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Arthur Cline's Final Two Cents


Aug 6, 2004
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I have been struggling with whether putting to paper another email would really accomplish anything productive at this late stage in the election process. But after investing the time to watch the debate online, as hopefully many of you have as well, I decided that not responding to several of the discussions and statements made at the debate could possibly add to the confusion rather than clarify some of the issues that have surfaced.

I recently just read and enjoyed an email by someone I have respect for as a fair person. Trice Johnson from IMA is someone who has tried in his own way to educate many of us on the issue of who to choose. Who is of the better character? Who has more Honesty? Who is actually telling the truth?

Trice Johnson mockingly refers to the proceedings at APFA as something approaching a big three ring circus show.

I enjoyed the read, but would portray it more along the lines of a ancient Greek tragedy. Unlike a big three ring circus show that is entertaining and funny to watch, the result at the end of the day will have profound and permanent consequences on our careers including compensation, seniority, productivity, and job security.

I worked alongside Laura Glading and John Ward for almost three and half years during the 2001 negotiations and the 2003 concession debacle. I served as a negotiator that was appointed by the APFA Board of Directors. (our individual 18 chair people from each individual International and Domestic base) The original team of negotiators serving with Denise Hedges had resigned together in protest because the membership had overwhelming rejected their tentative agreement. Apfa members had even begun courting other unions to take over in disgust. Jeff Bott himself met me on a jet-bridge one day during those days and told me that the BOD (Bott was JFK Chair and a member) was requesting of my interest and possible desire of getting involved while everything was in such disarray.

To date, I have written three previous emails giving my opinion and bias on these APFA national officer elections. While I obviously have a preference for and support Ward, my previous emails did not demand you share my conviction. After sending out my those emails, I found myself the target of a deliberate and aggressive campaign of slander, misinformation, and blatant lies.

Apparently, I had been accused of walking out and sleeping during important meetings, missing other meetings due to lack of work ethic, and had also been a recipient of a favored political and illegal “paternity†leave. I then read that I only opposed Glading because Ward had a job lined up for me if he got elected, and that Glading herself had a memory lapse and was not sure who I was. I underestimated the fact that some of these supposed professionals would stoop to any course of action despite the actual truth as long as they got in office.

I began to realize that it was not the actual truth that mattered anymore, we as members were up against a group of individuals that have determined that individual members are not that smart or dedicated enough anymore to dig for the truth. Glading and group have boldly calculated that if they just continue to spread falsehoods, misinformation and slander again and again, from multiple sources, the individual members will simply start assuming the lies told are truths simply because the lies keep being repeated .

So, lets uncover the debate.

1. Glading, after being questioned about her claims she was the chairperson for the 2001 negotiations, looked straight at the cameras and stated she was in fact the chair, and then the co-chair of the 2001 negotiations.

A blatant twist of words, and she is hoping you will have already voted before you figure out that she misled you.

Facts are that she was assigned by the BOD to be a spokesperson until the upcoming elections decided who the next APFA President would be. That President, like every APFA President, becomes the Chairperson of the Negotiations team per our constitution and policy manual. None of the negotiators that served with Laura would support Laura's claim. Do not take my word for it. Call the APFA and ask for a fax or document anywhere that the APFA Board of Directors decided Glading would be a chairperson or co-chairperson of the negotiating team. In case you have not figured it out by now, the BOD and/or Executive Committee of this union can pass a resolution giving out titles and responsibilities. The APFA paid for this debate and should have no problem with members wanting clarification on claims made at an APFA paid event should they?

2. Laura, then when questioned about her involvement with union politics, looked straight at the cameras and pretended that she had no position and did not involve her self with union politics.

A blatant lie, and she is hoping you will have already voted before you figure out that she misled you.

Any one with any kind of union experience at all must have had a collective gasp and or laugh when she made that statement. But they were not her targeted audience for that blatant lie. We the members were. If you have not been involved with the union how are you to know otherwise?

For educational purpose, there are basically two political parties involved in the APFA with an occasional rush of an independent party that disappears or almost immediately converts to one party of the other after they blast their way in. Laura is simply hoping that the individual member will have no way or time to research her political record or alignment and support group which is the Tommie Huto Blake Party and support group and always has been. Check the references on each of the candidate's willingness to serve, and look at those of their running mates, see which Chair and Vice Chair support which candidates... that ought to dispel Laura's claim of no political alignment once and for all. The party members are always the same players. It is not that hard to figure it out for yourself.

3. Glading states that she has no idea about or has had any effect on ex-TWA legislation, and how could she, just a humble servant of the APFA.

A blatant twist of words, and she is hoping you will have already voted before you figure out that she misled you.

This is despite the fact that she has been trip removed for numerous meetings with U.S. Senators, Representatives, and Lobbyists. As I member of the executive committee of the APFA, it is her responsibility and obligation under trip removal to be on top of the whole situation. She wants you to believe that despite the fact that the ex-TWA flight attendants are block voting for her, she has no clue as to the reason why. She has even made the hint that if there is a reason, it is must simply be because of Tommie Huto- Blake, who by the way, she is not associated or aligned with politically, Right?

Do not take my word for it, read the TWA block voting letters for yourself. Ask yourself how the executive committee gave you a play by play update on government pension legislation less than a year ago, but now seems to have no clue or vague timeline, as to where, what, and how our APFA contractual seniority protection was ambushed without their knowledge? Should not they be showing some kind of outrage, that after all the APFA PAC contributions made to Senators and representatives and lobbyists, not one of those persons decided they had a need to know or should get a heads up? Are we not smart enough as individual members to finally realize when we are being bamboozled by our supposed APFA leadership?

4. Glading goes on to boast she is a career advocate for the APFA and involved as a volunteer for many undertakings.

A blatant twist of words, and she is hoping you will have already voted before you figure out that she misled you.

But do not take my word for it, Call the APFA and ask for Laura’s LM2 for past years or take a look of the APFA financials showing what Glading’s cost has been in compensation, reimbursements and trip removals over the last 20 years. She is betting you will not do it. Expensive volunteer. It was quite sly on her part to throw in volunteer in the same sentence. She should clarify her statement.

5. Glading looked straight at the cameras and stated she was a working line flight attendant. After all, many at JFK have suddenly seen her recently flying at JFK.

A blatant twist of words, and she is hoping you will have already voted before you figure out that she misled you.

Ask again for a glance at the those APFA financials and or ask Glading herself to provide her HI 1 for the last 10 years. She is betting you will not. Any candidate, when faced with such accusations, should be more than willing to show that at least one of her statements is correct, shouldn’t she? Make sure you review an HI 1 that is not during a campaign stage.

Now why have I taken the trouble to sit down and write out this email?

Previous slander has suggested I am a Ward junkie and have trip removals lined up. This is NOT the case. If asked would I serve the membership again? Absolutely. I have never shied from a challenge, and have no doubt that we will face more challenges in the days ahead. Quite frankly, I like you, am overwhelmed by all the politically motivated emails that are all flying around. However, I could not in good conscious, sit back and not challenge blatant misinformation during such a critical election.

Most of us, have by now made our decisions, marked our X four times, and stamped our ballots.

So again, what do I expect to accomplish with this email? I am hoping that if not now, then in the future, you as a member will take on the responsibility to quit taking friends, co-workers, or even leaders at their word at the APFA. Challenge it, with respect, but firm resolve. The excuse that you are not involved, or can not find out on your own is no longer valid. You have the means, even outside of email groups, to uncover the facts. Ask for LM2s and the APFA financials. Find out where and to whom those APFA dues go. Your can easily discover which political alliance your chair-person and other chairs affiliate with. No more being fooled by a chairperson who gave you someone’s campaign spin and claimed they were neutral. None of them are. They must align in order to pass any kind of agenda item or have their individual base concerns addressed. They must align with the group that sees things as they do or they can accomplish nothing. It is just like Congress or any other elective office or organization works in this great USA. This is what generates the different spins, slogans and mantra from our two union parties. One party seems to generally believe that if the company does well, we will too eventually. The other party seems to believe nothing will come our way unless it is in writing, and verified free of loopholes, or else the company will find a way to weasel out. Figure out which mantra you feel is more accurate or should represent you.

In my opinion, again, we have a political group that is currently on a campaign of slander and misinformation and they are betting the farm that you will not do your research. They want you to feel you can not question or place blame on them for the status quo. They believe that if they spread information and mantra from numerous sources and just keep repeating them then you will assume it is all gospel.

If you find or uncover a source has lied or given you misinformation once, even over something little, call it to their attention professionally and then break the cycle! Otherwise this type of behavior will not go away.

If you have not yet voted, please take the time to do the proper research, and then vote accordingly.

If you are unwillingly to invest the time and resources, than just add up those monthly APFA dues. You have just paid $500 annually to watch, as Trice Johnson mockingly refers to it, the APFA three ring circus show.

It is your future and you can make a difference with your vote. Choose wisely and with research.

Arthur Cline

JFK Flight Attendant

Former SJU Vice Chairperson

Former APFA Negotiating team member.

Current Proud supporter of John Ward and slate for APFA Leadership and my best hope for a better future.
Two cents?

This guy's nonsense is not even worth that.

Wonder what HE'S been promised by Ward? Hmmmmm....Probably some cushy position.
Two cents?

This guy's nonsense is not even worth that.

Wonder what HE'S been promised by Ward? Hmmmmm....Probably some cushy position.

If you knew Art Cline you wouldn't be talking nonsense. Ask anyone who knows him or has flown with him.

If Art ever took a position again for the APFA it would only be to FAs benefit.
You state in you post, "she is hoping you have already voted" no less than six times by my count. Projecting out that you, and aparantly only you, know what Laura is hoping is absolute falsehood. You have no idea what Laura is hoping. Your post is a fiction.
If you knew Art Cline you wouldn't be talking nonsense. Ask anyone who knows him or has flown with him.

If Art ever took a position again for the APFA it would only be to FAs benefit.

I'm not the one who wrote it.

Art was stating that Laura was hoping everyone voted before they realized she was a liar. He was spitting nails after watching her lie right into the camera while smiling. I spoke with him right after he watched it. He's not a hothead either so it was surprising to hear him so steamed.

Whatever. You know everything so I don't know why I even bother. 🙄
For educational purpose, there are basically two political parties involved in the APFA with an occasional rush of an independent party that disappears or almost immediately converts to one party of the other
Do not take my word for it, read the TWA block voting letters for yourself.

If you find or uncover a source has lied or given you misinformation once, even over something little, call it to their attention professionally and then break the cycle! Otherwise this type of behavior will not go away.

If you have not yet voted, please take the time to do the proper research, and then vote accordingly.

It is your future and you can make a difference with your vote. Choose wisely and with research.

I agree with many of the sentiments of this letter, especially in regard to the two political parties and the need for a vote based on research instead of gossip. HOWEVER, this letter is guilty of spreading misinformation and innuendo regarding the TWA block vote letters that can be found on the Ward campaign site. I address this in a post on the "APFA runoff election" thread.

Basically, both candidates are from the two opposing pissing match parties in Euless. I am not thrilled or in love with either candidate.

To me it is like having to choose between holding a baby diaper full of steaming poop or a bag of week old rotting fish.:wacko:

That being said, all I see in Art Cline's letter are reasons to NOT vote for Laura Glading (and I'm sure much of it is correct) but WHAT I AM NOT SEEING are reasons to vote for John Ward.

Where is a synopsis of what JW can do for the membership in negotiations? What is JW's solution and plan? With Glading she has outlined her ideas and they are solid as long as she follows through.

I kept an open mind with both candidates and the debate sealed it for me. Ward's behavior was deplorable. All I saw on his part was a lot of fingerpointing and blaming everyone else. It's never John's fault, is it? Again, I didn't hear anything about what he brings to the table and why I should vote for him.

His campaign strategy seems to be vote for him because he is not Glading. He is also heavily courting the "Misinformed, Don't Ask Questions" vote.

Speaking of "A Blatant Twist of Words and being MISLED by not doing research" this is EXACTLY what Ward's campaign is doing with the TWA block vote letters.

Any APFA member can find Tim Hunter and Nena Martin's info on the APFA website and contact them by phone or email to ask about the intent of those letters.

Tim has been fielding some pretty nasty phone calls from Ward supporters so the slander goes both ways.

For the record, Tim and Dixie have been neutral. They frustrated the THBers because they wouldn't play along with the petty foolishness. They vote on what is best for us as flight attendants.

The voting record of STL chairs reflects the politics of the previous base chairs, not Tim and Dixie (and Nena now).

I was (and still am) quite critical of the previous STL chairs but Tim and Dixie were/are the real deal. I fully expect Nena will be as well.

STL's loss of Dixie is APFA's gain because she is an elected alternate negotiator. That woman is a force of nature and I am incredibly impressed by her. She knows her stuff and her experience is second to none.

And that's my 2 cents 😛


I'm not the one who wrote it.

Art was stating that Laura was hoping everyone voted before they realized she was a liar. He was spitting nails after watching her lie right into the camera while smiling. I spoke with him right after he watched it. He's not a hothead either so it was surprising to hear him so steamed.

Whatever. You know everything so I don't know why I even bother. 🙄

Laura Glading is no liar. Laura Glading has made only one promise and that is to get the best contract for every APFA FA. Every one.
wAArd, on the other hand, has been ruled against by an Article VII Arbitrator (guilty of violating the APFA Constitution...but why should a little thing like the APFA Constitution get in wAArd's way!), tossed out by the Department of Labor for tampering with his own election, and we still don't know it all yet from the RPA. Rumor has it that he just cannot accept any voting outcome! OH and let's not forget to spread the evil TWA gonna steal your seniority rumor...again. Liar? Look up wAArd.
But, you go right ahead and vote for him because he is such a stand up guy. There's a truth teller for ya!
Art Cline may be a decent guy but what you have posted is a tirade. I'm stompin' my feet and crying not fair you liar, tirade. That's what I'm looking for in a negotiator! Could it be that both these guys are just covering up the fact that they didn't get it done? They didn't even want the 2001 contract until the FAs wanted it, then all of a sudden...get out of the way...it was all wAArd!!
Get these people OUT of the way of those who know how to work and not whine, whine, whine. I am so sick of excuses and childish rants.
wAArd had his shot...many times....and failed. Get him AND his cohorts out of the way! We need a good contract not another round of, it's not my fault!! Blame ------fill in the blank.
I had no idea Laura Glading was paid for her work on behalf of APFA. Wow that should change some minds. Thank God ward didn't take any sort of compensation for his time removed for union work. The whole letter is a joke. If Art is so sure and has all the facts, why not post them? Any one with half a brain understands why.

I agree with many of the sentiments of this letter, especially in regard to the two political parties and the need for a vote based on research instead of gossip. HOWEVER, this letter is guilty of spreading misinformation and innuendo regarding the TWA block vote letters that can be found on the Ward campaign site. I address this in a post on the "APFA runoff election" thread.

Basically, both candidates are from the two opposing pissing match parties in Euless. I am not thrilled or in love with either candidate.

To me it is like having to choose between holding a baby diaper full of steaming poop or a bag of week old rotting fish.:wacko:

That being said, all I see in Art Cline's letter are reasons to NOT vote for Laura Glading (and I'm sure much of it is correct) but WHAT I AM NOT SEEING are reasons to vote for John Ward.

Where is a synopsis of what JW can do for the membership in negotiations? What is JW's solution and plan? With Glading she has outlined her ideas and they are solid as long as she follows through.

I kept an open mind with both candidates and the debate sealed it for me. Ward's behavior was deplorable. All I saw on his part was a lot of fingerpointing and blaming everyone else. It's never John's fault, is it? Again, I didn't hear anything about what he brings to the table and why I should vote for him.

His campaign strategy seems to be vote for him because he is not Glading. He is also heavily courting the "Misinformed, Don't Ask Questions" vote.

Speaking of "A Blatant Twist of Words and being MISLED by not doing research" this is EXACTLY what Ward's campaign is doing with the TWA block vote letters.

Any APFA member can find Tim Hunter and Nena Martin's info on the APFA website and contact them by phone or email to ask about the intent of those letters.

Tim has been fielding some pretty nasty phone calls from Ward supporters so the slander goes both ways.

For the record, Tim and Dixie have been neutral. They frustrated the THBers because they wouldn't play along with the petty foolishness. They vote on what is best for us as flight attendants.

The voting record of STL chairs reflects the politics of the previous base chairs, not Tim and Dixie (and Nena now).

I was (and still am) quite critical of the previous STL chairs but Tim and Dixie were/are the real deal. I fully expect Nena will be as well.

STL's loss of Dixie is APFA's gain because she is an elected alternate negotiator. That woman is a force of nature and I am incredibly impressed by her. She knows her stuff and her experience is second to none.

And that's my 2 cents 😛




HEY "Coop",

Might now, be a good time for YOU to WADE into the STL/APFA water.....even DEEPER ? :up: :up:

Luv Ya,
If you knew Art Cline you wouldn't be talking nonsense. Ask anyone who knows him or has flown with him.

If Art ever took a position again for the APFA it would only be to FAs benefit.

I do know him and have flown with him. I stand by what I said.

It was well-known that Art did not do much on the Negotiating Team other than support Ward. I flew with him during the last negotiations.

Again, I wonder what postion he has been offered.

HEY "Coop",

Might now, be a good time for YOU to WADE into the STL/APFA water.....even DEEPER ? :up: :up:

Luv Ya,

Ugh Bears, I don't know about that. If I had to sit in one of those BOD meetings watching the petty playground fights, I might have to kill someone and you know, Texas really loves the Death Penalty...lol!

This whole election runoff has inspired my new favorite saying:

"You don't have to own a cattle ranch to know what B.S. smells like"

Seriously though, when I finally get medically cleared to return to work (hopefully in May) I would like to do some grunt work at the base level. I'm considering Health Desk training as well. I really, really love flying but I do feel like I should get involved in some way instead of armchair quarterbacking all the time.

Luv Ya!


Ugh Bears, I don't know about that. If I had to sit in one of those BOD meetings watching the petty playground fights, I might have to kill someone and you know, Texas really loves the Death Penalty...lol!

This whole election runoff has inspired my new favorite saying:

"You don't have to own a cattle ranch to know what B.S. smells like"

Seriously though, when I finally get medically cleared to return to work (hopefully in May) I would like to do some grunt work at the base level. I'm considering Health Desk training as well. I really, really love flying but I do feel like I should get involved in some way instead of armchair quarterbacking all the time.

Luv Ya!




I "comprehend" 🙄 Coop.

I'll count the days till you "roll down the runway" in uniform :up:

One thing I'm SURE about. A lil' bird will whisper/guide you to where you'll do your Best Work for the Union !!!!!
Ugh Bears, I don't know about that. If I had to sit in one of those BOD meetings watching the petty playground fights, I might have to kill someone and you know, Texas really loves the Death Penalty...lol!

This whole election runoff has inspired my new favorite saying:

"You don't have to own a cattle ranch to know what B.S. smells like"

Seriously though, when I finally get medically cleared to return to work (hopefully in May) I would like to do some grunt work at the base level. I'm considering Health Desk training as well. I really, really love flying but I do feel like I should get involved in some way instead of armchair quarterbacking all the time.

Luv Ya!



Good for you..!!

Someone willing to become part of the solution, how refreshing.!
I encourage you to get involved at STL..theres a lot of perspective to be gained from doing Union work. From what Ive seen/read, you would be an asset to the base..
go for it..