Ok bright eyes I am going to explain this one time why you are flawed. Southwest Airlines is in Texas , we have Republican based in charge in Washington that is not going to side with labor, and neither is NMB! You bring up your strike vote I guarantee if you are as senior as you claim the Maintenance Controllers, Trainers, Leads, Inspectors, senior mechanics , and anyone with more than 5 years would shout you down! They will not risk their livelihood! AMFA and the negotiating committee have a game plan that doesn't involve destroying the membership jobs, like yours does! Also AMFA and Seham make money and they will not risk that, nor wanting to organize other airlines because a few people like you want the nuclear option ! Yes we are a democratic union, but if you threaten this union or it's membership with stupid ideas, we will turn on you and become like the Teamsters so fast it will make your head spin! And based on you spouting off like you do, I know you are just an internet troll !