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Your APFA President

I personally know the flight attendant who wrote this letter. Like myself we both were based in LAX and furloughed in 2003. Now, 7 years later we still are on the transfer list to get back to LAX. 7 years is way to long to be waiting for a transfer! The AAPFA is a worthless and in bed with AA!
AA is not responsible for giving you a transfer back to LAX, nor is the union.

If you have not figured out that you must be portable in this industry, then you are in for some more heartache.

My layoff and forced move came at year 14.

I felt just like you did...until I finally cut the cord and moved on.

There is life outside your little hell.
AA is not responsible for giving you a transfer back to LAX, nor is the union.

If you have not figured out that you must be portable in this industry, then you are in for some more heartache.

My layoff and forced move came at year 14.

I felt just like you did...until I finally cut the cord and moved on.

There is life outside your little hell.

Why cut the cord and move on when you can stick around and make everyone in your vicinity miserable both at work and away from it?

Commuting is a choice not a privilege. If you make that choice (for whatever reason) you need to make the best of it or move on. Most of us who live at a base with a higher cost of living do so with the knowledge that we have to budget a little bit differently than those who commute to lower cost cities. There's always a trade off. Your commuter city might be cheaper to live but you don't have an opportunity to be home as much as someone living at their base city. I choose to spend more time where I live as opposed to spending my time in a hotel or crash pad. That's worth paying more to live at my base.
I personally know the flight attendant who wrote this letter. Like myself we both were based in LAX and furloughed in 2003. Now, 7 years later we still are on the transfer list to get back to LAX. 7 years is way to long to be waiting for a transfer! The AAPFA is a worthless and in bed with AA!
Worthless???? You have a pension, you have incentive pay, you have yearly raises...
You have a job.... If TWA went ahead of you , you'd be on the street. APFA saved your butt and placed TWA at the bottom. Come on now... look at the good for once. Just because you did not get your transfer they are worthless.
Furthermore and you will see this over time, transfers move very slowly when there is no hiring being done.
That comes from AA not wanting the expense. Union cant make transfers happen. Back in the day we did not even have dom mutual transfers. APFA negociated them....
BTW... No one shot svc on my airplane.... go ahead and sit down while I do the svc.
My sympathies to anyone who has to commute. I was furloughed as well and have been commuting since 2007. But, I do agree with Luis that LG has no clue, no concept of what it is like to be junior. I had her on a flight. I was not impressed. I didn't vote for her. She lied to my buddy bidder and I by saying there wasn't going to be a furlough this year and days later, we got yet another notification of a furlough and ended up on an "involuntary overage leave"....fancy dress up words for a layoff.

Unlike a commuter or a fa, LG and other union officers get positive space. On that DFW flight she was on, she sat up in FC and had her meal while we had commuters languishing on jumpseats in the back or in middle seats. It was a FULL S80 flight. She also asked me, "Why isn't the number 4 helping you?" Well, like I said to her, "We have a full cabin in the back and she's picking up trash." I was wondering, why isn't she showing leadership and compassion by getting up from her seat, giving it to a commuter and helping the fas in the back???
My sympathies to anyone who has to commute. I was furloughed as well and have been commuting since 2007. But, I do agree with Luis that LG has no clue, no concept of what it is like to be junior. I had her on a flight. I was not impressed. I didn't vote for her. She lied to my buddy bidder and I by saying there wasn't going to be a furlough this year and days later, we got yet another notification of a furlough and ended up on an "involuntary overage leave"....fancy dress up words for a layoff.

Unlike a commuter or a fa, LG and other union officers get positive space. On that DFW flight she was on, she sat up in FC and had her meal while we had commuters languishing on jumpseats in the back or in middle seats. It was a FULL S80 flight. She also asked me, "Why isn't the number 4 helping you?" Well, like I said to her, "We have a full cabin in the back and she's picking up trash." I was wondering, why isn't she showing leadership and compassion by getting up from her seat, giving it to a commuter and helping the fas in the back???
I have a feeling that no matter what this person did or would have done, there would have been some sort of complaint. I have been a union rep before, and it never ends. You will never please some people.

Maybe it is time for someone like yourself to step up and run against her?
Worthless???? You have a pension, you have incentive pay, you have yearly raises...
You have a job.... If TWA went ahead of you , you'd be on the street. APFA saved your butt and placed TWA at the bottom. Come on now... look at the good for once. Just because you did not get your transfer they are worthless.
Furthermore and you will see this over time, transfers move very slowly when there is no hiring being done.
That comes from AA not wanting the expense. Union cant make transfers happen. Back in the day we did not even have dom mutual transfers. APFA negociated them....
BTW... No one shot svc on my airplane.... go ahead and sit down while I do the svc.

Hmmm, you claim transfers happen very slowly over time when no hiring is being done. Southwest puts transfers through EVERY MONTH and they are not hiring either!!

The AAPFA is worthless for more than just that. They SOLD US OUT in 2003 and LG is doing it again. Stop drinking the AAPFA Kool-Aid, its bad for your head!
Nah, it is easier and more fun for people to just complain and never try to make their situation better. Plus what would they then complain about on here? It's not like they will show up here and trash themselves on a regular basis.
Nah, it is easier and more fun for people to just complain and never try to make their situation better. Plus what would they then complain about on here? It's not like they will show up here and trash themselves on a regular basis.

You blind me with your compassion for junior flight attendants as well as your co workers who are less fortunate than you. I signed up as an info rep for APFA. I voted for Rock Solomon and Travis Pfahler, neither one garnered enough votes to win.
One thing everyone has in common is that even the most senior person was the JR person once. We all have put in our time. Is annoying to listen to the JR entitlement. I want, I want, I want. While I understand people have grown up in this instant gratification society. Somethings, like seniority, cannot be so easily obtained.
Hmmm, you claim transfers happen very slowly over time when no hiring is being done. Southwest puts transfers through EVERY MONTH and they are not hiring either!!

The AAPFA is worthless for more than just that. They SOLD US OUT in 2003 and LG is doing it again. Stop drinking the AAPFA Kool-Aid, its bad for your head!
Hey, I got an idea.... Go work for Southwest and then you'll get your transfer....
How about that !!!!!!
And its APFA.... Not AAPFA.... maybe you should pay more attention.
And for the 2003 comment.... Getting a yes vote saved us from being hosed by a BK judge. Go talk to UAL or US and see how they liked going thru BK. You think it's bad now.... We have it so good compared to the others.... Wake up...
You blind me with your compassion for junior flight attendants as well as your co workers who are less fortunate than you. I signed up as an info rep for APFA. I voted for Rock Solomon and Travis Pfahler, neither one garnered enough votes to win.

Rock Solomon......You have got to be kidding. Rock Solomon will never ever get
the more than 1% of the APFA membership to support him.
His only purpose is to detroy APFA.
Sounds just fine to me. Than maybe we can build a union that works for everyone.
There is a great idea. How does changing unions change anything? It will be the same people who learn the contract, and hold office and the same people who sit on the side lines and whine how nothing gets done for them.
Hey, I got an idea.... Go work for Southwest and then you'll get your transfer....
How about that !!!!!!
And its APFA.... Not AAPFA.... maybe you should pay more attention.
And for the 2003 comment.... Getting a yes vote saved us from being hosed by a BK judge. Go talk to UAL or US and see how they liked going thru BK. You think it's bad now.... We have it so good compared to the others.... Wake up...


Um, we voted NO in 2003. Do you remember? The AAPFA and yes its the AAPFA sold us out! They fixed the vote so AA could get the yes they wanted. Wonder why JW's mortgage was paid off in 2003.

AA couldn't have filed BK in 2003. They had to much cash on hand and to many assets. No judge would have allowed it.

Maark, you drank the Kool-AAid back in 2003 and you are still boozing it up today. I woke up back in 2003 when I lost 32% of my contract to AA, because of the AAPFA!

More furloughs are on the way and if you believe for one second because AA and the AAPFA reached an understanding they will not furlough at least through August, you once again have drank the Kool-AAid. A new proffer opens today for overage leaves, partnership flying and travel seperation. They close on Jan 22. Guess what? That means they can send out WARN letters on Feb 1, 2010, for a furlough date of April 30, 2010. Remember, people currently out on leaves return on May 1, 2010. Read between the lines instead of between your legs!

Um, we voted NO in 2003. Do you remember? The AAPFA and yes its the AAPFA sold us out! They fixed the vote so AA could get the yes they wanted. Wonder why JW's mortgage was paid off in 2003.

AA couldn't have filed BK in 2003. They had to much cash on hand and to many assets. No judge would have allowed it.

Maark, you drank the Kool-AAid back in 2003 and you are still boozing it up today. I woke up back in 2003 when I lost 32% of my contract to AA, because of the AAPFA!

More furloughs are on the way and if you believe for one second because AA and the AAPFA reached an understanding they will not furlough at least through August, you once again have drank the Kool-AAid. A new proffer opens today for overage leaves, partnership flying and travel seperation. They close on Jan 22. Guess what? That means they can send out WARN letters on Feb 1, 2010, for a furlough date of April 30, 2010. Remember, people currently out on leaves return on May 1, 2010. Read between the lines instead of between your legs!

Bitter bitter bitter......its interesting how some people are so bitter that they sink in their own misery.
AA and APFA have said that there will be no more furlough at least till September of this year.
But yet you get people like this that are so miserable that want to bring everyone down with them.
If everyone is drinking Kool-Aid you must be drinking Bitter-Aid.

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