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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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pjirish317 said:
tim,The question was posed to you when you started spouting off about a possible protest. So I'll ask it again. Had the U4C slate won, would you have protested the election results?
I asked that question and I'll answer for him since he wont. NO he would not have protested because he would be in the position and making the money that comes with it.

Tim Nelson does not care about the members. Tim Nelson cares about Tim Nelson.
#3 he is a proven liar.
Im waiting for the US Marshalls to come and arrest all the 141 leadership for their criminal acts as he stated they committed crimes.
The guy is clueless, I for one would never have him represent me.
700UW said:
#3 he is a proven liar.
Im waiting for the US Marshalls to come and arrest all the 141 leadership for their criminal acts as he stated they committed crimes.
The guy is clueless, I for one would never have him represent me.
There are laws in this country, and bylaws in this union, and these guys broke them.  This will run its process and Justice will be served. It won't happen overnight and will take time but this is a rerun.
Tim Nelson said:
There are laws in this country, and bylaws in this union, and these guys broke them.  This will run its process and Justice will be served. It won't happen overnight and will take time but this is a rerun.
Show the board what CRIMES they committed.
You dont understand the difference between criminal and civil.
Last time I checked your not a lawyer, not a judge, not a cop nor a congressman that wrote the laws, now are you?
So when is the US Marshal going to arrest everyone, as you stated they committed crimes.
Are you a prosecutor too?
Where did you get your J.D.?
Hope you have a good lawyer, slander and DOC can cost you a pretty penny.
700UW said:
Show the board what CRIMES they committed.
You dont understand the difference between criminal and civil.
Last time I checked your not a lawyer, not a judge, not a cop nor a congressman that wrote the laws, now are you?
So when is the US Marshal going to arrest everyone, as you stated they committed crimes.
Are you a prosecutor too?
Where did you get your J.D.?
Hope you have a good lawyer, slander and DOC can cost you a pretty penny.
700, I didn't have to be an attorney to whip INTL ass last year, and I don't need to have a vocabulary of more than 100 words to show bylaws and laws were broken.  Why do you keep asking me to show?  I already told you that the whole case will be made public.   And please bring me up on member in bad standing if your boys are innocent and I'm just running at the lip. I mean, if your boys didn't violate the bylaws like I just said, and didn't violate any laws like I just said, then you really should bring me up on charges.  LMAO.  I've already said I'm bringing up charges,  you need to either step up to the plate and have your boys bring me up on charges or stop running at the lip.
You didnt whip them, they VOLUNTARILY Agreed, how many times do I have to correct you on that?
The international did nothing wrong, it was the local lodges who didnt provide enough notice.
Spin what you want, but you get caught in your web of lies all the time.
You stated they committed crimes, go to the US Attorney's office and get them arrested.
You are totally clueless, dont try to practice law without a degree and license.
Its so funny, numerous people show you the correct information, and where to find it and you still dont know what you are talking about.
So once again, what crimes did they commit?
Back peddle alert, so now its Bylaws they broke, last time I checked a union's bylaws are not laws of the US, State or City.
700UW said:
You didnt whip them, they VOLUNTARILY Agreed, how many times do I have to correct you on that?
The international did nothing wrong, it was the local lodges who didnt provide enough notice.
Spin what you want, but you get caught in your web of lies all the time.
You stated they committed crimes, go to the US Attorney's office and get them arrested.
You are totally clueless, dont try to practice law without a degree and license.
Its so funny, numerous people show you the correct information, and where to find it and you still dont know what you are talking about.
So once again, what crimes did they commit?
Back peddle alert, so now its Bylaws they broke, last time I checked a union's bylaws are not laws of the US, State or City.
nobody is back peddling. Bylaws and laws. Im explicitly saying the the leadership intentionally violated its own bylaws and federal laws. In fact im screaming it. Now if that isnt true then they have a duty to charge me under the constitution with making such charges.

I know which federal agency to contact and its not the marshalls. As far as the intl case i was successful in winning a settlement, you are incorrect. I challenged the intl constitution and knew it better than the intl officers, and the dol ruled that the intl nomination process was not reasonable.

That case was great for the members as it finally freed the members up to have their first democratic election in 100 years.Bravo. oh and if what i said about the intl is inaccurate then they can charge me as well. Lmao
So now you know their intent?

You interviewed everyone involved and have proof they willingly broke bylaws and laws?

I hope you have a good lawyer and deep pockets.

Your words. If they broke criminal laws when are they going to be arrested and charged?

With each post you show your ignorance.
Tim Nelson said:
you don't have all the information.  I will present the case, and put the case online as well, diming out all of the violations.  There is also video feed that I will put up if I can get the tech part down that clearly shows AGC's driving vans in various airports and/or handing out campaign materials while on the company positive space dime as well [reservations copied and filed], which is a violation of the positive space as per the IAM contract of each carrier.  It doesn't matter if an AGC is on half vacation day or not. Participating by campaigning with company resources that are NOT incidental to union business is illegal.  But many bylaws and laws were violated, so before you come to a conclusion, carefully review the case.  I will accept any outcome when the membership doesn't have its voices violated. 
When it comes to an election at any Union in America I imagine the majority, if not all, could be rerun based on errors. When you have a democratic election process you have new people involved and there is a learning curve associated with processes that need to occur in all facets of that position, including elections. If there were no democratic elections and people were appointed to do the job they would know all the rules so to speak after a learning curve. The democratic election process is obviously the best way to go but with it comes new officers with a learning curve to deal with. So, I imagine any Union election could be considered for a rerun based on the fact that you have turnover in the election process and people aren't typically in their respective Union jobs for life. You have a right to challenge the process and I hope it makes you feel better, but in the end the members did cast their votes and I would have accepted the outcome either way.
What bothers me is that you threw me and others under the bus and you are fine with that. Now I have to go out and try to do damage control after the BS you and some of your team spread. How is this strategy of yours helping this membership against the real enemy, Corporate America? I have to say that I am disappointed in your actions during this election and I hope someday you could join the cause instead of fighting it. US and AA don't need to hire any Union busting firm because you do it for free. Ponder that for awhile.
P. Rez       

The question was posed to you when you started spouting off about a possible protest. So I'll ask it again. Had the U4C slate won, would you have protested the election results?

Can you honestly answer this question please. And I do mean HONESTLY answer.

I don't think you will answer because that HONEST answer would be NO. Because you would spin it as to say something like "there is no need to protest because rightousness won out and we will fix the violations for any future elections" or some other BS to that effect.
The only area that I can say from the things I've been told where you guys in the IAM messed up was not charging Tim with offenses years ago. It seems that there were multiply opportunities to do so and if you had you just may have been rid of a cancer that has plagued you for far too long now.

It seems like we're now stuck with him as well as all this crap he does can wind up affecting both Unions with the association.

If the opportunity ever presents itself again you pull the weed out from the roots, not just cut the top layer.
P. REZ said:
When it comes to an election at any Union in America I imagine the majority, if not all, could be rerun based on errors. When you have a democratic election process you have new people involved and there is a learning curve associated with processes that need to occur in all facets of that position, including elections. If there were no democratic elections and people were appointed to do the job they would know all the rules so to speak after a learning curve. The democratic election process is obviously the best way to go but with it comes new officers with a learning curve to deal with. So, I imagine any Union election could be considered for a rerun based on the fact that you have turnover in the election process and people aren't typically in their respective Union jobs for life. You have a right to challenge the process and I hope it makes you feel better, but in the end the members did cast their votes and I would have accepted the outcome either way.
What bothers me is that you threw me and others under the bus and you are fine with that. Now I have to go out and try to do damage control after the BS you and some of your team spread. How is this strategy of yours helping this membership against the real enemy, Corporate America? I have to say that I am disappointed in your actions during this election and I hope someday you could join the cause instead of fighting it. US and AA don't need to hire any Union busting firm because you do it for free. Ponder that for awhile.
P. Rez
Building unity is what i do. Any division is a witness upon the ladership.

As far as rerun elections, they are uncommon. There are over 750,000 locals/mid level/ intl union entities but only 10-15 rerun elections. If u guys keep effing with the wrong folks then what do you expect?

As far as learning curves, most of the charges will be exclusively against the district leadership which knows the bylaws and laws quite well.

For instance, why didnt the official ballot list the station and local number as the bylaws require?

Separately, ill participate as a candidate until this election comes to a close then step aside and just support other candidates, but ill also have to fight the backlash against usairways for pushing delaneys team a 4th time. Preliminary talks are to just have a united ticket since usairways goes delaney.
You don't build unity, you tear it down. Even the UAL people were telling you to shove off when you were getting involved in THEIR business for THEIR TA. I was on those FB pages that you didn't create or control.

You can write your own fictional autobiography but no one's buying or reading it.
WeAAsles said:
The only area that I can say from the things I've been told where you guys in the IAM messed up was not charging Tim with offenses years ago. It seems that there were multiply opportunities to do so and if you had you just may have been rid of a cancer that has plagued you for far too long now.
It seems like we're now stuck with him as well as all this crap he does can wind up affecting both Unions with the association.
If the opportunity ever presents itself again you pull the weed out from the roots, not just cut the top layer.
They did charge me and i was a member in bad standing for 5 years but i dont go away.
AT any rate, falsely accusing district officers with violations of bylaws and federal laws is grounds for charges against me. So either they are guilty or they are not upholding the bylaws.
And any reconciliation needs to start with the officers but their actions have been the exact opposite. Cant preach reconciliation while at the same time effing the wrong people who understand, and violating election rules.

I got 15 more years at this dance and it isnt any skin off my back trying to make matters right.

I can do this till the cows come home. Just stop the bullshit and quit violating members. This **** can spill further in other ways as well if they dont get their **** together and it can also affect other arms outside representation.Sheesh!
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