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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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He wont bother, it doesnt fit his gloom and doom attack everyone in power M.O.
WeAAsles said:
my reading begins and ends with the language in the ta. How about you either put down the management kool aid or tell them the taxes wont affect them so make sure they cap any increases. And make sure you tell management that it is just fear mongering and should read your links instead of putting in language for plan abolishments. Deal?
Tim Nelson said:
my reading begins and ends with the language in the ta. How about you either put down the management kool aid or tell them the taxes wont affect them so make sure they cap any increases. And make sure you tell management that it is just fear mongering and should read your links instead of putting in language for plan abolishments. Deal?
Cap on increasing what?
Tim Nelson said:
my reading begins and ends with the language in the ta. How about you either put down the management kool aid or tell them the taxes wont affect them so make sure they cap any increases. And make sure you tell management that it is just fear mongering and should read your links instead of putting in language for plan abolishments. Deal?
still not answering the question  ignoring the question...  
since you ignore not only the question, the law, and the contract language...
you cant give real answers.. because you refuse to understand the law, understand the issues, and just want to throw mindless temper tantrums...  instead of bringing anything to the table, you blame people for doing things, or not doing things.. but you do not understand the process, you wont educate yourself(you said so your reading begins and ends...) and hope the membership also doesnt educate themselves because if they do they will see right through your rhetoric... probably why you cant seem to win an election
PHXConx said:
still not answering the question  ignoring the question...  
since you ignore not only the question, the law, and the contract language...
you cant give real answers.. because you refuse to understand the law, understand the issues, and just want to throw mindless temper tantrums...  instead of bringing anything to the table, you blame people for doing things, or not doing things.. but you do not understand the process, you wont educate yourself(you said so your reading begins and ends...) and hope the membership also doesnt educate themselves because if they do they will see right through your rhetoric... probably why you cant seem to win an election
Tell Ole AH he has nothing to worry about since he is the one with the trigger. Me thinks AH will b very uncomfortable pulling that letter after hearing your appeal that "dat letter dont mean nuttn". Oh but it does.
listen, im not comfortable with no health care caps like other unions negotiate. Its just that simple but thats not all it is. I also have a problem letting management off the hook with my terrible $51 pension. I also have a problem with half sick pay, no holiday, all part time issues, no shift differ, no longevity and a host of other things our union went awol on. I get it! You want a fistful of dollars. Ill enjoy that and the vacation but after everyone gets their climax and blows their load on the money, you all will start complaining and blaming AH for the sorry ass contract this is. Amazingly this company is making a billion bucks a quarter and is ten years removed from bankrupt yet you are singing kumbuya with management over the lowest pay among legacies and practically nothing else.

My hunch is after about a year, the whining about AH will start and that 700 puts it on you like he puts it on freedom for the 2008 catastrophy.

Twu gets screwed more than anyone on this because i cant see why AH has to bother with a joint contract when Prez delivered the golden slipper to management. Yep bypassing a fence agreement and agreeing to cross utilzation is a helluva lot worse than a nusery crime. AH gets a "Two for one".
NYer said:
How much do you pay in healthcare costs?
the question that interest me is how much am i going to pay in 2018? Is it a big tsunami or a small one? Dunno but your boy obama to stop hosing the working folks. im not even a republican and only voted republican once but obama is killing us.

Well at least he was never questioned about mail theft or custom seals. Now go rip off some poor working guy with your real estate scams again. Thankfully you got your arse handed to you and we dont have to deal with your management pollyanna(ism).
Tim Nelson said:
the only gamble is hoping ole AH has a heart in joint talks.
Please chime in if any of the following is incorrect: our pension blows and was not addressed: all part time issues were blown off: we have no idea what our healthcare cost will be because your boys agreed with AH that there shouldnt be a cap on any increases. Again, please let me know if any of this is incorrect sir.

You guys love voting on contracts and having your climax orgasms over the initial money grab and then only then do you realize your contract sucks but you are stuck with it for years to come.

The contract sucks so bad that i didnt even mention the other inadequacies like no longevity no shift differ no overtime enhancement no holidays and half sick time. What exactly was negotiated other than a wage grab for long overdue wages?
This is the bottom line...............  The contracts are not over yet...Stay tuned ! Loooooooooser !!!!
Tim Nelson said:
my reading begins and ends with the language in the ta. How about you either put down the management kool aid or tell them the taxes wont affect them so make sure they cap any increases. And make sure you tell management that it is just fear mongering and should read your links instead of putting in language for plan abolishments. Deal?
Sorry. Next time I'll post a link to some Comic books for you since you don't like to read or educate yourself.
WeAAsles said:
Sorry. Next time I'll post a link to some Comic books for you since you don't like to read or educate yourself.
timmy still wont answer.. timmy still wont tell us what his solution would have been... he can tell you whats wrong with something...  but cant tell you what would be right...
he ignores the law, wont even learn it, he doesnt want you to think that there is a reason for something, he only wants you to question it... to what end?  
do not be timmy he doesnt bother to educate himself, and you sure dont want to follow anyone that refuses to learn about things, and hopes you dont either... 
Tim Nelson said:
the question that interest me is how much am i going to pay in 2018? Is it a big tsunami or a small one? Dunno but your boy obama to stop hosing the working folks. im not even a republican and only voted republican once but obama is killing us.
it was the negotiating committees fault... now its the presidents fault... hmmm covering all your bases huh timmy?
whats funny is you dont realize that its because of the health care law that the negotiating committee had to negotiate a way to protect the membership that the health care prices werent going to go up... that the increase was going to be the tax the government imposed due to the price of our current health care.  
that to be able to continue paying low prices and have three plans for the next four years..  there needed to be a way to negotiate the plans after the TA was passed or the company would have had to renegotiate the price of the plans higher now. through 2018.
that having this agreement in place, keeps our current prices low, that in the event of an excise tax being imposed by the government on the company, we would be able to negotiate the change in the plans THEN, not now, as many companies are doing.  
you would know this if you bothered to educate yourself on whats going with the health care law, thats why you would be a poor negotiator 
WeAAsles said:
Sorry. Next time I'll post a link to some Comic books for you since you don't like to read or educate yourself.
send them to AH and maybe he will give us a cap and b a nice fella.
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