WeAAsles, the point of contention is at 2018. Not now. The letter in the back gives the company the right to have a 3rd party decide any and all modifications to the current plans as necessary with the real and future tax risk for management. The only part of 'the solution' participation for the union, according to the letter, is the first 90 days where it can offer up solutions. However, the company is under NO OBLIGATION to agree with the union and can proceed to the arbitrator. Notice: and this is a pretty big second notice to you, the scope of the arbitrator isn't to rule in union favor or company favor but to make the proper modifications to the plans and to guarantee to management that such modifications will PROTECT management from any future taxes. If the arbitrator can not make such guarantees then the company is free to actually abolish any and all plans. The current plan we have is irrelevant in context of a outside entity being able to modify it or terminate it. Doesn't matter what the deductible is, what cap, if any, contribution....NONE OF THAT MATTERS if these 40% taxes get triggered. Although I would agree with you that it would have actually been nice if Prez was thinking about all of this and put a % cap in this letter. At United, they agreed to a 9% cap on any yearly increase of cost and that covers any year, even after 2018. They just signed their contract within the last 12 months and everyone over there knows how much their insurance can possibly go up in the future. Where was this management protection letter over there? Kindly show me. Why toss our complete health care plans to a 3rd party and allow the 3rd party the exclusive right to make any modications and have to 'guarantee' to managmenet that it will protect management, OR allow management the exclusive right to terminate all plans and create a 'new one'. WTF is that all about? C'mon maaannnn, we may work the ramp but we aren't stupid bro.
As far as all of the fuss and talk about "It aint going to happen", "Nelson doesn 't know ####", "Obama will fix this", "The letter is for the protection of the members".....that's all bull shitt. The reality is that the exact opposite is true, the company insisted that it would NOT sign ANY TA without this letter protecting management from the real and future risk associated with your boy Obama.. Now, you should know, you will not convince me that these excise taxes will not become real, so you are wasting your time. I mean, Prez likes telling us to stop worrying because these taxes will not apply to us, but he couldn't convince management. In fact, the exact opposite was true. Again, management told Prez, no way in hell will we sign a TA without protecting management against these real and future tax risk. If he couldn't convince management, then how can he convince anyone else?