Special APFA HotLine update for January 28, 2009
Today, January 28, 2009, AA Flight Service announced that there were sufficient Flight Attendants proffering one of the voluntary offers that, as a result, any potential furloughs from this projected headcount overage have been avoided.
According to the release by Lauri Curtis, the company “fell slightly short of [the] near-term headcount targets, [but] will be offering monthly Bid Leaves and additional Vacation slots to offset the remaining short-term overage.
“Voluntary Option Awards will be posted to the Flight Service Web site on Thursday, January 29. If you were awarded an overage leave, you’ll see it in your HI10 by the end of the day Friday, January 30th.â€
Additional details on the proffer results will be posted on the APFA website as they are made available.