 0 P/T or % PT by Station to restore FS as a career not a job working for FB's. Fish On !
I can tell you from the last negotiations. We wanted to make the PT ratio based on per city. But the company does it based on system wide. At the time, we were only 28% PT system wide. Our contract says they can go to 40%. Maybe we can get that better in the jcba. But I can assure you, 40% system wide was as good as we were getting in these past talks. Having said that, I agree with your post. I would like it to be per city also!
WeAAsles said:
In our contract prior to the BK we had status system protection language. Myself for example was FT protected. If there was a layoff in my station the company had to guarantee me a job somewhere in the system. Along with that the penalties assessed were either a moving allowance or the company had to move my belongings and I received a $12,500 compensation for my hardship. Prior to our 03 givebacks usually your status protection came from whatever you were on the date of signing of a new contract.

Part of our 03 givebacks was that we gave the company some relief in that area. Anyone hired after July of 1998 no longer received protection status. 

I truly believe that we should keep past contracts in mind as we negotiate for our future.

(On a side note. Your status protection was associated with a letter. S, for FT protection and E for PT protection. Those letters as of today are still next to peoples names under the system seniority roster?)
That's a good point... what we have had in prior agreements tend to be forgotten and there were some good details for the Membership.  Of course, scope is obvious, but other issues as related to PT/FT ratios, furlough protections, moving expenses, severance packages, recall rights, etc.  I am of the opinion PHX will see some real cuts in a few years and the JCBA should recognize this real possibility.
As a sidenote, I am not aware of any letter identifiers next to our rooster names, outside knowing that PT vs. FT have different protections in the event of a furlough.
Jester said:
That's a good point... what we have had in prior agreements tend to be forgotten and there were some good details for the Membership.  Of course, scope is obvious, but other issues as related to PT/FT ratios, furlough protections, moving expenses, severance packages, recall rights, etc.  I am of the opinion PHX will see some real cuts in a few years and the JCBA should recognize this real possibility.

Unfortunately some well respected airline analysts have expressed that possibility in the future. I think it's wise to pay attention to them and gather all the information and possibilities you can from all sources.
As a sidenote, I am not aware of any letter identifiers next to our rooster names, outside knowing that PT vs. FT have different protections in the event of a furlough.

It's in our Jetnet database under seniority lists. It's a recognizer for both us and the company. In the past it was a good thing to know if you were going to be laid off in determining what decision you were going to make for your options.

And at last check I am NOT a Rooster.

Jester said:
That's a good point... what we have had in prior agreements tend to be forgotten and there were some good details for the Membership.  Of course, scope is obvious, but other issues as related to PT/FT ratios, furlough protections, moving expenses, severance packages, recall rights, etc.  I am of the opinion PHX will see some real cuts in a few years and the JCBA should recognize this real possibility.
As a sidenote, I am not aware of any letter identifiers next to our rooster names, outside knowing that PT vs. FT have different protections in the event of a furlough.
You make good points. But being on the negotiating committee with all the other guys, I can assure you, nothing we had in prior agreements went unoticed with this negotiating team. We had copies or access to copies of everything. This was just the first step of the big step for our work group. I like that we are finally talking about specifics that the negotiating team needs to be aware of, thanks Ograc for getting us all on the same page. It will be beneficial to all!!
charlie Brown said:
You make good points. But being on the negotiating committee with all the other guys, I can assure you, nothing we had in prior agreements went unoticed with this negotiating team. We had copies or access to copies of everything. This was just the first step of the big step for our work group. I like that we are finally talking about specifics that the negotiating team needs to be aware of, thanks Ograc for getting us all on the same page. It will be beneficial to all!!
At this critical time discussions should be focused on contractual issues and expectations as we move toward JCBA talks. This forum is a great tool to discuss issues, consider opinions and hopefully come to a consensus on what we should be after in JCBA talks. It's refreshing to see it not being hijacked for personal agendas and politics that lead to division. We are all in this together. We have much in common and I believe many seek the common good for the combined group. If we can stay on topic, respect and consider others opinions and refrain from personal attacks this forum will indeed be beneficial to all.

ograc said:
At this critical time discussions should be focused on contractual issues and expectations as we move toward JCBA talks. This forum is a great tool to discuss issues, consider opinions and hopefully come to a consensus on what we should be after in JCBA talks. It's refreshing to see it not being hijacked for personal agendas and politics that lead to division. We are all in this together. We have much in common and I believe many seek the common good for the combined group. If we can stay on topic, respect and consider others opinions and refrain from personal attacks this forum will indeed be beneficial to all.
WeAAsles said:
I truly believe that we should keep past contracts in mind as we negotiate for our future.

(On a side note. Your status protection was associated with a letter. S, for FT protection and E for PT protection. Those letters as of today are still next to peoples names under the system seniority roster?)
Just curious, what has been the TWU's agreement on furloughed fleet agents?  We have had some convoluted "juniority" in the event of furlough, with a guarantee of a full-time position for full-time employees only, as the Company will hold open positions throughout the system (read PHL and DCA).  Full-time gets up to $2,000 in moving costs and we had 4 years of recall rights.  Part-time get bupkis, outside of 4 years of recall rights.
What has been the number of years in the recall for AA fleet?  How are furloughed agents assigned... bump and flush or some "juniority" system or any company guarantees?  Moving expenses?
As you can probably figure... I don't think fleet agents should be buying a new house in Phoenix anytime soon.
Jester said:
Just curious, what has been the TWU's agreement on furloughed fleet agents?  We have had some convoluted "juniority" in the event of furlough, with a guarantee of a full-time position for full-time employees only, as the Company will hold open positions throughout the system (read PHL and DCA).  Full-time gets up to $2,000 in moving costs and we had 4 years of recall rights.  Part-time get bupkis, outside of 4 years of recall rights.
What has been the number of years in the recall for AA fleet?  How are furloughed agents assigned... bump and flush or some "juniority" system or any company guarantees?  Moving expenses?
As you can probably figure... I don't think fleet agents should be buying a new house in Phoenix anytime soon.
I'm not sure about how much the company will reimburse for travel expenses since that's up to company policy as outlined under Article 15D of our CBA. Like I pointed out earlier, there are no longer any guarantees for a job but you can displace the least junior member in the system if you are being laid off. Usually how that works is you fill out your option sheet with your choices and when your name comes up they look at the juniority list and wherever that member is if you picked that station is where you're going. 

And your status doesn't mean anything anymore. If someone is junior to you, you can bump him. The possibility is that you can be PT and wind up bumping a FT member. Oh and of course you can fill a vacancy too if there are any available.

As far as recall that's 10 years

As we move forward I think it is important to keep in mind that our Brothers and Sisters at AA have sacrificed a great deal to keep the airline solvent. Like the former US Fleet they have endured many hardships through bankruptcy. There is much to be regained for all. This newly merged airline is projected to make remarkable profits in the future. The JCBA needs to insure past sacrifices are regained and the combined Fleet Service group reaps some of the profits of being employed by the #1 carrier. IMO... the first step is job protection. Let's protect the work currently covered and seek more in other stations. This should be the long term goal in JCBA talks for the common good and betterment of all members. As always... the floor is open for discussion and opinion.    
agree there Cargo.   Grandfather all of the cities in the JCBA to keep the protection,  raise the wages  etc
ograc said:
As we move forward I think it is important to keep in mind that our Brothers and Sisters at AA have sacrificed a great deal to keep the airline solvent. Like the former US Fleet they have endured many hardships through bankruptcy. There is much to be regained for all. This newly merged airline is projected to make remarkable profits in the future. The JCBA needs to insure past sacrifices are regained and the combined Fleet Service group reaps some of the profits of being employed by the #1 carrier. IMO... the first step is job protection. Let's protect the work currently covered and seek more in other stations. This should be the long term goal in JCBA talks for the common good and betterment of all members. As always... the floor is open for discussion and opinion.    
Cargo you guys have absolutely started the process by allowing me to be a part of your discussions on this thread and the great connections I've made because of it. You guys have also been a tremendous help in getting me information that I can share with members on my side who've been displaced out of their stations and make the thought of returning home a little easier and maybe even less scary.

I spoke earlier in the thread about the system protection status and that was a massive thing to lose on our part along with the $12,500 special moving allowance. That was put into play a very long time ago because back in the 70's the company basically used to farm out members wherever needed and without any advance notice either. They told me back then that they would be told on a Friday that they needed to report somewhere on Monday. No moving allowance, no assistance, no nothing. Of course because of needing to get airport ID's that's now impossible for the company to do especially if one needs a customs seal. But I love knowing why that came about in the first place and it's important to understand the history of things.

Protecting work should always be emphasis #1 for any union. Even if it means finding creative solutions to keep and gain more.
AF readers/posters the starting point/floor in AAL JCN and a SCBA now that the ASSOCIATION will have a HUB and many more Members is the CA. Labor Laws. Those Members that don't live in CA. and plan on being on JNC should familiarize themselves with them. We need to be paid 2X after working 12 hrs. is one example.
Fish On !
WeAAsles said:
Cargo you guys have absolutely started the process by allowing me to be a part of your discussions on this thread and the great connections I've made because of it. You guys have also been a tremendous help in getting me information that I can share with members on my side who've been displaced out of their stations and make the thought of returning home a little easier and maybe even less scary.

I spoke earlier in the thread about the system protection status and that was a massive thing to lose on our part along with the $12,500 special moving allowance. That was put into play a very long time ago because back in the 70's the company basically used to farm out members wherever needed and without any advance notice either. They told me back then that they would be told on a Friday that they needed to report somewhere on Monday. No moving allowance, no assistance, no nothing. Of course because of needing to get airport ID's that's now impossible for the company to do especially if one needs a customs seal. But I love knowing why that came about in the first place and it's important to understand the history of things.

Protecting work should always be emphasis #1 for any union. Even if it means finding creative solutions to keep and gain more.
A process that needs to be in place going forward. Let's continue the discussion. Let's get on the same page. Let's become a united front. Please pass this advice to your fellow members; One who does not learn from history is destined to repeat it. Let's learn from history, consider what we had and what we have sacrificed as we go into JCBA talks. Most importantly; let's move forward and  united with a determination to regain what has been lost. United we stand; divided we fall!
Lock and Load!
just my thoughts here   for JCBA   double time for hrs worked over 8 and or on day off.. similar to 99 agreement.   100% sick pay day 1;   grandfather all current cities    more holidays added on  401k match
As we begin to enter JCBA talks with the company it will be of critical importance that the combined membership remains supportive of the combined NC. I know I am "preaching to the choir" to the members of this forum. The message is intended to the many members who follow and view this forum. It is imperative the NC has the memberships' support and patience. This could be a long and hard fought battle. Especially if the company is after jobs and concessions. It will fall on deaf ears! 
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