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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Hey Swamt you started the board you know the pulse of the membership, I am tired of arguing with this I ll have another guy it is pointless, I know where I am at no one wants a strike vote, could please inform this troll his points are futile and can we get back to the original purpose of this board!
This is hilarious! The snowflake asking the squirt for help.
I'm not swamt but I've come to the conclusion that the only ones who would benefit from a strike would be our competitors, management, and MRO vendors, concluding that anyone admonishing such an act must be a representative of one of the three. I've not heard one syllable from any coworker suggesting a strike as an option and doubt any would bother to suggest it here.
Wrong. Your own union brought the issue up in a survey.
Wrong. Your own union brought the issue up in a survey.
You said your own union, not my union, you are obviously an outsider no one with any common sense would suggest a strike , so therefore you prove your troll status , plus you never answered the question big man, did AMFA entertain your business for a strike vote at the July 24 th, 2017 06:30 meeting?
Hey Swamt you started the board you know the pulse of the membership, I am tired of arguing with this I ll have another guy it is pointless, I know where I am at no one wants a strike vote, could please inform this troll his points are futile and can we get back to the original purpose of this board!
Swamt didn't start this board or this topic.
You said your own union, not my union, you are obviously an outsider no one with any common sense would suggest a strike , so therefore you prove your troll status , plus you never answered the question big man, did AMFA entertain your business for a strike vote at the July 24 th, 2017 06:30 meeting?
You unmasked me snowflake. I'm really a Russian MRO agent trying to change any upcoming election. You're real wizard you and your buddies.
You unmasked me snowflake. I'm really a Russian MRO agent trying to change any upcoming election. You're real wizard you and your buddies.
So what will a strike vote gain you, not any leverage with the company, the company has their game plan and we can either trust our negotiating committee to work and bring us the best deal they can and decide if it has merit to become our new contract, or we can go your route take a strike vote get released from mediation then walk , if they allow us too, which I really don't think they would! If they did I am sure management would love to cut their labor cost in half, and you call me a snowflake, seems like the patient is running the insane asylum, but do tell me what is your brilliant plan, since you want to go down this path?
You unmasked me snowflake. I'm really a Russian MRO agent trying to change any upcoming election. You're real wizard you and your buddies.
Let's see if we follow brainwave here, we can clean out our 401k to pay our bills why SWA continues to operate with no problems, just like Northwest did, the remaining people will get extra profit sharing for all the labor cost SWA is saving, AMFA will be decertified that will make them happy, and when I have another realize he can't make it, he will be begging for his job back, excellent plan !
So what will a strike vote gain you, not any leverage with the company, the company has their game plan and we can either trust our negotiating committee to work and bring us the best deal they can and decide if it has merit to become our new contract, or we can go your route take a strike vote get released from mediation then walk , if they allow us too, which I really don't think they would! If they did I am sure management would love to cut their labor cost in half, and you call me a snowflake, seems like the patient is running the insane asylum, but do tell me what is your brilliant plan, since you want to go down this path?
I've already explained what a strike authorization vote is. It is not a strike or a strike vote. All it is, is giving the authority to the national director(Bret), if we were locked out only during self help to call a strike. In other words you lost your job anyhow. No other time is it legal to call a strike except during self help. The RLA doesn't allow any other time. This is not NWA. NWA was bankrupt, and was going to cut 50 percent of the mechanics and cut pay 35 percent , if you recall. They also had replacement workers(scabs) hired to bust the union. AMFA had no choice but to strike because they knew they were done. Get it now. So for AMFA to call a strike would be slim here at SWA. There is no rush to have a strike authorization vote. But it should start to be seriously considered. We have been at this for six years. Who knows what the companies true intentions are.
I've already explained what a strike authorization vote is. It is not a strike or a strike vote. All it is, is giving the authority to the national director(Bret), if we were locked out only during self help to call a strike. In other words you lost your job anyhow. No other time is it legal to call a strike except during self help. The RLA doesn't allow any other time. This is not NWA. NWA was bankrupt, and was going to cut 50 percent of the mechanics and cut pay 35 percent , if you recall. They also had replacement workers(scabs) hired to bust the union. AMFA had no choice but to strike because they knew they were done. Get it now. So for AMFA to call a strike would be slim here at SWA. There is no rush to have a strike authorization vote. But it should start to be seriously considered. We have been at this for six years. Who knows what the companies true intentions are.
Why would you call a strike if you knew half your people were gone, because then you just lost everything, your membership, your dues money a chance to rebuild after the bankruptcy, I mean Delta was going to merge with them anyway. As far as SWA goes they have a fixed number, don't know what the magic number is they want to pay, I really don't see what a strike authorization vote is going to accomplish, but if you think it is so warranted, then bring it up at the business meeting next time and see how far it goes, not very far I bet !
Why would you call a strike if you knew half your people were gone, because then you just lost everything, your membership, your dues money a chance to rebuild after the bankruptcy, I mean Delta was going to merge with them anyway. As far as SWA goes they have a fixed number, don't know what the magic number is they want to pay, I really don't see what a strike authorization vote is going to accomplish, but if you think it is so warranted, then bring it up at the business meeting next time and see how far it goes, not very far I bet !
When would you strike a carrier? I guess it depends on the situation. From the AMFA leadership I talked to, said it was being considered at the appropriate time if necessary. That's why it was part of the survey. People seemed to confuse strike authorization to going on strike. I can say for sure, the national director has your best interest at heart. He's not going to do anything stupid.
When would you strike a carrier? I guess it depends on the situation. From the AMFA leadership I talked to, said it was being considered at the appropriate time if necessary. That's why it was part of the survey. People seemed to confuse strike authorization to going on strike. I can say for sure, the national director has your best interest at heart. He's not going to do anything stupid.
I meant to say, from the AMFA leadership I talked to, said a strike authorization vote was being considered at the appropriate time. Don't want you snowflakes to think I meant strike.
I meant to say, from the AMFA leadership I talked to, said a strike authorization vote was being considered at the appropriate time. Don't want you snowflakes to think I meant strike.
When you take a strike authorization vote, you give the union to call a strike if they see fit after self help, you are more effective staying on the job, unless you are locked out, but usually the company gives you a chance before they lock you out! Usually strikes do not turn out very well for independent unions like AMFA, unlike a large union like the Teamsters that has political power, we don't have any, the only thing we have is filling a lawsuit that doesn't seem to be going anywhere!
When you take a strike authorization vote, you give the union to call a strike if they see fit after self help, you are more effective staying on the job, unless you are locked out, but usually the company gives you a chance before they lock you out! Usually strikes do not turn out very well for independent unions like AMFA, unlike a large union like the Teamsters that has political power, we don't have any, the only thing we have is filling a lawsuit that doesn't seem to be going anywhere!
I go back to one of my original questions/ statements on this forum. What is the legal strategy from the Seham advisory group besides filing lawsuits and tieing up in Federal courts. Once again- this is the first full blown section 6 negotiations amfa is in with SWA. All other negotiations were extensions and minor loa with pay raises since early 2000 time frame. Outgunned and plan of attack is not working out so good. We shall see but long bumpy curvy road ahead for the SWA tech and related. There are going to be some disgruntled members on conclusion if it ever gets there. Going to be very interesting!!!!!!! Amfa power at its best. Attack and label what you want but you better look in the mirror for a dose of reality!!!!!
When you take a strike authorization vote, you give the union to call a strike if they see fit after self help, you are more effective staying on the job, unless you are locked out, but usually the company gives you a chance before they lock you out! Usually strikes do not turn out very well for independent unions like AMFA, unlike a large union like the Teamsters that has political power, we don't have any, the only thing we have is filling a lawsuit that doesn't seem to be going anywhere!
You could be right. Depends on the situation we are dealt with at the time. I'm sure AMFA will get no support from the other unions on the property. Our leadership knows that.

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