I was told the area director from ORD, who originally came from JFK, had cornered someone she was friendly with and was telling him that they had to vote for this because thats the company was going to shrink Tulsa so they would no longer be the majority. She said that (in six years) the line would be the majority and thats why the line should support it. ream pretty much hinted around the same thing in LGA but was even more vauge at JFK when he realized that the guys didnt care about six years from now, they were more concerned about the six years right in front of them.
I think the company and the "lead negotiators" were counting on enough EO's so there would be no RIFs to the street, then they would claim what a great job they did saving jobs. 4000 was never a real number for the short term, the capacity doesnt exist, but over the long term it may very well be the number as the MD-80s go away and the company shifts towards phase checks which may extend the first heavy check beyond the 10 year mark. Tulsa will once again be sold a bill of goods that their survival depends on being able to compete for and bring in 3P work. Once again the "Lead Negotiators" will do everything they can to give AA whatever they want. They figure that by then the average age will be 60 years old and all they will need is another EO offering.
The only problem with their plan is that not too many young people are taking an insterest in this anymore. FAR 66?