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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I'm very patient and have no problem with the present contract. But, I do believe a strike authorization vote should take place. A strike authorization vote does not mean you go on strike. The vote must pass by 50 percent plus 1 per the AMFA constitution and you would not be allowed to strike unless you were in self help per the RLA, AND only if the National Director called for the strike during self help per the AMFA constitution. If for some reason this ever got to self help it would be like going into a gunfight holding a popsicle stick. This vote may also give some leverage to our negotiating committee. I believe we appear very weak after all this time and not having this vote.
I'm very patient and have no problem with the present contract. But, I do believe a strike authorization vote should take place. A strike authorization vote does not mean you go on strike. The vote must pass by 50 percent plus 1 per the AMFA constitution and you would not be allowed to strike unless you were in self help per the RLA, AND only if the National Director called for the strike during self help per the AMFA constitution. If for some reason this ever got to self help it would be like going into a gunfight holding a popsicle stick. This vote may also give some leverage to our negotiating committee. I believe we appear very weak after all this time and not having this vote.
So now you want to drive the bus down the Northwest playbook, so what do we do if we choose that route if we still can't reach a deal say next year have the vote and pull the trigger, walk destroy our livelihood ! The company has self help too it's called job abandonment and they are free to replace you! When you do that you lose total control of the situation you are more effective being on the job and not taking all the short cuts you take everyday to get stuff done! And no I am not talking work slow or writing the airplanes up, just following normal procedures !
The only reason you would consider an actual strike is if the company did a lock out and hired replacements. to not have the authorization to strike, if you had no choice (were locked out), is foolish in my opinion. The companies self help is called LOCKOUT. In self help, we would have no more contract. You are called an "at will" employee. Not the NWA playbook. Remember, the RLA does not allow you to strike unless you were in self help. In self help the company can say, mr. driver you are done (locked out), we are keeping junior. Get it?
The only reason you would consider an actual strike is if the company did a lock out and hired replacements. to not have the authorization to strike, if you had no choice (were locked out), is foolish in my opinion. The companies self help is called LOCKOUT. In self help, we would have no more contract. You are called an "at will" employee. Not the NWA playbook. Remember, the RLA does not allow you to strike unless you were in self help. In self help the company can say, mr. driver you are done (locked out), we are keeping junior. Get it?
Northwest hired replacement workers before they locked out AMFA, believe me the company can replace you when you choose to walk, I know my ex Northwest friends are not going down that road again so go tell your buddies on the floor that dog is not going to hunt !!!
In self help the company can replace you anytime they choose. In self help there is no contract. This dog is going to hunt because the push is on to get this to a vote. After this long, the membership has the right to vote on this. All the company sees is weakness. That is why they will not negotiate. Your way of thinking is going to bring this work group to self help. The company has nothing to lose and everything to gain to get this to self help. With a strike authorization vote in place they may think twice.
In self help the company can replace you anytime they choose. In self help there is no contract. This dog is going to hunt because the push is on to get this to a vote. After this long, the membership has the right to vote on this. All the company sees is weakness. That is why they will not negotiate. Your way of thinking is going to bring this work group to self help. The company has nothing to lose and everything to gain to get this to self help. With a strike authorization vote in place they may think twice.
Dude you are smoking crack the company won't give a crap if you take a strike vote or not, so just go back with your junior hotheads I want a raise, and I will burn the store down to get it !
Send that guy for UA. Rush, rush, rush. Why are some (very little I might add) in such a rush to vote? We will vote when the company moves, until then the NC will not bring it out for a vote. So if this company wants a vote soooo bad as do some here, then they need to move in scope and economics. They added yet another year to our no raises and they did not add one single penny to economics from Aug 16. That is on them for dragging these negotiations out for their 5 year pay freeze that he said he wanted 5 years ago. Also, the NC is NOT going to agree to bring out anything that just strips us of all our scope language and maint. just not gonna happen. Like I said, if the company wants a vote they will have to move. Otherwise we just keep the contract we have currently as well as all the maint.
Dude you are smoking crack the company won't give a crap if you take a strike vote or not, so just go back with your junior hotheads I want a raise, and I will burn the store down to get it !
Not a junior. Been at swa for over 20 years. If swa doesn't care about a strike vote then why would you be so worried,
Send that guy for UA. Rush, rush, rush. Why are some (very little I might add) in such a rush to vote? We will vote when the company moves, until then the NC will not bring it out for a vote. So if this company wants a vote soooo bad as do some here, then they need to move in scope and economics. They added yet another year to our no raises and they did not add one single penny to economics from Aug 16. That is on them for dragging these negotiations out for their 5 year pay freeze that he said he wanted 5 years ago. Also, the NC is NOT going to agree to bring out anything that just strips us of all our scope language and maint. just not gonna happen. Like I said, if the company wants a vote they will have to move. Otherwise we just keep the contract we have currently as well as all the maint.
I'm talking about a strike authorization vote squirt. Not a ta vote
Not a junior. Been at swa for over 20 years. If swa doesn't care about a strike vote then why would you be so worried,
I am glad you are supposedly so senior, I have been here 23 years, and hotheads like you, will drive the membership off a cliff, take another hit off your crack pipe !
I am glad you are supposedly so senior, I have been here 23 years, and hotheads like you, will drive the membership off a cliff, take another hit off your crack pipe !
Not to worry mr senior. You need to keep sucking on that SWA pacifier and let the men take care of this contract issue. We have no leverage because of frightened folks like you. Not a hothead and no crackpipe in sight. Talk about driving the membership off the cliff! You and the squirt are doing just that
The AMFA membership was surveyed recently on this issue (strike vote) and others concerning the direction our elected negotiators should take. If you took the few minutes to fill out the online survey, then your opinion on this matter was tallied with everyone else who cared enough to answer also.
Our elected AMFA leaders have this information and will act on it when they see fit to do so.
That is how a democratic union is supposed to work. Not reacting to one loudmouth on the internet demanding a strike vote.
Not to worry mr senior. You need to keep sucking on that SWA pacifier and let the men take care of this contract issue. We have no leverage because of frightened folks like you. Not a hothead and no crackpipe in sight. Talk about driving the membership off the cliff! You and the squirt are doing just that
Swa doesn't care about a strike vote, the company side would probably love it, plays right into their hands Mr I 'll have another better read up on how the RLA works and I am a man, but I am not stupid like he is !
The blind leading the blind on this board. I took the survey and so did many others I know that feel the same way I do. You fools would probably even consider this med-arb gimmick. A strike authorization vote will pass and if the company doesn't care why do you? You must not have any faith or trust in the national director because he's the only one that would be authorized to call a strike if the situation warrant it. Let me ask, would you cross a strike line?
The blind leading the blind on this board. I took the survey and so did many others I know that feel the same way I do. You fools would probably even consider this med-arb gimmick. A strike authorization vote will pass and if the company doesn't care why do you? You must not have any faith or trust in the national director because he's the only one that would be authorized to call a strike if the situation warrant it. Let me ask, would you cross a strike line?
Let me ask something Mr. Smartass, are you going to walk from a six figure away job, a 401k match you won't find anywhere else in the industry, profit sharing that I see no where in the industry, because you don't get your $64.00 an hour. Maybe you can knock on UPS door when you are out of work because the company replaced you and the rest of your hothead self destructive friends that drove the bus off a cliff and lost our jobs, but you were a big man! ! Oh and the rest of the unions at SWA will not honor AMFA picket line, plus the IAM, TWU , and the Teamsters would crow about AMFA only loses mechanics jobs, way to go excellent plan !

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