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yep tulsa you were mislead by the twu AGAIN

Bob How many amts do you represent did you forget we are suppose to be a union there is other cities besides NY. a good leader makes sure majority are all on borad before going to war, a good leader has a plan what was you plan, ( hey guys the company wil give in) well they didn't. look in the mirror bob and be true to yourself for once. This is not the playground this is the big leagues and I think your contract has ended.
. How funny. You must be sipping the cooking sherry again. Did you know that Tulsa always controlled the vote? What ever Tulsa wanted Tulsa got. Even with this lbo Tulsa got what they voted for. If they only took the time to read the contract they would have voted no. Now they cry about the lay off numbers. Who is to blame? Bob in New York? Point the blame to the leadership at 514. The line stations including afw pushed for a no vote. Sober up dummy.
Ahh whatajoke next negotiation session tulsa could be the smallest local at the table. Then u will know what its like to eat a #### sandwich. Again. That is when the company implements FULLY what you voted for@
Ahh whatajoke next negotiation session tulsa could be the smallest local at the table. Then u will know what its like to eat a #### sandwich. Again. That is when the company implements FULLY what you voted for@

very true
Bob How many amts do you represent did you forget we are suppose to be a union there is other cities besides NY. a good leader makes sure majority are all on borad before going to war, a good leader has a plan what was you plan, ( hey guys the company wil give in) well they didn't. look in the mirror bob and be true to yourself for once. This is not the playground this is the big leagues and I think your contract has ended.

funny guy,

Bob is only one President. Bob has the backing of his membership. Your "leadership" preached fear and issued knee pads so they could live on their collective needs better. Your masters must be proud of you. This contract ended our careers at AA. You don't like Bob? Then run against him. You can run from behind your alias.
Sorry about that comment informer, nothing malicious but it is in all probability what will happen.
Bob How many amts do you represent did you forget we are suppose to be a union there is other cities besides NY. a good leader makes sure majority are all on borad before going to war, a good leader has a plan what was you plan, ( hey guys the company wil give in) well they didn't. look in the mirror bob and be true to yourself for once. This is not the playground this is the big leagues and I think your contract has ended.

First off, we never even went to war, sure we spoke of it but it never happened, people like you were there to help make sure it never happened. Tulsa provided enough YES votes to surrender without ever firing a shot. Whose to blame? Are the YES voters solely responsible for voting the way their leaders told them they should vote? The fact is our structure leaves us devoid of what is needed to engage in battle, a central leader. What we have instead are a bunch of appointed people who for the most part have a very low opinion of those they say they represesnt, well those that pay their six figure salaries at any rate, and they have the benefit of not being held accountable by those people. So most of the people voted YES because their leaders took the same position as the "lead negotiators," as the company described them in court, and agreed to surrender. Of course the lead negotiators didnt have to live under the deal either, but they will come here and claim that we have industry leading language on outsourcing, and we got that language as the trend towards outsourcing was starting to reverse on its own. Great job!!

Sure I realize that we are supposed to be a Union, but before I was a Union Mechanic I was a Licensed A&P mechanic and looking out for the profession and maintaining wages and benefits is more important than ensuring that the TWU maximizes dues flow. This flawed structure we have does not promote unity anyway. The President of the largest Local told all the other Presidents that mechanics from other Locals have no right to try and share their views with mechanics in his local, and he is not a mechanic. As his pay rate for his classification remained near the top of the industry he had his local go around and convince mechanics in his local to accept bottom of the industry compensation.

My contract can be terminated at any time, one thing I was able to accomplish was to get it in our Bylaws that our members could recall any elected official in our Local. So far that hasnt happened.
As I have said before, the image that all of you from AA have painted for AMFA has been its biggest downfall. The way you conduct yourselves and your attitudes around the base you can thank your amateur recruiters that have done things in the past that nobody will forget. Sure you may have a few more cards signed but you still probably won't get the numbers you need. That is one of the reasons I do not think highly of AMFA at AA. I just heard a story a couple weeks ago from a toolroom stockclerk about a building cleaner getting cornered in a bathroom by a group of AMFA supporters and was intimidated into signing a card. It's many stories like that you have to be proud of, whether there is more less to story or not. That is the image that gets passed around.

You are correct about the conduct of the recruiters. The AMFA recruiters blew it in years past. They would gather in small groups and walk through the machine shop area's and kick pallets of parts and tell the machinists when AMFA gets in this work will be farmed out. That ignorance to the "Core of the Overhaul" showed many that AMFA was not a welcome and nothing but a threat to keeping maintenance in house. Again, I'm told they are organizing. Not within the core of overhaul where the skill sets exist, so again their intent with our work has not changed. They would rather see the "Core of the Overhaul" outsourced, so the whole thing will implode and make our Maintenance Base in Tulsa extinct. This should be an example of the poor leadership these recruiters would provide since they can't learn from their own mistakes... B)
Ahh whatajoke next negotiation session tulsa could be the smallest local at the table. Then u will know what its like to eat a #### sandwich. Again. That is when the company implements FULLY what you voted for@

I was told the area director from ORD, who originally came from JFK, had cornered someone she was friendly with and was telling him that they had to vote for this because thats the company was going to shrink Tulsa so they would no longer be the majority. She said that (in six years) the line would be the majority and thats why the line should support it. ream pretty much hinted around the same thing in LGA but was even more vauge at JFK when he realized that the guys didnt care about six years from now, they were more concerned about the six years right in front of them.

I think the company and the "lead negotiators" were counting on enough EO's so there would be no RIFs to the street, then they would claim what a great job they did saving jobs. 4000 was never a real number for the short term, the capacity doesnt exist, but over the long term it may very well be the number as the MD-80s go away and the company shifts towards phase checks which may extend the first heavy check beyond the 10 year mark. Tulsa will once again be sold a bill of goods that their survival depends on being able to compete for and bring in 3P work. Once again the "Lead Negotiators" will do everything they can to give AA whatever they want. They figure that by then the average age will be 60 years old and all they will need is another EO offering.

The only problem with their plan is that not too many young people are taking an insterest in this anymore. FAR 66?
I was told the area director from ORD, who originally came from JFK, had cornered someone she was friendly with and was telling him that they had to vote for this because thats the company was going to shrink Tulsa so they would no longer be the majority. She said that (in six years) the line would be the majority and thats why the line should support it. ream pretty much hinted around the same thing in LGA but was even more vauge at JFK when he realized that the guys didnt care about six years from now, they were more concerned about the six years right in front of them.

I think the company and the "lead negotiators" were counting on enough EO's so there would be no RIFs to the street, then they would claim what a great job they did saving jobs. 4000 was never a real number for the short term, the capacity doesnt exist, but over the long term it may very well be the number as the MD-80s go away and the company shifts towards phase checks which may extend the first heavy check beyond the 10 year mark. Tulsa will once again be sold a bill of goods that their survival depends on being able to compete for and bring in 3P work. Once again the "Lead Negotiators" will do everything they can to give AA whatever they want. They figure that by then the average age will be 60 years old and all they will need is another EO offering.

The only problem with their plan is that not too many young people are taking an insterest in this anymore. FAR 66?
I wouldn't call Vedatich, Little or any of the other TWU stooges "Lead Negotiators"....more like "secret negotiators"...because I'm absolutely sure lots of backdoor deals went down behind your back. Like trying to figure out how to get TUL into buying the bag of #### sandwich. Bob, I'm not exactly sure how you can keep your composure when your around those company ass stooges.
I was told the area director from ORD, who originally came from JFK, had cornered someone she was friendly with and was telling him that they had to vote for this because thats the company was going to shrink Tulsa so they would no longer be the majority. She said that (in six years) the line would be the majority and thats why the line should support it. ream pretty much hinted around the same thing in LGA but was even more vauge at JFK when he realized that the guys didnt care about six years from now, they were more concerned about the six years right in front of them.

I think the company and the "lead negotiators" were counting on enough EO's so there would be no RIFs to the street, then they would claim what a great job they did saving jobs. 4000 was never a real number for the short term, the capacity doesnt exist, but over the long term it may very well be the number as the MD-80s go away and the company shifts towards phase checks which may extend the first heavy check beyond the 10 year mark. Tulsa will once again be sold a bill of goods that their survival depends on being able to compete for and bring in 3P work. Once again the "Lead Negotiators" will do everything they can to give AA whatever they want. They figure that by then the average age will be 60 years old and all they will need is another EO offering.

The only problem with their plan is that not too many young people are taking an insterest in this anymore. FAR 66?
I guess if AA is willing to pay your legal bill.....you'll do just about anything to bamboozle the membership. Videtich and Little aren't leaders....they're AA salesmen. great sell job.......the membership are the idiots for buying into the b.s.
You are correct about the conduct of the recruiters. The AMFA recruiters blew it in years past. They would gather in small groups and walk through the machine shop area's and kick pallets of parts and tell the machinists when AMFA gets in this work will be farmed out. That ignorance to the "Core of the Overhaul" showed many that AMFA was not a welcome and nothing but a threat to keeping maintenance in house. Again, I'm told they are organizing. Not within the core of overhaul where the skill sets exist, so again their intent with our work has not changed. They would rather see the "Core of the Overhaul" outsourced, so the whole thing will implode and make our Maintenance Base in Tulsa extinct. This should be an example of the poor leadership these recruiters would provide since they can't learn from their own mistakes... B)

Laughable posting.
The TWU negotiated the "skill set" -$1.55 in skill premium, and remains after over 10 years.
The TWU negotiated the "skill set" a 35% outsource with a "peak demand" no limit.
The TWU negotiates the "skill set" to train those that make more than them how to do their jobs.

And you bash AMFA organizers. Just great logic there.

Everything the TWU supporters used in the past to degrade AMFA has now happened on TWU's watch.
Base Closures
Job Losses
Outsourcing of Work
Loss of work rules

And now you are going to add the demise of the Tulsa base to the jinx List.

Is there any depth limit to your burying of the cranium into the sand?
I wouldn't call Vedatich, Little or any of the other TWU stooges "Lead Negotiators"....more like "secret negotiators"...because I'm absolutely sure lots of backdoor deals went down behind your back. Like trying to figure out how to get TUL into buying the bag of #### sandwich.

The company never actually gave names but they were OK with Videtich , Gless et al staying in the courtroom while they discussed financial information they said they only shared with the "lead negotiators" (or something to that effect), they wanted me out, but in doing so they clearly pulled back the curtain as to what a farce the whole Negotiating committee structure is.

Bob, I'm not exactly sure how you can keep your composure when your around those company ass stooges.

If you only knew. Last time we met I had an International appointee, a guy collecting his pension on top of his six figures from the TWU, demanding that I resign, said I had no business being there and that Lee Seeham wrote all my posts on this sight because "You aint smart enough to write that ####".
As I have said before, the image that all of you from AA have painted for AMFA has been its biggest downfall. The way you conduct yourselves and your attitudes around the base you can thank your amateur recruiters that have done things in the past that nobody will forget. Sure you may have a few more cards signed but you still probably won't get the numbers you need. That is one of the reasons I do not think highly of AMFA at AA. I just heard a story a couple weeks ago from a toolroom stockclerk about a building cleaner getting cornered in a bathroom by a group of AMFA supporters and was intimidated into signing a card. It's many stories like that you have to be proud of, whether there is more less to story or not. That is the image that gets passed around.

AC Tynker

The actions of a few do not determin the action or direction of the union. Like you have said non professional organizer. The members of AA who are attempting to bring change in your mind act unproffessionally, but when a person has a goal he/she puts passion into what they believe. Having to fight the negative actions of AA, TWU and members of your own class and craft.

I still have not seen the decision from you wether you are a twu supporter, or IBT. The company has in the past placed memebers out of service just for wearing a T-shirt with AMFA on it. We have members of our own class craft writing letters to the Intl. and locals attempting to press charges against AMFA supporters. But these are the very same TWU memebers who push the IBT. These are former TWU local officers, and stewards. Your basing all your words on the actions of a few. It depends on the battle field what tactics need to be taken, don't you agree? It's been alot of yrs that the TWU and AA have been working together to reduce our overall wage earning potential. After working in this enviroment some may act in a way you don't agree with but the GOAL they have is for the betterment of our craft and in thier mind & actions. Having to explain over and over how/why what they are doing is better for all.

Most in our craft have gotten to the point they don't care they let someone else do all the work. Spend countless hrs of thier own time doing research and passing info to guys who blindly follow the TWU. Now we have the IBT in play as well.

At most stations union meetings are a joke no one attends. The reason why is I got better things to do that listen to the same old BS. So when the AMFA guys do research and post it it just gets torn down.
Its time for the AMT's of AA to decide how long your going to take the abuse of the TWU and AA. Say enough change the future for ourselves and those who follow.

Signing an AMFA card will give us all a vote. You can support what ever union you choose. But again why do you attempt to hinder the rest of us.

Safety in the Air begins with Quality Maintenance on the Ground
Laughable posting.
The TWU negotiated the "skill set" -$1.55 in skill premium, and remains after over 10 years.
The TWU negotiated the "skill set" a 35% outsource with a "peak demand" no limit.
The TWU negotiates the "skill set" to train those that make more than them how to do their jobs.

And you bash AMFA organizers. Just great logic there.

Everything the TWU supporters used in the past to degrade AMFA has now happened on TWU's watch.
Base Closures
Job Losses
Outsourcing of Work
Loss of work rules

And now you are going to add the demise of the Tulsa base to the jinx List.

Is there any depth limit to your burying of the cranium into the sand?

Laughable is you engaging in the same failed strategy hoping for a different result. Funny, I think I've heard you make that same claim before about the TWU. You crack me up Informer, keep up the good work.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Laughable is you engaging in the same failed strategy hoping for a different result. Funny, I think I've heard you make that same claim before about the TWU. You crack me up Informer, keep up the good work.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
No, you crack us up Chris. You keep up the good work, supporting a union that has failed to work for its membership. Your days in your new office are numbered. GFY !

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