The last 2 raises we've received came in January (2013) and April of this year... On the surface, i'd expect maybe 1 more before Sept. 2015, but they might also use profit sharing as an excuse not to?
thats because we already have a raise coming THIS september, it was negotiated for NEXT year on purpose... or would you just like the old standard flat 2% each year like the old cba?? this is simple stuff thanks for keeping upHope777 said:NEXT SEPTEMBER..... Says it all
The CBA goes on to read, "No displacement: effective with the implementation of cross utilization at a specific station, no employee will be involuntarily displaced from that specific station." Any cross utilization will not result in displacement from the specific station for members at either LAA or LUS. 2 steps ahead? Check. No synergies for the company here.Black Magic said:Company was already 2 steps ahead and got that in this cba. From the term sheet: Cross Utilization- "the company may utilize LAA employees to perform US fleet service work at any location where the IAM and TWU represent Fleet Service Employees."
Any member who is monetarily disadvantaged, by a delay in the implementation of the ratified agreement from the DOS, should file a grievance for remedial action. Pay raise, sick time compensation, probationary employee improvements etc. The agreement does not state effective once we can get work brain programed. Heads up GC Chairs. Effective date is DOS!T5towbar said:
The newly ratified contract states the parties must be prepared to enter into joint talks within 30 days of signing. Prior to this happening; the NMB must either recognize the newly formed "Association" as the legal Bargaining Representative of the combined group or call for a representation election. Once the "Association" is recognized or voted in by the membership a joint Negotiating Committee must be established. This committee must meet and discuss the priority issues going into negotiations. Additionally, this discussion will be based on presumed survey results from the members of the combined group. The sick time compensation improvements and probationary employee improvements were agreed to on the date of signing. Both await the company's ability to program the improvements into work brain. So much for firm deadlines. There is much that has to take place before the parties sit down across the table. All in good time. Now let's begin discussion on what needs to be gained, for all members, before we enter into JCB negotiations. Patience is a virtue freedom and good things come to those who exercise it.
That's so true. Patience has it's rewards....
Why is it that it always takes so long to implement improvements into Work Brain, but it always deducts or take away quickly and fast?
It will be a while before everything is correct, trust me...........
WN's industry leading wages and benefits are soon to be a thing of the past. They are just beginning to experience the "growing pains and nuances" with this industry. Negotiations are not going well. WN wants more PT and outsourcing. Their "darling of the industry" days are coming to a close from a member's point of view.Hope777 said:Why shouldn't WN be used? They are the NUMBER 1 Domestic carrier in the US and spreading it's LUV Internationally
Thank you for the kind words 700. Semper Fi!700UW said:Cargo, You would have and still would make a great AGC.
Honor - Courage - Commitment. Virtues I believe in. Virtues I have past on to my sons. Virtues the Marine Corps is founded on. I guess that's why both sons have chose to serve as Marines. I believe a candidate should be considered for election on these virtues alone. Any candidate who relies on being elected with negative campaigning does not measure up to one, if not all, of these virtues. Thank you for your recognition and support ROA. I was not elected by the membership over two years ago. I respect the membership's wishes. I continue to serve. Semper Fi!roabilly said:Agreed!
Cargo is a man of HONOR... not one time during his campaign did he resort negative comments or name calling. He is extremely knowledgeable, with decades of active involvement as a Trade Unionist...
Most importantly... he has the patience to deal with freedom... hell, that's worth six figures a year in itself!
could one be involuntarily displaced to Parttime ?ograc said:The CBA goes on to read, "No displacement: effective with the implementation of cross utilization at a specific station, no employee will be involuntarily displaced from that specific station." Any cross utilization will not result in displacement from the specific station for members at either LAA or LUS. 2 steps ahead? Check. No synergies for the company here.
ograc said:The CBA goes on to read, "No displacement: effective with the implementation of cross utilization at a specific station, no employee will be involuntarily displaced from that specific station." Any cross utilization will not result in displacement from the specific station for members at either LAA or LUS. 2 steps ahead? Check. No synergies for the company here.
Would you have preferred the contract company continued to do that work rather than your co workers? The company were within their rights to continue doing so but instead gave the work to you. Why do you have a problem with that?Black Magic said:
That still doesn't force the hand of the company to hurry up and give a jcba. Here in phx the US ramp is working AA flights all day everyday and I'm sure its the same for AA stations. It's business as usual as far as the company is concerned.
Are you the latest Nelson incarnate here to preach negativity, and union weakness?Black Magic said:
That still doesn't force the hand of the company to hurry up and give a jcba. Here in phx the US ramp is working AA flights all day everyday and I'm sure its the same for AA stations. It's business as usual as far as the company is concerned.
So my guess is that you have a problem with making as you calculate $24.53 per hour in another 14 months? ($51,000 per year) And that's because someone else has a better base rate than you? So the FACT that your medical and station staffing language blows away everyone else out there has no meaning to you then?Black Magic said:
From what I gather it will be top pay scales of United, Delta, and US airways average total pay. So for as a rough example in 2015 top pay at United is at $24.60, US at $23.00, and Delta I'm not sure what it is currently but I've heard around $26 (it fluctuates because of no union but they are always paid more than union represented ramp). So you add all those up and divide by 3 and get $24.53 as the average. In which that number will also be compared to AA scale. I'm probably missing longevity pay in there aslo. Important that profit sharing numbers at other carriers will not be included in those calculations either. It is also of note that by most business reports the new AA will have the highest profit margins compared to the other legacy carriers, sadly they will pay its labor force the least on avg.