Sign me up!!! Don't let AMFA greed do to you what they did to us at NWA! When they convince you to strike they will not continue to send you those fat SWA paychecks!
Why Do Southwest Airlines Employees Always Seem So Happy?
Earlier this year, Southwest Airlines announced it would be sharing $586 million in profits with its 54,000 employees – which equates to about a 13.2% average bonus for each employee, or roughly the equivalent of six weeks' pay. And that doesn't even count the extra $351 million the company contributed to its employees' 401(k) plans.
In an era marked by squabbles over the minimum wage and the gap in pay between executives and front-line employees, those numbers stand out. (The company paid out a record $620 million the year before.) Is it any wonder that Southwest employees always seem so happy when you're checking into your flight?
As Gary Kelly, Southwest's CEO said: “Our people-first approach, which has guided our company since it was founded, means when our company does well, our people do really, really well. Our people work incredibly hard and deserve to share in Southwest's success.”
Remarkably, it's the 43rd year in a row that Southwest has shared profits with its people, who also reportedly own about 10% of the company's shares as well. The airline has also never laid anyone off or cut pay.
The company has long been lauded for its strong workplace culture and engaged workforce – which might also have something to do with getting employees to think and act like owners by sharing the profits of their shared success. (It's worth noting that Southwest also has a union workforce, which sometimes leads to conflict from time to time.)
Herb Kelleher, the airline's founder, is quoted in the book, Nuts by Kevin and Jackie Freiberg, about the fact that in 1973 Southwest became the first major airline to introduce profit-sharing to its employees, as saying: “Profitsharing is an expense we want to be as big as possible so our people get a greater reward.”
(If you're a fan of Podcasts, I'd also recommend listening to Kelleher's interview with NPR where he talks about the early days of starting his groundbreaking airline.)
It really shouldn't come as a surprise, then, to hear stories about flight attendants picking up trash, gate agents tracking down borrowed staplers, or pilots cutting back on fuel usage precisely because they know that will impact their company's profits.
As the Freibergs write in their book: “The real secret to Southwest's success is having one of the most highly motivated and productive work forces in the world. They are motivated by a sense of fairness that says, ‘We want your well-being to be tied to the company's well-being because, after all, you are the company.'”
Southwest's long record of success stands out in context with United Airlines failed attempt at making their employees owners, when in 1995, pilots and machinists exchanged about $5 billion in wage and benefit cuts for 55% of the shares in the company. The move paid immediate dividends, as the market value of United's stock climbed some $4 billion.
But it wasn't long before things collapsed for a variety of reasons – including the fact that the flight attendant's union never supported the ESOP, as Bill Fotsch and John Case explain in their excellent article about how United could have avoided its troubles.
One of the key lessons we can learn from the United story is that simply handing over equity to employees isn't a solution onto itself if you haven't taught your employees how to run the business. Similarly, it also shows the dysfunction that can be created when only a percentage of the employees get to share in the company's success.
Which gets us back to Southwest's success. It's remarkable to think about any company, especially an airline, running profitably for 43 years - not quarters - and counting. While Southwest isn't an ESOP, it has found a way to get all of its employees pulling together toward common goals where, when they reach them, they all get to share in the rewards.
It's just another example that helps illustrate the power of employee ownership behaviors in action.