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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Jester said:
The most obvious violation was running out of ballots in CLT and using some half-ass written ballots.  One might argue that people would have opted out of voting instead, thus altering the election outcome.
It is really shameful the way in which the IAM operates its elections... nothing online, relatively narrow window, and request for absentee ballots cannot be processed with 3 months notice.
The violations are very great.  Yes, counting unofficial ballots from CLT is one of them, especially since they were also not secret.  If they voided those ballots, then a few U4C would have won, so they told us that they would count them and for us to just file charges.  But, there are about a dozen violations stronger than that one.  I should have the complete charges up for posting publicly on this website soon.  It will all be public record so that the members will be able to see how the current leadership has violated their voices for their own political gain.  I always felt that the focus should be on 2016 when we can just eliminate all of the officers, so there is some silver lining that they mortgaged 2016 for 2014 by knowingly violating all laws and bylaws.
Criminal Acts?
You are opening yourself up for slander.
And Jester, they werent hand written ballots, they were a copy of the regular ballot, I spoke to the person first hand who ran the election since Tracy couldnt, and why did Tracy do anything about  it?

CLT got 600 ballots sent to her, she then mailed out 100 absentee ballots, and yet notified no one that they only had 500 ballots for the remaining 900 members eligible to vote.
700UW said:
Criminal Acts?
You are opening yourself up for slander.
And Jester, they werent hand written ballots, they were a copy of the regular ballot, I spoke to the person first hand who ran the election since Tracy couldnt, and why did Tracy do anything about  it?
CLT got 600 ballots sent to her, she then mailed out 100 absentee ballots, and yet notified no one that they only had 500 ballots for the remaining 900 members eligible to vote.
Criminal acts.  Aren't that what actions are called that violate laws?  The IAM will have to plea bargain once again as The Enforcer has to once again put the cape on and protect the masses of this dysfunctional union.
And, the CLT ballots were not secret.  They had to sign their names on the actual ballot since the printer in CLT was only 11x  instead of 14x.  The ballots were faxed over from the District and the printer could only copy 11x.
Tim Nelson said:
Criminal acts.  Aren't that what actions are called that violate laws?  The IAM will have to plea bargain once again as The Enforcer has to once again put the cape on and protect the masses of this dysfunctional union.
And, the CLT ballots were not secret.  They had to sign their names on the actual ballot since the printer in CLT was only 11x  instead of 14x.  The ballots were faxed over from the District and the printer could only copy 11x.
You dont get it, you claim to know it all and you are truly ignorant.

Learn the difference between criminal and civil offenses, there were no criminal acts, your mouth is writing checks your body cant cash.
Show the board what criminal acts were done.
I hope Delaney and others read your posts and take appropriate action against you, no wonder why you were removed from office, fired from the district and cant win an election.
"The Enforcer" WOW! This guy really is one card short of a full deck.

Tim if the AGC job only paid your base company wage plus your expenses would you have even the slightest interest in the position?

Tim Nelson said:
Criminal acts.  Aren't that what actions are called that violate laws?  The IAM will have to plea bargain once again as The Enforcer has to once again put the cape on and protect the masses of this dysfunctional union.
And, the CLT ballots were not secret.  They had to sign their names on the actual ballot since the printer in CLT was only 11x  instead of 14x.  The ballots were faxed over from the District and the printer could only copy 11x.
Once again your own slate member caused the problem in the first place.
Second you are not the enforcer you are the cause of the problems and dysfunction, you been running for DL and GL positions for 20 years and havent won yet, you would think you would learn by now.
Learn the difference between criminal and civil law.
Show the board what criminal actions were done, tell us who is going to get arrested, tried and if convicted send to jail.
Show us the law they violated.
And if it was a criminal matter the US Attorney's office would handle it, not the DOL.
You are a legend in your own mind and you are your own worst enemy as well as the worst thing for the members.
700UW said:
You dont get it, you claim to know it all and you are truly ignorant.
Learn the difference between criminal and civil offenses, there were no criminal acts, your mouth is writing checks your body cant cash.
Show the board what criminal acts were done.
I hope Delaney and others read your posts and take appropriate action against you, no wonder why you were removed from office, fired from the district and cant win an election.
Yaawwwwnnnnn.   As far as their criminal acts, I already told the board that I will post the entire case against the union leaders on this board.  What's the fuss?
OK... Let me see if I have this straight...
Nelson is going to protest a supposed a violation that occurred in CLT regarding a shortage of ballots. Now... this “shortage” was ultimately caused by shortsighted incompetence of someone on his own ticket?
Isn't that kind of like a bank robber suing a teller for handing him a dye-pack?
roabilly said:
OK... Let me see if I have this straight...
Nelson is going to protest a supposed a violation that occurred in CLT regarding a shortage of ballots. Now... this “shortage” was ultimately caused by shortsighted incompetence of someone on his own ticket?
Isn't that kind of like a bank robber suing a teller for handing him a dye-pack?
The violations and crimes are real.   The CLT debacle is real but doesn't make the "Top 10" criminal actions. Making light of criminal actions against the rights of the members is not something that I consider in 'good taste'.  I will present the case, but my opinion vs IAM attorney opinion will not be the authority that makes the ruling.  We should all hope that the members voices will finally be heard and not violated.  I'd hope for this to happen soon but no later than 1.5 years.
I hope you have deep pockets accusing people of criminal behavior which is an outright lie is grounds for slander and defamation of character. Show us what crimes were committed, who is going to get arrested, charged, tried and convicted? You are truly a power monger who is clueless.

The question was posed to you when you started spouting off about a possible protest. So I'll ask it again. Had the U4C slate won, would you have protested the election results?
I bet when the numbers come out we'll find out that Tim got slaughtered? No amount of re-do's will change the outcome if that's the case. All it proves is 2 things. #1 the members DO NOT want Tim to represent them and #2 Tim is a sore loser.
Harry Callahan said:
IMO members voice has been heard. A certain person will not accept it.
you don't have all the information.  I will present the case, and put the case online as well, diming out all of the violations.  There is also video feed that I will put up if I can get the tech part down that clearly shows AGC's driving vans in various airports and/or handing out campaign materials while on the company positive space dime as well [reservations copied and filed], which is a violation of the positive space as per the IAM contract of each carrier.  It doesn't matter if an AGC is on half vacation day or not. Participating by campaigning with company resources that are NOT incidental to union business is illegal.  But many bylaws and laws were violated, so before you come to a conclusion, carefully review the case.  I will accept any outcome when the membership doesn't have its voices violated. 
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