What is the % cap on our present health care? Why didnt the negotiations committee negotiate a cap, for instance, health care cant go up no more than 7%?
I realize most of you want the money but that health care letter is a blank check. No cap no nothing. And whatever the cost is that we have to guess at, there is little our union can do to prevent it.
As far as me never being satisfied, thats a good question, but at this point i simply havent seen any agreement that doesnt screams"next time".
My reality of labor is far different from the reality that corporate america levies on an accepting labor leadership, so much that my views are quite radical from todays labor. For instance, i find it unconscible (weAAsles help me out with the spelling) and preposterous that any labor person would not have addressed our pitiful pension benefit, all part time issues, and not even bothered pressing for a cap on health care. In not doing so, i find the current ta be utter nonsense although i fully admit our membership is more interested in a fistful of dollars.