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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Black Magic said:
Hey now..don't be turning the tables on me because the IAM dropped the ball on this one.  I say shame on the IAM negotiating team for allowing the largest most profitable airline to pay its workforce the least of the other carriers for years to come.
Alright let's try a different approach here. Where do you feel that your NC should have drawn their line in the sand for how much they would accept? Of course you need to factor in that the company understands that we will begin negotiating for a JCBA to realize ALL the synergies they want almost immediately after you get what you want.

Taking a hard line stance is not necessarily a bad thing but you have to balance that with an understanding of the business as well, otherwise you're just going to go on spinning your wheels waiting for something that will take a very long time to come if ever.
robbedagain said:
Is PHX the only station where US does AA? Black magic our unions are going to ask for more when the jcba starts
Robbed because of your new CBA you are going to get all of AA metal in stations where you are currently staffed and that do not violate our CBA for station staffing (Goodbye sub contractors). What Black Magic doesn't understand is how many people that may affect to maintain and grow jobs on your side until we receive the JCBA.
that's what I had figured on    its also my understanding that the AA furloughed folks will be offered jobs but if they come back they would keep their seniority for pay only and bid under US folks   Can you confirm that?   ive heard theres only 4 or 5 from my station      The ramp here for them was long ago farmed out to Eagle (I believe)
WeAAsles said:
Robbed because of your new CBA you are going to get all of AA metal in stations where you are currently staffed and that do not violate our CBA for station staffing (Goodbye sub contractors). What Black Magic doesn't understand is how many people that may affect to maintain and grow jobs on your side until we receive the JCBA.
Just to tease this out a little, lemme ask you this:

Using BWI as an example, let's say US hires 70 rampers (just a made up number) to handle the AA work. AA rampers still have recall. Once a JCBA is reached, what happens to them? How 'bout the US people that have been hired (or anyone junior, really) in the interim?
good quest Kev  I would say if the scope stays the same and the no furlough in place  then  DOH plays a role   
robbedagain said:
that's what I had figured on    its also my understanding that the AA furloughed folks will be offered jobs but if they come back they would keep their seniority for pay only and bid under US folks   Can you confirm that?   ive heard theres only 4 or 5 from my station      The ramp here for them was long ago farmed out to Eagle (I believe)
I have heard more details about it but I'd rather wait until it comes out officially. 2 reasons for that. #1 it's not my place to put out info that people are kind enough to share with me before they do and #2 until something is official I always consider it to be rumor and I don't like to spread rumor. I'm sure you understand.
Kev3188 said:
Just to tease this out a little, lemme ask you this:

Using BWI as an example, let's say US hires 70 rampers (just a made up number) to handle the AA work. AA rampers still have recall. Once a JCBA is reached, what happens to them? How 'bout the US people that have been hired (or anyone junior, really) in the interim?
According to the association facts there will be no system flush. So those newly hired will get to keep there jobs and those with recall will have to wait until there are openings to get back in.

Let's take a page from the worst kept secret floating around out there though. Say an AA guy takes the offer that's maybe coming up soon about going back to their old station essentially as an IAM new hire and another does not and wants to wait until a JCBA to have their full seniority in the integration. That first guy will be home and when the JCBA is reached will regain his former seniority (More than likely in the next shift bid in that station) while the other guy will need to wait.

I didn't see any stipulations on new hires and have to agree that once he's a part of his or her perspective unions is entitled to the same fair treatment that any member should have.
robbedagain said:
good quest Kev  I would say if the scope stays the same and the no furlough in place  then  DOH plays a role   
Not sure? I know on our side we use Occupational Seniority. If you started say on 1/1/95 in a different department in the company and came over to fleet on 1/1/98 your seniority for bidding purposes in the classification would be the 98 date. The 95 date would only be for bidding vacation and vacation accumulation.

If you bid for Crew Chief (Lead) and are awarded it your seniority would also be the 98 date.
WeAAsles said:
I have heard more details about it but I'd rather wait until it comes out officially. 2 reasons for that. #1 it's not my place to put out info that people are kind enough to share with me before they do and #2 until something is official I always consider it to be rumor and I don't like to spread rumor. I'm sure you understand.
Oh and wanted to add one more thing to this Robbed since you said the station you work at was outsourced a long time ago. Our recall is only for 10 years back to the station we were layed off from. So if that 10 years has passed those members are no longer entitled to be on the recall list any longer and would have to place a transfer in the system to get back if that's what they want.
I believe it was nov of last year or the yr before WeAAsles  when it was outsourced for AA.  That info had come from a former AA employee who is a neighbor of mine..     it sounds like your occupational seniority is very similar to what we call Classification Date   I have that which is 7-98 bec I made an attempt at Customer Service but ended back up as FSA
WeAAsles said:
Robbed because of your new CBA you are going to get all of AA metal in stations where you are currently staffed and that do not violate our CBA for station staffing (Goodbye sub contractors). What Black Magic doesn't understand is how many people that may affect to maintain and grow jobs on your side until we receive the JCBA.
Actually, it might be just the opposite, at least, from the furloughed US agent point-of-view.  The use of sub-contractors would be a "holding spot" until the JCBA has been reached.  If AA hires people off the street in a station from which US had furloughed agents, then those new hires would not be bumped out upon completion of a JCBA.  Furthermore, as I understand the situation, US agents are not allowed to apply and accept any open AA positions without resigning from US first and lose on seniority and payscale.  As I said in a previous post, the recently ratified CBA addressed furloughed AA agent plight, but ignored the hundreds of furloughed US agents.  Sub-contractors would be the best friend for furloughed US agents wanting to return to their station.
robbedagain said:
that's what I had figured on    its also my understanding that the AA furloughed folks will be offered jobs but if they come back they would keep their seniority for pay only and bid under US folks   Can you confirm that?   ive heard theres only 4 or 5 from my station      The ramp here for them was long ago farmed out to Eagle (I believe)
As much as the EWR guys at both LGA and JFK want to get back to EWR, you'd be hard pressed to find one that would go back at the bottom of the food chain.
Top pay is useless if you're getting the crap knocked out of you every day.
The NY One Station is  TWU under the Alliance anyway due to weight of PMAA numbers.They've said they'll wait till a JCBA.
JFK Fleet Service said:
As much as the EWR guys at both LGA and JFK want to get back to EWR, you'd be hard pressed to find one that would go back at the bottom of the food chain.
Top pay is useless if you're getting the crap knocked out of you every day.
The NY One Station is  TWU under the Alliance anyway due to weight of PMAA numbers.They've said they'll wait till a JCBA.
I don't pretend to be an expert on NYC transit, but I would imagine one could be furloughed from EWR, and still keep the same home while working in either LGA and JFK.  In PHX, we have people displaced from LAS, SNA, PIT, and AUS (and some who are still commuting hundreds of miles) who would eagerly accept a recall from either US or AA, as they will still be on the bottom of the seniority list regardless
Jester said:
Actually, it might be just the opposite, at least, from the furloughed US agent point-of-view.  The use of sub-contractors would be a "holding spot" until the JCBA has been reached.  If AA hires people off the street in a station from which US had furloughed agents, then those new hires would not be bumped out upon completion of a JCBA.  Furthermore, as I understand the situation, US agents are not allowed to apply and accept any open AA positions without resigning from US first and lose on seniority and payscale.  As I said in a previous post, the recently ratified CBA addressed furloughed AA agent plight, but ignored the hundreds of furloughed US agents.  Sub-contractors would be the best friend for furloughed US agents wanting to return to their station.
I see your point of view but 2 things. #1 I don't think you have as many people on furlough from closed stations as you didn't lose as many as us because of that Tier 1, 2, (3) gig that kept most of your statons active? #2 AA people would have to apply for a job as well IMO if they wanted to move somewhere that they didn't formerly work. 

Like say I wanted to go to CLT. I've never worked there before so I very much doubt I would be offered to work there without being a complete new hire in every way. I would have to wait till there is a JCBA before I could put in a transfer unless I was off my rocker and was willing to give up my 19 years for my love of the Queen City and the Billy Graham Library.
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