By design700UW said:And your TA is way better than M&R, I can see Fleet passing, MTS passing but I think M&R is going down in flames.
Would you care to back up your statement?john john said:By design
How? Fleet has always got the bad end of the deal. While I am not at all impressed with this fleet ta since it accomplished nothing but pushed most of the items for future talks, I don't know of any mechanic who is actually voting yes on theirs. That's not true for fleet, I'd say over 60% here will vote for it although few are thrilled about the health care.john john said:By design
Maybe we can get some clarification. Is reduction from full time to part time, as a result of cross utilization, considered displacement?WeAAsles said:Is that something I missed in the writing Tim? If so then I'm absolutely glad to be corrected.
I appreciate WeAAsles question and your asking for clarification. We absolutely do need a clarification from Charlie Brown. The language says "no employee will be involuntary displaced from that location." Not sure if that means displaced outside the station, or displaced....period. At first glance, I believe this also means a full timer can't be displaced to part time and I still think that is the case, but this needs clarification for sure. Charlie Brown has been on here daily clarifiying things so I'm sure he can clarify the following:ograc said:Maybe we can get some clarification. Is reduction from full time to part time, as a result of cross utilization, considered displacement?
M&R vote down the TA and go back to the negotiation table and get improvementsIAM Member Here said:How?
I have to agree here with Black magic, as for the last 2 years, especially the last 6-8 months, all we've been hearing from our NC, is be patient, this is Section 6, this is the most leverage we will possibly ever have going forward !!!!!!!!! Then we were told there were 6 items that we would absolutely NOT budge on here PERIOD !!!! Be Patient, this is the process, it WILL BE WORTH IT !!!!!Black Magic said:And a NO vote it will be from me. This contract screws the PT"s even more..with your boy Obozo gas and grocery prices are at all time record highs and this payscale doesn't cut it. Hell airline rampers were making $24 an hour back at the turn of the millennium when gas prices were $1.25 a gallon not $4 which we are a currently. DP and gang are going to laugh all the way to the bank when fleet accepts this contract! With all the airlines now merged up, unheard of record profits are to come. This contract is a drop in the bucket and the IAM gave away all the leverage.
Jimmy Neutron said:I have to agree here with Black magic, as for the last 2 years, especially the last 6-8 months, all we've been hearing from our NC, is be patient, this is Section 6, this is the most leverage we will possibly ever have going forward !!!!!!!!! Then we were told there were 6 items that we would absolutely NOT budge on here PERIOD !!!! Be Patient, this is the process, it WILL BE WORTH IT !!!!!
All of that being said, we NEVER received our scheduled raises for the last 2 years, (printing error my A**) and now after all of the hype, what we get is only a fraction of what was taken off us over the last 15 years, only some of the 6 Items that they were supposed to not MOVE -ON !!!! No profit sharing, and the ultimate, is US having to settle for working the last 2 1/2 years with NO RAISE by giving away our RETRO money by sharing it with everyone by giving every FT-er $1500 🙁 You've got to be kidding me !!!! I can assure you, that a check for less then 2 weeks pay doesn't come close to making up for OUR sacrifices ((especially $$)) that each and every senior agent here has had to endure, all the while, all these CEO's and VP's have reaped HUGE payments all along, and the agents here with less then 5 years now get the same, so in essence, WE now have to share our RETRO that we should have been paid with everyone ???????? Any signing bonus should and could have been done quickly, by LONGEVITY, example, agents with 30+ years getting say $3500 and stepping down $500 increments every 5 years down to $500 max for less than 5 years !!!! VERY SIMPLE and much more fair !!!! Truly sad, the way this company treats and feels about it's workers who made the ULTIMATE sacrifices !!!!!!!!!!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying it's all bad and I'm not throwing blame at any-one person, just the ENTIRE PROCESS, as SECTION 6 and the SO-CALLED leverage never ever materialized at all 🙁(((( It just goes to show you, that the little man in this world has been BULL-DOZED completely over by the government, the RICH and Powerful and sadly OUR UNION itself 🙁((
I have to say that I am voting NO, myself, but from what I'm hearing, most people are just completely worn out, and defeated to the point where people are so hungry for anything, they will crawl around feverishly on the ground fighting each other just to get those crumbs the company has literally thrown on the floor --- TRULY SAD !!!!
Jimmy I highlighted two areas you wrote in RED because what I see is two things. One is jealousy and the other is emotion. Neither one of those things (as understandable as they are) pay your bills. No money isn't everything. People seem to have to demand that respect. Personally I could care less if the company I work for respects me as long as they pay me! So let's talk pay.Jimmy Neutron said:I have to agree here with Black magic, as for the last 2 years, especially the last 6-8 months, all we've been hearing from our NC, is be patient, this is Section 6, this is the most leverage we will possibly ever have going forward !!!!!!!!! Then we were told there were 6 items that we would absolutely NOT budge on here PERIOD !!!! Be Patient, this is the process, it WILL BE WORTH IT !!!!!
All of that being said, we NEVER received our scheduled raises for the last 2 years, (printing error my A**) and now after all of the hype, what we get is only a fraction of what was taken off us over the last 15 years, only some of the 6 Items that they were supposed to not MOVE -ON !!!! No profit sharing, and the ultimate, is US having to settle for working the last 2 1/2 years with NO RAISE by giving away our RETRO money by sharing it with everyone by giving every FT-er $1500 🙁 You've got to be kidding me !!!! I can assure you, that a check for less then 2 weeks pay doesn't come close to making up for OUR sacrifices ((especially $$)) that each and every senior agent here has had to endure, all the while, all these CEO's and VP's have reaped HUGE payments all along, and the agents here with less then 5 years now get the same, so in essence, WE now have to share our RETRO that we should have been paid with everyone ???????? Any signing bonus should and could have been done quickly, by LONGEVITY, example, agents with 30+ years getting say $3500 and stepping down $500 increments every 5 years down to $500 max for less than 5 years !!!! VERY SIMPLE and much more fair !!!! Truly sad, the way this company treats and feels about it's workers who made the ULTIMATE sacrifices !!!!!!!!!!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying it's all bad and I'm not throwing blame at any-one person, just the ENTIRE PROCESS, as SECTION 6 and the SO-CALLED leverage never ever materialized at all 🙁(((( It just goes to show you, that the little man in this world has been BULL-DOZED completely over by the government, the RICH and Powerful and sadly OUR UNION itself 🙁((
I have to say that I am voting NO, myself, but from what I'm hearing, most people are just completely worn out, and defeated to the point where people are so hungry for anything, they will crawl around feverishly on the ground fighting each other just to get those crumbs the company has literally thrown on the floor --- TRULY SAD !!!!
I'm shocked NOT rotflmao.freedom said:I'm voting yes because with this completely apathetic group this is the best we will ever get ....