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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Tim Nelson said:
and how could the company carry out those plans, without that letter, since our health care has a cap.
Why don't you tell everyone on here what that cap is??
Please?? We would all like to know.
More about timmy, very interesting:
Tim Nelson has and continues to do great harm to our union.
In 2004 he was charged, tried, and found guilty by his local lodge of dual unionism. The charge was headed up by none other than Karen Asuncion.
Nelson, an IAM member, had founded, appointed himself president and was the only member of the Allied Ground Workers Union. He then proceeded to try and run desertification campaigns at IAM shops. Of course he failed but yet caused great damage that is still being felt today.
He should have been banned from our union but the membership instead sentenced him to 5 years of being forbidden to hold office.
As we can see that 5 years is up. Nelson is right back to the bs he is known for.
Nelson is also a known member of the United teamsters he's also admitted publicly he organizes for them. He and several others from the same group have put together a slate in hopes of handing District 141 over to them. Part One of their plan failed when the membership overwhelming rejected their spokesman Cronk. Now the membership must put a stop to part b.
Timmy's slate members:
Wouldnt this have made a wonderful GVP? What a professional. Karen who is Eulos best friend, has known that it was Eulos local lodge that tried and found her guilty of aiding and conspiring with the Teamsters during the repsentational election. Her local sentenced her to not being able to hold office for three years. HER LOCAL. Of course as her method of communication, she leaves out the important facts. Eulo appealed her convection to the Grand Lodge who up held the memberships findings and rightfully so.
Oh what BS they spew

Soon the election will be officially over and the executive council who have been forced by the DOL to remain quite will be able to tell the real story.

Seems Cronk and Assuson forgot to let everyone know that the IP and Ex Council had to keep quite while they were able to spread their hate and lies.
Soon everyone will see just how bad Cronk N Crew got their ass handed to them.
Soon their supporters will see just how much they have been mislead and lied too
Its coming.

Wait for it
"Huh?  At any rate...My peeps...Your boys...blank check..."See Management"...pollyanna...Good Grief...Sheesh!"
I'm so bored with Tim Nelson.
ChockJockey said:
"Huh?  At any rate...My peeps...Your boys...blank check..."See Management"...pollyanna...Good Grief...Sheesh!"
I'm so bored with Tim Nelson.
And I'm tired of waking up everyday to be inundated with commercials trying to get me to buy cheap Chinese crap too. But there's not much I can do about it since the garbage keeps being thrown at me.

It's my choice to not buy any of it though.
" post="1100850" timestamp="1404677785"]And I'm tired of waking up everyday to be inundated with commercials trying to get me to buy cheap Chinese crap too. But there's not much I can do about it since the garbage keeps being thrown at me.
It's my choice to not buy any of it though.[/quote]
With a beach and great weather how can you allow yourself to wake up like that?
700UW said:
Once again, if timmy doesnt win or get his way, or looks bad he goes off on a rage.
Time to grow up.
And you wonder why in 20 years you cant win a District or International Election.
And the reason is you are in it for the wrong reasons, you are in it for yourself and your quest for power which you have never achieved and wont, as you will learn its about the membership and putting them first, something your ego wont let you do.
you cant win an election when you are against everything
Tim Nelson said:
The one who is acting is you. Acting like this letter is a benefit to our current contract, when 'we" are happy what we got, is either intellectually dishonest or just way over your head.
im pretty sure that "you" wouldnt be happy over anything, and you are intellectually(or otherwise) dishonest if you say you would be... and i think everything is over your head..  thats why day one of reading the TA you didnt really comment and after someone else told you what was "wrong" with it you come out full force against the entire thing.  by the way its not the company thats the issue with the health coverage, in 2018. its the government.  
So many things can change with it between now and then, the entire thing could be repealed... (not likely) the president could once again push back the employer mandate... congress could eliminate it all together..  so then the 2018 date would be pushed back further.. or done away with,  the court may rule against parts of it.  
you speak of certainties on a subject that is rife with uncertainties... so my question is and ill back it up with 100 dollars can you tell me right now, with certainty what will happen between now and 2018 that can guarantee what the government will do, and how the company will respond?  
this piece of paper only deals with the excise tax that may or may not come, its not even certain with the current regulations in right now.   but it gives us an amount of leverage.  does it give us total leverage? no.. but then again no company would negotiate losing their entire point of leverage you would argue till the cows come home and you evolved wings and could fly but thats not going to happen.  
and im pretty sure that even if by some miracle they were able to negotiate full leverage you would probably say its still not enough... right timmy??
you still havent told us what would have been acceptable... reasonably acceptable.. not timmys fantasy of supreme domination of all around you.  what would you have done, that the company would have agreed to that the government would allow inside the regulations of the ACA as it currently stands...  (not counting any actions by the president congress or the courts.) 
since i dont think you know enough about the aca i doubt you could give a decent answer... but please lets see it... 
PHXConx said:
im pretty sure that "you" wouldnt be happy over anything, and you are intellectually(or otherwise) dishonest if you say you would be... and i think everything is over your head..  thats why day one of reading the TA you didnt really comment and after someone else told you what was "wrong" with it you come out full force against the entire thing.  by the way its not the company thats the issue with the health coverage, in 2018. its the government.  
So many things can change with it between now and then, the entire thing could be repealed... (not likely) the president could once again push back the employer mandate... congress could eliminate it all together..  so then the 2018 date would be pushed back further.. or done away with,  the court may rule against parts of it.  
you speak of certainties on a subject that is rife with uncertainties... so my question is and ill back it up with 100 dollars can you tell me right now, with certainty what will happen between now and 2018 that can guarantee what the government will do, and how the company will respond?  
this piece of paper only deals with the excise tax that may or may not come, its not even certain with the current regulations in right now.   but it gives us an amount of leverage.  does it give us total leverage? no.. but then again no company would negotiate losing their entire point of leverage you would argue till the cows come home and you evolved wings and could fly but thats not going to happen.  
and im pretty sure that even if by some miracle they were able to negotiate full leverage you would probably say its still not enough... right timmy??
you still havent told us what would have been acceptable... reasonably acceptable.. not timmys fantasy of supreme domination of all around you.  what would you have done, that the company would have agreed to that the government would allow inside the regulations of the ACA as it currently stands...  (not counting any actions by the president congress or the courts.) 
since i dont think you know enough about the aca i doubt you could give a decent answer... but please lets see it...
PHXConx said:
im pretty sure that "you" wouldnt be happy over anything, and you are intellectually(or otherwise) dishonest if you say you would be... and i think everything is over your head..  thats why day one of reading the TA you didnt really comment and after someone else told you what was "wrong" with it you come out full force against the entire thing.  by the way its not the company thats the issue with the health coverage, in 2018. its the government.  
So many things can change with it between now and then, the entire thing could be repealed... (not likely) the president could once again push back the employer mandate... congress could eliminate it all together..  so then the 2018 date would be pushed back further.. or done away with,  the court may rule against parts of it.  
you speak of certainties on a subject that is rife with uncertainties... so my question is and ill back it up with 100 dollars can you tell me right now, with certainty what will happen between now and 2018 that can guarantee what the government will do, and how the company will respond?  
this piece of paper only deals with the excise tax that may or may not come, its not even certain with the current regulations in right now.   but it gives us an amount of leverage.  does it give us total leverage? no.. but then again no company would negotiate losing their entire point of leverage you would argue till the cows come home and you evolved wings and could fly but thats not going to happen.  
and im pretty sure that even if by some miracle they were able to negotiate full leverage you would probably say its still not enough... right timmy??
you still havent told us what would have been acceptable... reasonably acceptable.. not timmys fantasy of supreme domination of all around you.  what would you have done, that the company would have agreed to that the government would allow inside the regulations of the ACA as it currently stands...  (not counting any actions by the president congress or the courts.) 
since i dont think you know enough about the aca i doubt you could give a decent answer... but please lets see it...
is there a % cap on our health care that the company cant just raise our insurance each year? For instance at united its 9% now.
ChockJockey said:
"Huh?  At any rate...My peeps...Your boys...blank check..."See Management"...pollyanna...Good Grief...Sheesh!"
I'm so bored with Tim Nelson.
If you are a gambler...Tim Nelson is a Sucker bet....kind of like " The Juice ". We are all tired of him and his ranting. 
What is the % cap on our present health care? Why didnt the negotiations committee negotiate a cap, for instance, health care cant go up no more than 7%?

I realize most of you want the money but that health care letter is a blank check. No cap no nothing. And whatever the cost is that we have to guess at, there is little our union can do to prevent it.

As far as me never being satisfied, thats a good question, but at this point i simply havent seen any agreement that doesnt screams"next time".

My reality of labor is far different from the reality that corporate america levies on an accepting labor leadership, so much that my views are quite radical from todays labor. For instance, i find it unconscible (weAAsles help me out with the spelling) and preposterous that any labor person would not have addressed our pitiful pension benefit, all part time issues, and not even bothered pressing for a cap on health care. In not doing so, i find the current ta be utter nonsense although i fully admit our membership is more interested in a fistful of dollars.
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