Go to college and get a degree! Being a flight attendant is not as glamorous as you may think, you can't make a living as a flight attendant anymore. We have seen this job take a turn for the worst and its not going to get any better anytime soon. Why be a flight attendant with a college degree making a starting yearly salary of $20,000 when you can have a real job making $60-100,000 with a degree?? You will not have time for school if you try to fly during college. On call 24 hours a day up to 6 days in a row makes it impossible. The only way you might be able to do it is on-line classes and that will still be hard. You could be on duty for 14 hours and only have a 8.5 hour layover at the hotel. Then have to get up and do 14 hours again the next day. By the time you get home all you will want to do is sleep.
Take it from someone who has been flying for 26 years, coming up on 27 in October, don't be a flight attendant first go to college! If you decide to be a flight attendant, try Southwest first because they treat their employees the best!