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Yea or nay

Do you think this contract will pass?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • No

    Votes: 54 61.4%

  • Total voters
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This crap needs to fail by a wide enough margin so that it isnt tweaked a little to rob peter to pay paul. A wide margin of NO votes needs to happen to send the message to AA and TWU that "We are not buying your 2nd round of concessions! The vein is dry so quit sucking you vampires."
8-9pm for results
GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS BUT NO THANKS RP!!! :lol: :lol: THANKS BUT NO THANKS LITTLE!!! THANKS BUT NO THANKS DON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: 😀 😀 😀
Tally was done in Dallas
MIA President present
JFK President present

Local 562
600 NO
32 Yes
Well the Ex-Pres is there. I'm in NY.

Tulsa reportedly 2 to 1 against, AFW over 80% against, Local 562 94% NO 😀 😀 😀

Where did that 6% come from???
I can hear Little now after this goes down in flames " This is exactly what we anticipated, and now we can ask to be released from mediation, it was the plan all along" WE NEED CHANGE
I can hear Little now after this goes down in flames " This is exactly what we anticipated, and now we can ask to be released from mediation, it was the plan all along" WE NEED CHANGE
Pretty much what he said last week at the meeting here in TULE. :blink:
Pretty much what he said last week at the meeting here in TULE. :blink:
I have no doubt that all the YES voters will try and spin this around, but I just hope that memories are long and people remember what was stuck in with the ballott, all the reasons to vote yes while making the concessions look like gains.

They wanted this to pass, now they will say that they just wanted to hear the members say it again, that they needed to test the members resolve before taking them to the next step, thats BS, well the No voters didnt need to hear it said again. Leaders should not test the reslove of their members, they should solidify and fortify it. Jim is right, we do need change, first on the agenda is Videtich must be removed from Negotiations. He and his minions masterminded this deal and wasted three years of the memberships time and resources, why should they get a second chance to waste even more time? Over the last two years the TWU, under Videtich's leadership has given the company every reason to drag things out, they grant every request, such as politcal support for anti trust immunity and continuing to support the working together programs , even after the company said that all the savings from those programs added nothing to the package, "you still have a job" was the companys response, he encouraged the members to "take the high road" and send the message to everyone, the company, the banks and the NMB that we are happy workers, no need to worry that company intransience at the table will ever spill over to an interruption in commerce, in other words no reason to give us anything.

Here's the problem, the NMB, the company and the Intnl are going to try and tweek this thing, leaving all those extra concessions in place. As it is this is a ZERO cost contract, nowhere else in the budget do things remain at zero cost, our hourly rates are still below the 2001 agreement despite 7 years of inflation since that agreement was broken.I think we need to scrap the whole thing, just go to 2001 language with adjustments for inflation on all the economic issues.

Be prepared to vote NO again.
August 24, 2010
Waiting for the results
We had hoped to have news of the Transport Workers Union ratification vote results by now, but it looks like they're still counting.

I've heard that over 12,000 of the 12,800 eligible ballots were returned to TWU offices this morning and that the American Arbitration Association is still tabulating the results. That's close to 94 percent of the membership covered by these contracts.

Mechanics, stock clerks and maintenance technicians are voting on whether to ratify tentative contract agreements with American Airlines or to reject the contracts.

It may be late this afternoon or early this evening before we have an announcement of how the vote went. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: I'm hearing that they're shooting for results to be announced around 4 p.m. About an hour ago, counters were separating the no and yes votes from Tulsa. The NO pile was apparently higher at the time for both the Stores group and Maintenance, I've heard.

UPDATE NO.2: It's 4 p.m. and still no results. Looks like a late night is ahead of them. Latest news is that they are counting Alliance-FW and that vote is running around 80 percent NO.

-Andrea Ahles

Posted at 01:56 PM in American Airlines, Transport Workers Union | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

Read more: http://startelegram.typepad.com/sky_talk/#ixzz0xZgETuwF
August 24, 2010
Waiting for the results
We had hoped to have news of the Transport Workers Union ratification vote results by now, but it looks like they're still counting.

I've heard that over 12,000 of the 12,800 eligible ballots were returned to TWU offices this morning and that the American Arbitration Association is still tabulating the results. That's close to 94 percent of the membership covered by these contracts.

Mechanics, stock clerks and maintenance technicians are voting on whether to ratify tentative contract agreements with American Airlines or to reject the contracts.

It may be late this afternoon or early this evening before we have an announcement of how the vote went. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: I'm hearing that they're shooting for results to be announced around 4 p.m. About an hour ago, counters were separating the no and yes votes from Tulsa. The NO pile was apparently higher at the time for both the Stores group and Maintenance, I've heard.

UPDATE NO.2: It's 4 p.m. and still no results. Looks like a late night is ahead of them. Latest news is that they are counting Alliance-FW and that vote is running around 80 percent NO.

-Andrea Ahles

Posted at 01:56 PM in American Airlines, Transport Workers Union | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

Read more: http://startelegram.typepad.com/sky_talk/#ixzz0xZgETuwF
I have no doubt that all the YES voters will try and spin this around, but I just hope that memories are long and people remember what was stuck in with the ballott, all the reasons to vote yes while making the concessions look like gains.

They wanted this to pass, now they will say that they just wanted to hear the members say it again, well the No voters didnt need to hear it said again. Jim is right, we do need change, first on the agenda is Videtich must be removed from Negotiations.

Here's the problem, the NMB, the company and the Intnl are going to try and tweek this thing, leaving all those extra concessions in place. As it is this is a ZERO cost contract, nowhere else in the budget do things remain at zero cost, our hourly rates are still below the 2001 agreement despite 7 years of inflation.I think we need to scrap the whole thing, go to 2001 language with adjustments for inflation on all the economic issues.

Be prepared to vote NO again .

Agreed, Videtich should also be removed from his unelected Int'l position. Then he can jump the fence into management with all the buddies he made on the dark side. Will they benefit from the biggest hypocrite known to man? I don't think so.
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