Tim Nelson
please quote the part of this ta that backs up what u are saying. Kindly let us all know what negotiayion rights we have other than making suggestions for 90 days prior to explosion? I want you to educate me.PHXConx said:it was the negotiating committees fault... now its the presidents fault... hmmm covering all your bases huh timmy?
whats funny is you dont realize that its because of the health care law that the negotiating committee had to negotiate a way to protect the membership that the health care prices werent going to go up... that the increase was going to be the tax the government imposed due to the price of our current health care.
that to be able to continue paying low prices and have three plans for the next four years.. there needed to be a way to negotiate the plans after the TA was passed or the company would have had to renegotiate the price of the plans higher now. through 2018.
that having this agreement in place, keeps our current prices low, that in the event of an excise tax being imposed by the government on the company, we would be able to negotiate the change in the plans THEN, not now, as many companies are doing.
you would know this if you bothered to educate yourself on whats going with the health care law, thats why you would be a poor negotiator
Maybe the negotiation committee should have actually negotiated something. You ever hear of health care caps? Go review the terrible iam united contract but at least they limit yearly increases on health care. Please show me anywhere in this ta that restricts our health care cost from going higher over the next 3 years? And please share with us the language that backs up your statement that our union will negotiate changes? The members want to know.