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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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700UW said:
We organized the ramp in 1995, he has been at since about 1991 or so.

Was he a help in any way getting you guys organized the first time?
So he has been like this for a long time.
He failed to gather enough cards in 1992 and then the company decimated the ramp since they were non-union.

He tried to sell his name list to the IBT for a job in 95.

After you guys had already gotten in the IAM or just before?
So as you can see its been a long time.
There was another union he tried to start before that and it was "Fleet Service United", he tried to solicit for the IBEW on US property while they were already IAM.

What year did he try to do that?
It goes on for a years.
I started at AA in 95. Actually never heard of Tim until he came on our FB pages to assist us against the short raid. He was touting up how great the TWU was and at the same time doing the opposite on here. Our little social media group got his number really fast.
700UW said:
We organized the ramp in 1995, he has been at since about 1991 or so.
So he has been like this for a long time.
He failed to gather enough cards in 1992 and then the company decimated the ramp since they were non-union.
He tried to sell his name list to the IBT for a job in 95.
So as you can see its been a long time.
There was another union he tried to start before that and it was "Fleet Service United", he tried to solicit for the IBEW on US property while they were already IAM.
It goes on for a years.
Who is "we"?

He tried to sell his name list to the IBT during the big push in 1994/1995 when it was the IAM, USWA and the IBT, tim was trying to help the IBT and they refused if I remember correctly he was a Steelworker supporter.
I dont remember the year, I think it was like 99 for FSU.
700UW said:
He tried to sell his name list to the IBT during the big push in 1994/1995 when it was the IAM, USWA and the IBT, tim was trying to help the IBT and they refused if I remember correctly he was a Steelworker supporter.
I dont remember the year, I think it was like 99 for FSU.
So his motivator could also be just plain old fashioned greed too? Remember a few times he made the comment about when the members PAID him and the way he wrote it almost sounded like a demand that to help them out in any way they would have to pay him again.

Some of you guys may have made it even worse by giving him a taste of the cashola? Kind of hard to turn your back on that lovely green she devil once she's laid down in your bed with you. You miss her and always seem to be chasing after her hoping she'll come back someday.

I remember him also saying things like "I'm fortunate that I have plenty of money" and other items like that.

Well he did demand AGC Pay for for Director of Organizing and was fired for that and a few other things.
700UW said:
Well he did demand AGC Pay for for Director of Organizing and was fired for that and a few other things.
Just a little fun for the morning. Remind you of anyone? "Sue Everybody"

Harry Callahan said:
I know who you won't see one from.
Unfortunately,  the voices of the membership have not been heard due to repeated and blatant violations.  Two things can happen,  lay down and just allow the blatant violations against the rights of the members, or fight and secure a rerun election that is fair.  Kicking off opposition from ballots, and violating almost every bylaw and every labor law isn't something to look the other way on.  I'll post the charges on this forum and here https://www.facebook.com/groups/IAMVOTINGIAM/
The leadership is well aware that it mortgaged 2016 for 2014, as the only way it could win was to do criminal actions.  Such won't be the case in 2016.  The silver lining in all of this is that we will have a "Two for One" and be able to have all positions on the entire eboard up for grabs.  In the meantime, we will continue building solidarity to finally take our union back from those that have continually violated the rights of the members.
Now that the Officers Elections are over, Tim Nelson is once AGAIN protesting the results, and calling for a DOL investigation and possible re-vote! I want every Member here to realize that this will ultimately cost YOU money, as the process places additional demands on resources -- specifically... your dues and tax dollars!
Be sure to thank Mr. Nelson for his consideration on your Leadership choices, and proper use of your hard earned money!
roabilly said:
Now that the Officers Elections are over, Tim Nelson is once AGAIN protesting the results, and calling for a DOL investigation and possible re-vote! I want every Member here to realize that this will ultimately cost YOU money, as the process places additional demands on resources -- specifically... your dues and tax dollars!
Be sure to thank Mr. Nelson for his consideration on your Leadership choices, and proper use of your hard earned money!
Like I said the man is going to keep chasing the tail. He won't be satisfied until he can somehow claw his way back up to that 100k per year gig. He doesn't care about the members, that's the biggest joke of all. I've read enough about Tim and his shenanigans and some of you guys have filled in the other blanks. He doesn't even know if he lost by a little or was completely slaughtered? He's going to play whatever angle he can get his hands on.

The reality is that it may be getting close to the end for him to try and weasel his way in? If the members at US ratify by an overwhelming majority and his scheme works we'll also be well on our way to securing if it already isn't done a JCBA by the time he gains a new election (If he even has grounds for it). If that JCBA is meaningful you can put a fork in Tim's agenda to rile up members through anger and dissatisfaction. I've noticed he has no other cards to play because he has a serious lack of experience from looking at his own posted resume. 

Time and the changing dynamics of our industry are going to make the man irrelevant.

What will he have left to try and sell?
robbedagain said:
what violations were done to warrant the election rerun?
robbed give him time to put together all his accusations. If they're found warranted by the DOL then he'll have his day in court so to say.

What amazes me is how well he knows and understands DOL rules to be able to do all the things he's done and continues to do but he has no clue how to understand his own TA, read other contracts and has no interest in researching the ACA to see how it MIGHT affect him?

What does that tell you?
thanks WeAAsles  As far as our TA  I do think it is a good one and its a step in the right direction leading into the JCBA   After I ask a few more questions this Friday I will cast my vote.   I hear ya bro. 
roabilly said:
Now that the Officers Elections are over, Tim Nelson is once AGAIN protesting the results, and calling for a DOL investigation and possible re-vote! I want every Member here to realize that this will ultimately cost YOU money, as the process places additional demands on resources -- specifically... your dues and tax dollars!
Be sure to thank Mr. Nelson for his consideration on your Leadership choices, and proper use of your hard earned money!
Although it pains me to exhaust outside remedies to make sure that the voice of the members is heard, it must be done to protect the rights of the members and to disallow the blatant and rampant criminal acts of our leaders.  Sit back and watch how this all plays out Roabily, you might learn something about how the law works.   Any cost to the membership will be on your peeps since they are the ones who intentionally violated all rights of the members.
The process is fairly quick, usually concludes in 6 months and I anticipate this one will be a quick decision by the DOL.   I'm hoping for much more as I will also be asking for the DOL to remove some of the leaders who did these transgressions against the masses.  I will present the case and protect the rights of the members and beat the IAM attorneys once again.    Not sure what I should say but in America we say, "We will get our day in court".  
robbedagain said:
what violations were done to warrant the election rerun?
The most obvious violation was running out of ballots in CLT and using some half-ass written ballots.  One might argue that people would have opted out of voting instead, thus altering the election outcome.
It is really shameful the way in which the IAM operates its elections... nothing online, relatively narrow window, and request for absentee ballots cannot be processed with 3 months notice.
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