The newly ratified contract states the parties must be prepared to enter into joint talks within 30 days of signing. Prior to this happening; the NMB must either recognize the newly formed "Association" as the legal Bargaining Representative of the combined group or call for a representation election. Once the "Association" is recognized or voted in by the membership a joint Negotiating Committee must be established. This committee must meet and discuss the priority issues going into negotiations. Additionally, this discussion will be based on presumed survey results from the members of the combined group. The sick time compensation improvements and probationary employee improvements were agreed to on the date of signing. Both await the company's ability to program the improvements into work brain. So much for firm deadlines. There is much that has to take place before the parties sit down across the table. All in good time. Now let's begin discussion on what needs to be gained, for all members, before we enter into JCB negotiations. Patience is a virtue freedom and good things come to those who exercise it.
That's so true. Patience has it's rewards....
Why is it that it always takes so long to implement improvements into Work Brain, but it always deducts or take away quickly and fast?
It will be a while before everything is correct, trust me...........