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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Tim Nelson said:
Can you let us know the mindset of the negotiating committee as they decided to side with management that part time still should pay twice for medical and get about half a pension contribution?  How many negotiators were there, 12?  My bet is not one of them was part time.  Good Grief Charlie Brown!    What's your answer to your CLT part timers, "Get 'm next time?"
I have no problem facing part timers and addressing any issue they have. In fact, I will be doing that very thing several times this coming week. Like I said before. We didn't get everything we wanted. That goes for FT & PT employees. But is this a good first step in a two step process for everyone? Yes it is. You can play down the get them next time if you want. But we do get to go right back in and get the next step. That's a good thing, not bad like you seem to try and make it.
charlie Brown said:
Now I'm a Liar? Should I take that as a compliment coming from you since you wrote the book on it. Let's let everyone else decide who the liar is ok. We have the right during the 90 days to suggest any adjustments that we feel would work. If it brings the cost down Tim, then the company has no choice in the matter. Don't understand why your hung up on the 90 days. We either will be able to make adjustments, or we won't. It won't take 90 days to determine it. And yes the company could have passed this tax on to us. That's exactly what their intentions were.
"We wont". All we can do is suggest and feel. In fact we are booted after the 90 days so i have a clear concern there. Thanks for the answer but i dont pay dues for suggestions and feelings.
charlie Brown said:
I have no problem facing part timers and addressing any issue they have. In fact, I will be doing that very thing several times this coming week. Like I said before. We didn't get everything we wanted. That goes for FT & PT employees. But is this a good first step in a two step process for everyone? Yes it is. You can play down the get them next time if you want. But we do get to go right back in and get the next step. That's a good thing, not bad like you seem to try and make it.
u negotiated this so i didnt think you had a problem telling part timers "next time'.
Tim Nelson said:
"We wont". All we can do is suggest and feel. In fact we are booted after the 90 days so i have a clear concern there. Thanks for the answer but i dont pay dues for suggestions and feelings.
There are many things that can and probably will change between now and then. I fully expect to have a jcba by then, which I'm sure insurance along with scope will be huge issues. And to say " we won't" is a very uninformed comment to make. You do t even know what the cost will be for any of the plans for 2018. The adjustment could be very small. We don't know. But stop acting like we are the only dealing with this. This is every work group, this is every American if they have a good enough plan to be a Cadillac plan. At least we have the letter that gives us some leverage and argument instead of just having it implemented on us.
Tim Nelson said:
u negotiated this so i didnt think you had a problem telling part timers "next time'.
Your wrong
I have a problem telling anybody " next time " it's a frustrating thing,negotiations. I said I don't have a problem facing them and explaining. However there is a two step process to this. Did anybody think you would get everything? I don't mind you pointing out things we didn't get. I fully expected you to. But the major things are there to move on to the second step.
charlie Brown said:
There are many things that can and probably will change between now and then. I fully expect to have a jcba by then, which I'm sure insurance along with scope will be huge issues. And to say " we won't" is a very uninformed comment to make. You do t even know what the cost will be for any of the plans for 2018. The adjustment could be very small. We don't know. But stop acting like we are the only dealing with this. This is every work group, this is every American if they have a good enough plan to be a Cadillac plan. At least we have the letter that gives us some leverage and argument instead of just having it implemented on us.
thats the first true thing you said, ie, we dont know.
Nobody is acting Mark.Right now i have a plan that is fine and forces the company to need changes to protect it ofthe great risk. The problem is that you gave it up for nothing and let the company off the hook.

The one who is acting is you. Acting like this letter is a benefit to our current contract, when 'we" are happy what we got, is either intellectually dishonest or just way over your head.
Tim Nelson, AKA, Timothy Nelson, AKA, Tim Nielsen, yep he’s got an alias; is a real piece of work, but no friend to working people. His past is littered with pulling the same stunts as he has just recently with the nomination process for the IAM. Nelson has made a good living by founding “independent unions”, of course with no members, naming himself the President, and then getting workers fired up on "hot button" issues, getting a decertification started; all the while getting cards signed for his newly founded union, that has never negotiated any contracts, and never will. The man is a con-artist, and sadly many of our members have fallen for his lies. NONE of these so called “independent unions” he has founded are still around, but the workers who’s lives he left in shambles remain, while Nelson moves on to his next target.
In the past, he's not always been by himself in screwing over working people. He has friends such as Kevin McCormick, a New Hampshire businessman who fabricated unions to make money. Of course the "McCormick Advisory Group" at one time claimed to provide help to independent unions in the AIRLINE INDUSTRY.
Nelson has unsuccessfully tried to organize his own RAMP WORKERS UNION, giving himself the title of President of the fake organization. He has done this on a number of occasions. Each time he tried this and other REAL UNIONS would get close to having enough cards to file with the NMB, Nelson would file his cards knowing he was well short of having a sufficient amount thus forcing the other Unions to file. He would file before any of the real unions had the amount necessary to call for an election resulting in the organizers of the real unions working inside not being able to collect or file cards for another year. Who suffered? Not Tim
He has been helped in the past by Mike Pruitt, a former US Airways agent and past member of District 141, imagine that. They formed the Allied Ground Workers (AGW), which represented NO ONE! They then named themselves President and Director. Next they attempted to raid US Airways property where the employees were covered under an IAM contract, also American Airlines property covered by the TWU. They sat up a website where they criticized and discredited both the IAM and TWU unions, where they would get the membership up-set, and push their fake union with its fake agenda. When Nelsons AGW started going south AGW website disappeared and Nelson abandoned ship.
A lot of what I'm saying can be found here:
I found this while doing a search on Nelson. If you want to look around, you will also find a thread on this Airline forum, titled, "Why Tim Nelson is SO Dangerous for the IAM"
His is a letter written by Nelson, see how much of it sounds familiar.
Tim Nelson
Mar 14 2005, 11:58 AM

Dear American Airline FSC;
I am often asked what is the difference between Labor Representatives, i.e., the AGW and the TWU. Or to put it another way, why should someone consider switching from the TWU to the AGW.
First off, the primary reason to have a Union is to negotiate and secure a Collective Bargaining Agreement [CBA]. As I have talked to several American Airline employees, I have realized the cruddy, undemocratic, yet calculated job the TWU has done in representing you. In fact, I would categorize it as the TWU representing the company to you instead of you to the company. At any rate, I am not going to insult you and tell you what you already know about the TWU.
What I can tell you is what the AGW Constitution allows under the exact same circumstances. In any AGW negotiations, YOU negotiate your contract because your Negotiations team, including its chairman is from your airline and department [far different from the TWU]. Further, the Negotiations team can’t even enter into negotiations unless and until the majority of workers prioritize contract proposals. For instance, if American wants further concessions from you and you had the AGW, then any elected AGW Negotiations team can’t even enter concessionary negotiations unless the majority of workers approve and prioritize contract proposals. Remember, your Labor Representative represents you, is your advocate, and shouldn’t be in concessionary talks with your company if the members didnt authorize them! Does this mean anything to you?
At any rate, negotiations are for the workers so all AGW negotiations are fully disclosed to the members it represents. Each company proposal and AGW counter proposal from your Negotiations team must be on display on the AGW website for full disclosure! Further, the AGW, by Constitution, cant sign confidentiality papers with a company because it does not allow secret, cant tell you negotiations. Confidentiality agreements always protect the company and always keep information from the rank and file. Further, no AGW officer has the power or authority to sign a letter of agreement without being authorized by the majority of workers.
As a side, the highest salary for an AGW officer is $61,000; Officer elections have minimal restrictions to promote greater participation; The AGW will service you with the same resources you give the TWU your dues; And the AGW has retained a Nationally recognized law firm to represent you in arbitration cases and for other professional matters. (THE LAW FIRM TURNED OUT TO BE A ANTI UNION CONSULTING FIRM)
Its all in the AGW constitution and I encourage you to read it. In closing, you cant afford to keep the TWU along with its undemocratic systems. The quicker you sign your AGW card then the quicker we can replace the TWU!
Tim Nelson, Interim Director, Allied Ground Workers
Of course Nelson has refused requests to answer any questions concerning his Teamster ties or AGW, or any of the other self-appointed fake unions he has tried to start.
If anyone reading the crap that been brought out on this site still votes for these frauds, thief’s and liars, You don’t deserve a F***** union
IAM Candidate Facts

Found this on Facebook
Lets see who appointed or elected him to be the spokesman for the UA TA at the time?
He isnt a District Rep, he wasnt on UA's NC, so how is he an expert?
charlie Brown said:
Your wrong
I have a problem telling anybody " next time " it's a frustrating thing,negotiations. I said I don't have a problem facing them and explaining. However there is a two step process to this. Did anybody think you would get everything? I don't mind you pointing out things we didn't get. I fully expected you to. But the major things are there to move on to the second step.
You are absolutely right, everything still needs negotiations but this time we will have less leverage as the company already hoodwinked you over health care, so no management risk there anymore. Ole AH also skipped the fence agreement step and got you to give him cross utilization and the twu doing our work. Gee thanks Mark.

Please tell us what exactly management needs to negotiate a joint contract for? What leverage do we have since you guys tossed in everything before its time?
Tim Nelson said:
thats the first true thing you said, ie, we dont know.
Nobody is acting Mark.Right now i have a plan that is fine and forces the company to need changes to protect it ofthe great risk. The problem is that you gave it up for nothing and let the company off the hook.
The one who is acting is you. Acting like this letter is a benefit to our current contract, when 'we" are happy what we got, is either intellectually dishonest or just way over your head.
How many times do you have to be told that if you didn't have this letter, and say the 100% plan goes Cadillac status in 2018. You weren't going to keep the same thing. The company had plans to pass the 40% tax down to you. Maybe understanding that is over your head. Seems like everyone else understands. Thats a change in congress. The company had plans to pass that on to you. This letter gives us the chance to address that issue instead of it being just passed down. Sorry if you can't understand that. Sure I would prefer as everyone would to keep it as is in 2018. But congress isn't allowing us to do that.
Tim Nelson said:
You are absolutely right, everything still needs negotiations but this time we will have less leverage as the company already hoodwinked you over health care, so no management risk there anymore. Ole AH also skipped the fence agreement step and got you to give him cross utilization and the twu doing our work. Gee thanks Mark.
Please tell us what exactly management needs to negotiate a joint contract for? What leverage do we have since you guys tossed in everything before its time?
Several things as leverage. The main one being scope.
700UW said:
Found this on Facebook
700UW said:
Found this on Facebook
And THIS is the reason we always have to be on top of this man and vigilant. I really believe that with the changes that are taking place in our industry his divisive message is falling further and further into the background. But people like him are and will always be out there to try and deceive you for their own personal gain.

That's why it's SO important to read and research to make the most educated decisions you possibly can. Education is the strongest weapon you can ever possess.
charlie Brown said:
How many times do you have to be told that if you didn't have this letter, and say the 100% plan goes Cadillac status in 2018. You weren't going to keep the same thing. The company had plans to pass the 40% tax down to you. Maybe understanding that is over your head. Seems like everyone else understands. Thats a change in congress. The company had plans to pass that on to you. This letter gives us the chance to address that issue instead of it being just passed down. Sorry if you can't understand that. Sure I would prefer as everyone would to keep it as is in 2018. But congress isn't allowing us to do that.
and how could the company carry out those plans, without that letter, since our health care has a cap.
Tim Nelson said:
and how could the company carry out those plans, without that letter, since our health care has a cap.
For a guy who claims to be the savior of labor and has a so called masters degree, you are not very intelligent.
That is because the ACA is a Federal Law, and the Federal Law supersedes any CBA.
Read your CBA, its right in there.
And you want to be an AGC and defend the members and enforce the contract and you dont understand the basics!
Should any part or provision of this Agreement be rendered invalid by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation, such invalidation of any part or provision of this Agreement shall not invalidate the remaining portions
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