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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Tim Nelson said:
I very seldom work overtime but in the context of the contract i very much do support overtime due to the prescence of mandatory overtime if nobody wants it. And in a cross utilized station i would support overtime even more prior to encouraging other unions to do our work. Nobody is laid off here and i have no problem with those working overtime.
Nobody should say otherwise until they provide better wages and get mandatory overtime out of the contract but that isnt happening.
They can only mandatory for irregular operations correct?
Not having enough staff to work the flights is not irregular operations,, now is it?
I have a problem with people being laidoff and others working overtime, they dont realize that those hours worked belonged to someone who was furloughed.
And that is why the ramp has Vacation Relief lines to cover people who are on vacation and such.
WeAAsles said:
Is that something I missed in the writing Tim? If so then I'm absolutely glad to be corrected.
stations subject to cross utilization cant have displacements. While i remain uncomfortable with not having exclusive rights to work, charlie did participate in protecting against displacements in such stations. And that language is stronger than stations without cross utilization. Which 12 stations does this affect?
Tim Nelson said:
stations subject to cross utilization cant have displacements. While i remain uncomfortable with not having exclusive rights to work, charlie did participate in protecting against displacements in such stations. And that language is stronger than stations without cross utilization. Which 12 stations does this affect?
Does displacements affect status? What's the definition of displacement?

And trust me I am looking to be wrong obviously in my thoughts. Unlike you Tim I have no problem being corrected publicly, lol.
Contract Update
There seems to be some confusion about the wage scale which says, "TBD", presumably as a result of the first wage scale which showed 2.1% increase for 2015 being changed to TBD.  The reality is that the second publication of the scale which said"TBD" is more accurate since wages can't be fully known with the pay parity.  But, that is a good thing as most if not all of us would get a helluva lot more than 2.1% next year after the calculations. Although pay parity isn't fully known, it is mostly known.  With a 3% increase at DL, top out for us would go to over $24 since all other blanks are filled in.   As I've said from day one,  pay parity was a nice grab, as in 'good grab' prior to joint talks.
Separately, we live in a changing world.  Who knows what Obamacare will look like in 2018 as it is a political mess that the company wanted to hedge against.   Separately, some have told me that they would vote yes just because if they voted NO and sent this back to the table, presumably with extended negotiations, that the economy can shift and this industry could start its downward decent once again.  Those are all valid concerns.  The latest trend in this industry is downward.  Parker adjusted his projections today and adjusted a key revenue indicator downward so that investors should now expect less profits. Delta and foreign carriers did likewise last week.  Is the gravy train over for these airlines? Who knows.  Iraq is boiling over and so is the middle east as well. So I understand a yes vote, even if such a vote is determined by considering outside factors.
WeAAsles said:
Does displacements affect status? What's the definition of displacement?

And trust me I am looking to be wrong obviously in my thoughts. Unlike you Tim I have no problem being corrected publicly, lol.
I know you were joking [I think??] because I dont' mind being corrected when I'm wrong.  And I have admitted that I'm wrong a lot. Most of us are.  That's why we need discussion.
700UW said:
But WeAA, the guy in an outstation does the same job as the hub employees and probably more.
Yes the expensive cities should have a rider, at one point Piedmont, and UA had riders at certain stations.
But where the unions and its member fail it is, the real enemy is the express carriers and vendors.
If the unions made a big push to organize the Express Carriers, Ground Handling companies and MROs and brought their wages up, it would bring mainline pay up.
That is where unions fail.
I agree that they do the same job 700. It's just that I believe if we were a little more flexible on the wages in certain cities that that would have provided a much better protection for people being able to call any place home that they like? We might have been able to keep places like ROC and SYR which we lost such a long time ago?

And I agree with the rest of your statement.
Tim Nelson said:
I know you were joking [I think??] because I dont' mind being corrected when I'm wrong.  And I have admitted that I'm wrong a lot. Most of us are.  That's why we need discussion.
YOU admit you're wrong, LMFAO. Uh NO Tim. I have never seen you admit you're wrong. Oh wow did you just give me a laugh.
Tim Nelson said:
Contract Update
There seems to be some confusion about the wage scale which says, "TBD", presumably as a result of the first wage scale which showed 2.1% increase for 2015 being changed to TBD.  The reality is that the second publication of the scale which said"TBD" is more accurate since wages can't be fully known with the pay parity.  But, that is a good thing as most if not all of us would get a helluva lot more than 2.1% next year after the calculations. Although pay parity isn't fully known, it is mostly known.  With a 3% increase at DL, top out for us would go to over $24 since all other blanks are filled in.   As I've said from day one,  pay parity was a nice grab, as in 'good grab' prior to joint talks.
Separately, we live in a changing world.  Who knows what Obamacare will look like in 2018 as it is a political mess that the company wanted to hedge against.   Separately, some have told me that they would vote yes just because if they voted NO and sent this back to the table, presumably with extended negotiations, that the economy can shift and this industry could start its downward decent once again.  Those are all valid concerns.  The latest trend in this industry is downward.  Parker adjusted his projections today and adjusted a key revenue indicator downward so that investors should now expect less profits. Delta and foreign carriers did likewise last week.  Is the gravy train over for these airlines? Who knows.  Iraq is boiling over and so is the middle east as well. So I understand a yes vote, even if such a vote is determined by considering outside factors.
I'm guessing this is a Tim Nelson update and not an OFFICIAL update from the IAM?
WeAAsles said:
YOU admit you're wrong, LMFAO. Uh NO Tim. I have never seen you admit you're wrong. Oh wow did you just give me a laugh.
Plenty of times I have. Dont' fall into the false perception that some like to create.  How do they say, "Hindsight is 20/20".  That's how we learn.
Tim Nelson said:
Plenty of times I have. Dont' fall into the false perception that some like to create.  How do they say, "Hindsight is 20/20".  That's how we learn.
Tim are you kidding me? I've been personally interacting with you for over 2 years now and I was reading the forum here since I stopped participating over 4 years ago. Maybe you think you admit that you're wrong but uh, no you don't.
WeAAsles said:
Tim are you kidding me? I've been personally interacting with you for over 2 years now and I was reading the forum here since I stopped participating over 4 years ago. Maybe you think you admit that you're wrong but uh, no you don't.
He won’t even admit that he is wrong about his documented past history of never admitting he is wrong! That’s how slick this dude is... spin...spin...spin... square pegs... round holes!
Are any of the other stations going to be allowed to vote onsite at the airport like PHX for this contract? Gotta say after 3 years I'm not impressed with it, gotta wonder how many millions the company saved dragging it out as long as possible. Shame on the IAM for saying "well we didn't lose anything and we'll get em next time around." Whatever....
And were you in the room?
Did you negotiate?
Do you know what they faced?
And your TA is way better than M&R, I can see Fleet passing, MTS passing but I think M&R is going down in flames.
I don't need to be in the room...that is supposesly what my $650 a year is supposed to handle! Just like always the company is 2 steps ahead of this leadership at every turn. With the IAM there will always be a "next time." Sigh....
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