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Why was Shares chosen of Sabre?

This Management Team would NEVER NEVER admit it made a mistake. It's not in their DNA, which doesn't make them a whole lot different from any other airline.

I still want to know who is being held accountable? Scott Kirby is an Air Force Academy Graduate and the Military is all about individual accountability.

So Scott who are you holding accountable???

Joe Beery reports to you! In fact every single person responsible for the condition that US finds itself in reports to Scott Kirby.

I find that the Org chart is quite helpful in determining who is in charge of the various debacles. What is disturbing is no one is being held accountable at that level.

Right now the "Generals" are performing like the Iraqi Army did in Desert Storm.

The only explanation is that the HP/US management team is in training for White House jobs. The Bush admin also has an "org chart". They haven't followed that yet. Why would the HP/US management group?
I still want to know who is being held accountable? Scott Kirby is an Air Force Academy Graduate and the Military is all about individual accountability.

So Scott who are you holding accountable???

Joe Beery reports to you!
If CIO Joe was told to leave, is there anyone in the company that could replace him? If not, at what point in these major conversions would be the optimun time? Wouldn't it be interesting if a departure time has already been set? What is the date had been leaked to him?
From another thread, lotsa laughs:

2) "Doogies' Next Disaster"..."All America waits with breathless anticipation to see what can possibly top the side-splitting hilarious stupidity of SHARES!!!".."SHARES left even the toughest critics rolling in the aisles...." All now wait in anxious anticipation of his next stand up performance".

Reviews of SHARES are coming in from around the world:

Lufthansa: Was ist denn das SHARES!!??...NEIN...Das glaube ich NICHT!!
Air France: SHARES?...C'est le Cochon!
Aero Mexico:SHARES? Es muy estupido!
El Al:Oiy Vey I thought that my uncle Mortie was the stupidest man alive...dont you know that now I know better.
Continental: Well..it actually sorta' works for us..but we do use native SHARES
Delta: Thank Allmighty GOD IN HEAVEN that we actually escaped from these hopeless idiots!!
United: I sure hope that we'll NEVER merge with these hapless buffoons!
Northwest: Look..Ok already; we're just coming outta' bankruptcy...but we're not THAT stupid.
Star Alliance: You can't "see" and quickly book european feeds from other airlines?..or even have the destination cities in you "system?...C'mon..you're just kidding us...umm..aren't you?
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In addition to CO, Air China and Asiana use SHARES.. why I have no IDEA. I read something while back that a few companies were working on a COMPLETE AIRLINE RESERVATIONS system, one that does everything. Since Sabre is part of AMR... it has to be very expensive to use the system.
I thought SABRE was sold to EDS? Does'nt EDS own both SABRE and SHARES?

A SABRE reconversion would be the quickest and the one that would create the fewest, if any problems. It would also put our operation back on solid footing. It is true that QIK is indeed the main problem , not necessarily Shares, but if qik is the problem let us turn it off and work in NATIVE shares . We know how to do our job it is qik/shares that prevents us from doing it. What used to take from 1-2 minutes to seconds now take 10-15 mins per passenger simply because qik seems to think it knows better than the agent dealing with the issue. Popups and fillins will never be an alternative to a command entry ,but that is what qik has inflicted on us. Give us SABRE back or at least access to Native Shares. Why is it that Tempe and OCC don't use qik? They use native shares. Do you see a problem here? They have access but the front line does not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think they taught the agents at AWA to use Native SHARES after QIK was installed. I once saw a terminal in Native mode and the agent was keeping clear of it because she did not know what to do with it. A supervisor came over and put it back into QIK so she could use it.

I came from cross utilization days and it was always a training issue. The training was always minimal, and if you did not work full time, you did not retain the skills. One of the reasons that cross utilization went away.

HP also did not buy all of the functions that SHARES offered, so you had to be really good at stored ticketing functions, know your fare rules, and international rules.

My 2 ¢worth.
Working as I do, in a station with a East/West staff that's roughly 50/50, I'm, like most who know better, at wit's end over Qik.
Our job responsibilities over the years have ever increased and come at us from all directions: security-related issues, on-time pressures, international docs, poor staffing levels, to name a few. And most of these challenges have been simply part of having a job in business that operates in an environment in constant flux.
This Qik-thing, however, never should have happened. Adding to the normal and constant changes in our jobs, mostly all part of the job, we have added to the mix this piece of crap!
Contrast: pre-Qik, I had the capacity to do so much. And so long as I remained current with SABRES’ capabilities and functionality, there was little I couldn't do. If I remained informed with entries, or was able to navigate in FOCUS to the appropriate page, I could do most anything or find an answer to most any question.
With Qik, I've gone back decades in time. Many questions have no answer because the information simply isn't even addressed in the help pages/DRS. Some tasks, must be searched for, if they exist, somewhere behind some F9 key, ALT, secondary keys, tertiary keys, sub-menus. The other day I needed to void a document. I found in ACO, a function called void a document. For my document type, it didn't work. Turns out, another button exists elsewhere, similarly named, that CRC guided me to. This other void doc button did work! Why have two similarly named buttons, one only working for some doc types, the other for others. STUPID, STUPID! These functions are merely programmed scripts. The programmer may have know what they wanted but how are agents to know what the script says, what it commands versus another button's scripted command?
With SABRE, each situation presented an objective. I simply needed know the objective, know the solution and lastly, perform the entries to obtain the desired results.
I fear I may strike the next West agent, or sympathetic but not getting-it passenger who tells me it's all a matter of just getting used to. I'm just about as used to it as one can get. And about as nimble with Qik as most West agents already are. In my three decades in the business, I've worked quite well with systems used by British, NW, American, Qantas. Even PSA's PARS. I know all about getting used to new systems. And reaching a comfort level where I truly new them, mastered them, view them as tools allowing me to do my job better. Qik is the opposite. Hardly a tool, it hinders me from doing my best and doing best for the customer.
There's no getting used to "it." No more than having my indoor plumbing taken away from me and told I must use an outhouse located 1/4 mile away. I'll use it but get used to it, I don't think so. Perhaps if I'm used to digging a whole in the ground, an outhouse would be an improvement.
This RES migration and the inability to KEEP UP with demand and SERVING The Customer will ultimately be the demise of this airline. I have yet to pass a ticket counter in the East where the line wasn't OUT the doors. What in the HELL were they thinking?! I will attempt to travel NR one more time in the next day or so.......any hiccups/bullsh*t I AM DONE (family already REFUSES to "FlyUS"....and I can't say I blame them.) For the life of Me, I don't know how the Agents even want to come to work. :down:
This RES migration and the inability to KEEP UP with demand and SERVING The Customer will ultimately be the demise of this airline. I have yet to pass a ticket counter in the East where the line wasn't OUT the doors. What in the HELL were they thinking?! I will attempt to travel NR one more time in the next day or so.......any hiccups/bullsh*t I AM DONE (family already REFUSES to "FlyUS"....and I can't say I blame them.) For the life of Me, I don't know how the Agents even want to come to work. :down:

Are you saying people won't even fly for free any more?
When will the clowns in the sandcastle finally open their eyes and see shares for the failure it is and continues to be. We have endured 3 months of their incompetence. What will it take for them to see the reality of the disater they have created?
Maybe, but I don't think so. Here's a press release describing what EDS bought from SABRE in 2001:

inside that release "EDS becomes the number one provider of global IT infrastructure services to the airline industry, adding the strength of carriers like American Airlines and US Airways to its existing list of premier airline clients. These clients include Continental, AeroMexico, Mexicana, British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and America West."
And the money keeps walking out the door.

Had a weather reroute tonight. Customer on US TPA-PHL-AMS. Not going today anymore. US full to AMS for days (intl min conx time in PHL is another story). Club Rep finds flight TPA-MIA on AA and MIA-AMS on MP tomorrow. Customers happy. He sends them to the counter to reissue tkt. They started in SYD on a STARRTW ticket with 8 legs still to go (paid in AUD). No fare quote in record (with paper tickets they never seem to be available). Tried to store fare and it kept telling me that it was wrong (but never what to do to correct it) so I called Help Desk. She looked at it about 5 mins and said to call rates (I dont think she knew what to do) to store fare or just do a FIM. Thank you for your help. FIM it is. I dont have time to play games with an 8 leg paper ticket reroute with other international (and domestic) reroutes waiting in line. It had already taken me 15 mins to get this far. I try to do it right, but it just doesnt seem to want to do what its supposed to do (I copied the linear fare line EXACTLY like the original ticket). I know many agents that would have asked for a FIM right off the bat. How much is this one going to cost us? X systemwide. But, hey we saved some money upfront. :blink:
And the money keeps walking out the door.

Had a weather reroute tonight. Customer on US TPA-PHL-AMS. Not going today anymore. US full to AMS for days (intl min conx time in PHL is another story). Club Rep finds flight TPA-MIA on AA and MIA-AMS on MP tomorrow. Customers happy. He sends them to the counter to reissue tkt. They started in SYD on a STARRTW ticket with 8 legs still to go (paid in AUD). No fare quote in record (with paper tickets they never seem to be available). Tried to store fare and it kept telling me that it was wrong (but never what to do to correct it) so I called Help Desk. She looked at it about 5 mins and said to call rates (I dont think she knew what to do) to store fare or just do a FIM. Thank you for your help. FIM it is. I dont have time to play games with an 8 leg paper ticket reroute with other international (and domestic) reroutes waiting in line. It had already taken me 15 mins to get this far. I try to do it right, but it just doesnt seem to want to do what its supposed to do (I copied the linear fare line EXACTLY like the original ticket). I know many agents that would have asked for a FIM right off the bat. How much is this one going to cost us? X systemwide. But, hey we saved some money upfront. :blink:

Add to that the 15 intl reissues that I had last nite in PHL and the countless others that my co-workers had each of us issuing FIMS and the cost goes thru the roof....we left 80 pax behind on FCO flt...60 for MAD.....70 on MXP...and so on and so on....we rebooked pax until 4:00am...Ive had bad weather nites before...the summer of 2000 comes to mind with 30 days of thunderstorms but last nite beats all.....over 3 months into this debacle and still QIK is not fixed and NEVER will be....its bad enough being mandatoried but when your own computer is working against you its horrendous....Tempe please save your agents....is it worth putting the company out of business before you admit you made a mistake...swallow your pride and give us back a real computer not this fischer price system you picked up at TOYS R US
You want the honest answer why Shares was chosen over Sabre?

Because your management is penny wise, and pound foolish. There is no attempt by anyone in Senior Mgmt to do anything but raise the short-term market value of LCC. That is exactly what they are being rewarded to do.

It would be in LCC's best interest to hire a CEO and to structure his/her compensation based upon LONG TERM profitablity and sustainablity. Of course it will take some work to define performance metrics to measure success in those two areas. But hell, hard work is what the big boys are paid to do. Get off your arse BOD, you serve the stake holders (including employees) not just to be a rubber stamp for a CEO run apeshite.

Any board members out their reading this?

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