My 2 ¢worth.
Working as I do, in a station with a East/West staff that's roughly 50/50, I'm, like most who know better, at wit's end over Qik.
Our job responsibilities over the years have ever increased and come at us from all directions: security-related issues, on-time pressures, international docs, poor staffing levels, to name a few. And most of these challenges have been simply part of having a job in business that operates in an environment in constant flux.
This Qik-thing, however, never should have happened. Adding to the normal and constant changes in our jobs, mostly all part of the job, we have added to the mix this piece of crap!
Contrast: pre-Qik, I had the capacity to do so much. And so long as I remained current with SABRES’ capabilities and functionality, there was little I couldn't do. If I remained informed with entries, or was able to navigate in FOCUS to the appropriate page, I could do most anything or find an answer to most any question.
With Qik, I've gone back decades in time. Many questions have no answer because the information simply isn't even addressed in the help pages/DRS. Some tasks, must be searched for, if they exist, somewhere behind some F9 key, ALT, secondary keys, tertiary keys, sub-menus. The other day I needed to void a document. I found in ACO, a function called void a document. For my document type, it didn't work. Turns out, another button exists elsewhere, similarly named, that CRC guided me to. This other void doc button did work! Why have two similarly named buttons, one only working for some doc types, the other for others. STUPID, STUPID! These functions are merely programmed scripts. The programmer may have know what they wanted but how are agents to know what the script says, what it commands versus another button's scripted command?
With SABRE, each situation presented an objective. I simply needed know the objective, know the solution and lastly, perform the entries to obtain the desired results.
I fear I may strike the next West agent, or sympathetic but not getting-it passenger who tells me it's all a matter of just getting used to. I'm just about as used to it as one can get. And about as nimble with Qik as most West agents already are. In my three decades in the business, I've worked quite well with systems used by British, NW, American, Qantas. Even PSA's PARS. I know all about getting used to new systems. And reaching a comfort level where I truly new them, mastered them, view them as tools allowing me to do my job better. Qik is the opposite. Hardly a tool, it hinders me from doing my best and doing best for the customer.
There's no getting used to "it." No more than having my indoor plumbing taken away from me and told I must use an outhouse located 1/4 mile away. I'll use it but get used to it, I don't think so. Perhaps if I'm used to digging a whole in the ground, an outhouse would be an improvement.