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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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You still dont get it.
If the Alliance doesnt pass, according to what the IAM and TWU are putting out is there will be no more representation by either union.
Stick to financial matters, when it comes to this, you are no an expert.
700UW said:
You still dont get it.
If the Alliance doesnt pass, according to what the IAM and TWU are putting out is there will be no more representation by either union.
Stick to financial matters, when it comes to this, you are no an expert.
But my point would still stand there would be no involvement in the DL 141 elections for USAIR and Tim and most importantly the IAM would be decertified.
robbedagain said:
personally Tim  I don't even know how serious these violations are  or if its serious enough to warrant a DOL investigation  but one thing I have to ask is  how could Tracy have 500 ballots knowing she needed say 1000  that's quite a discrepancy there.
josh...I do believe P Rez knows what he's talkin about  after all hes been in the top area now for a few yrs...  The alliance is what threw the company off.  The company never thought the TWU and the IAM would join forces..  
The alliance is a good thing.  The responsibility of the ballots lies with the district. THe district knew how many members it had in CLT. The bylaws actually say that the S/T will provide sufficient amount of ballots and no other ballots will be used. The reason why the faxed ballots were invalid, but counted, was because the members had to write their names on the ballots, thus not providing a secret ballot.  The tellers tampered with the ballots and removed the names/number with the ballot.  That is illegal.  That said, the district went ahead and counted those 79 ballots because those ballots kicked out 3 U4C candidates who would have otherwise won.
Robbed, there are serious violations against the members.  The DOL will order a rerun.  Not because I said so, but because the District violated the members rights.  The District had to commit such crimes if it didn't want its ass kicked in the election.  From start to finish, kicking off candidates, to the last day of counting.  The reality is, this gives the membership an opportunity to just wipe out all incumbents in the next election which will be supervised. 
P. REZ said:
Will you support U4C if they run 37 UA people in 16? A simple yes or no will do?
P. Rez
P rez,
Did the District violate the bylaws and laws?  Let me ask you a fairly basic question,  why didn't you even have a ballot that followed the district bylaws?   Why did AGCS drive vans on positive space?  Why did AGCs drive vans and campaign on the company positive space and violate our contract?  Such things and videos will be supplied to the DOL and the DOL will have to make phone calls to the airlines to match PS travel reservations supplied and compare that to video of things that are simply not incidental to union business.  Why didn't you guys allow me to give you my campaign material, even though I was going to pay for it, for the District to mail out so that the membership would have been informed?
Cripes, at any rate, if we had Cinderella dates for the evil doers they would have experienced great pain. As your self appointed Enforcer, I intend to rid the world of these evil doers with a 50 word vocabulary. Roabilly’s intellectual dishonesty is the greatest of these pollyanna evils. I fully intend to overturn every election held in the last twenty years, and get a re-vote for each one. Bylaws were violated, in-laws were violated, crimes were committed... I should be committed! 2014 was mortgaged for 2016. Obama Care is a third party evil. When I was on your dime, I spent only two dimes, what’s the fuss?
Sound familiar?
(George "W". Bush would be impressed)
737823 said:
But my point would still stand there would be no involvement in the DL 141 elections for USAIR and Tim and most importantly the IAM would be decertified.
You dont get it.
If the Alliance passes DL 141 will still be the representative on the property for the IAM represented stations, no change.
And if it fails, both the IAM and TWU will no longer be the union and the employees will be non-union.
Like I said, go work on some fraud for JP Morgan and and leave the union stuff to people who know what they are talking about.
josh  wanna make a bet that the IAM/TWU Alliance will be around vs you wanting to see USAIRWAYS/AA becoming non union?   Come on man
Bottom line is a Good RS would have called the district and requested more ballots.

She is the root cause of why there werent enough ballots, and Rick was responsible for the high turn out to VOTE AGAINST her and your slate as he pissed off people with his campaigning.
Dont answer him, he will try and use it against you and the district.
700UW said:
Bottom line is a Good RS would have called the district and requested more ballots.
She is the root cause of why there werent enough ballots, and Rick was responsible for the high turn out to VOTE AGAINST her and your slate as he pissed off people with his campaigning.
Let me get this straight... TR “might” have had enough ballots “if” RR had not created the high turn-out. Thus, Nelson’s own political machine malfunctioned, and created the very scenario that comprises most of his case for protest?
You can’t get anymore strange, and convoluted than this... my guess is the DOL will go over all of this insanity, laugh and move on to the next case...
People are asking if you would support an all UA ticket and I don't know what to tell them, help me out. Yes or no? 
P. Rez
See by him protesting the election, they will certainly grill Tracy as why she didnt request more ballots, knowing only 600 ballots were sent and she mailed out 100 or so absentee ballots, leaving 500 ballots for 900 eligible members to vote.
Rick isnt well liked out on the property and lots of shenanigans going on.
700UW said:
See by him protesting the election, they will certainly grill Tracy as why she didnt request more ballots, knowing only 600 ballots were sent and she mailed out 100 or so absentee ballots, leaving 500 ballots for 900 eligible members to vote.
Rick isnt not liked out on the property and lots of shenanigans going on.
So... essentially, Nelson will trigger an investigation that will lead back to his own political ticket? This is a made for Hollywood comedy script, with multi-layered subplots!
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