Tim Nelson
The violations are very great. Yes, counting unofficial ballots from CLT is one of them, especially since they were also not secret. If they voided those ballots, then a few U4C would have won, so they told us that they would count them and for us to just file charges. But, there are about a dozen violations stronger than that one. I should have the complete charges up for posting publicly on this website soon. It will all be public record so that the members will be able to see how the current leadership has violated their voices for their own political gain. I always felt that the focus should be on 2016 when we can just eliminate all of the officers, so there is some silver lining that they mortgaged 2016 for 2014 by knowingly violating all laws and bylaws.Jester said:The most obvious violation was running out of ballots in CLT and using some half-ass written ballots. One might argue that people would have opted out of voting instead, thus altering the election outcome.
It is really shameful the way in which the IAM operates its elections... nothing online, relatively narrow window, and request for absentee ballots cannot be processed with 3 months notice.