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Why was Shares chosen of Sabre?

Here's some basics...

Check availability:
(assuming you're signed into QIK and signed into RES on Sabre)


CTRL+A (2 strokes)
F1 (1 stroke)
DEST (3 strokes)
TIME (2 or 3 strokes)
DATE (4 or 5 strokes)
Enter (1 stroke)

Total: Between 13 and 15 strokes

(using 17NOVPITDFW0900)

DATE (4 or 5 strokes)
DEP (3 strokes)
ARR (3 strokes)
TIME (4 strokes)

Total: Between 14 and 15 strokes

Flight Status:


F8 (1 stroke)
FLT # (3-4 strokes)

Total: Between 4 and 5 strokes


G* (2 strokes)
FLT (3-4 strokes)
STA (3 strokes)

Total: Between 8 and 9 strokes

Did I misunderstand the meaning of routine transactions? 🙂
Theres more to this story that meets the eye regarding shares vs. sabre and the companies spin on it all. As we all know the bottom line answer with the sandcastle is $$$$$ at all costs. They will collect any extra penny they can before they up and leave once again, but the employees will remain as usual to clean up their mess. Some interesting tidbits of info:
Ross Bonnano- origin, American Airlines-worked also for Sabre.
Anthony Mule- origin, American Airlines.
Scott Kirby- worked for sabre.
During bancruptcy yes, Usairways indeed had the opportunity in their contract to get rid of sabre. Sabre came way down on their pricing before shares emerged. If all three above were originally native sabre users , then why, why wouldn't they fight to give it up. Maybe thats where Kirby entered the picture. It comes down to a political ploy against sabre inc., anti-american airlines etc. Will we ever get the truth, not the same spin we have been getting since this "greased pig" came into existance. Surely not!
Also to fenixflyer3

sabre for availability

this gives you the availability for phl to pit today



2 is flifo key and then 222 is flt , wallah...wasnt too hard

how about sabre to ck-in a gate (in philly the keys were programmed)

lets us flt 222 for pax smith

smith(then press the nbr 9 key)

or a cash ticket



it was the best and will always be the best, but the best doesn't count anymore. Can't wait for the next wave of officers and managers, lets pray it is soon.
Here's some basics...

Check availability:

Did I misunderstand the meaning of routine transactions? 🙂

Display PNR:

XYZ (if boarding city is XYZ)

Actually, my question was on native SHARES vs QIK. There must be some reason why pretty much nobody at CO uses their "gooey" SHARES overlay instead of their native system. Look, I know that Sabre or, for that matter, Amadeus is fantasy. But just let users have the option of using native SHARES. (It would also be nice if it would have all those schedules that somehow find their way into CO SHARES but elude QIK)
all i know is that you need to stroke this and stroke that with this PIG system. just remember that you cant go wrong if you keep hitting the +F+ key. F this and F that you will eventually and maybe get your answer. i still remember when that idiot Robert Hager of NBC about 5 years ago did a thing on airlines. he was checking in with HP in PHX and said to the agent.. HMM ALOT OF KEY STROKES FOR A SIMPLE CHECK IN. so true
remember we have the FIX IT TEAM... they are taking all the EAST suggestions and implementing them. WHAT AN EMBARRASSEMENT> you need to fix a computer system after you implemented it. in PHL we want to record this message... sorry nothing works the kiosks (we call them the CHAOS MACHINES) the system itself and it will take an extra 5 HOURS to check you in. the FIX IT TEAM.. what a friggin joke. im sure they are even embarrased about all of this.
Here's some basics...

Check availability:
(assuming you're signed into QIK and signed into RES on Sabre)


CTRL+A (2 strokes)
F1 (1 stroke)
DEST (3 strokes)
TIME (2 or 3 strokes)
DATE (4 or 5 strokes)
Enter (1 stroke)

Total: Between 13 and 15 strokes

(using 17NOVPITDFW0900)

DATE (4 or 5 strokes)
DEP (3 strokes)
ARR (3 strokes)
TIME (4 strokes)

Total: Between 14 and 15 strokes
Flight Status:


F8 (1 stroke)
FLT # (3-4 strokes)

Total: Between 4 and 5 strokes


G* (2 strokes)
FLT (3-4 strokes)
STA (3 strokes)

Total: Between 8 and 9 strokes
Did I misunderstand the meaning of routine transactions? 🙂
thank you for your imput. i just hope that not just employess but the flying public reads these posts. its important. the cockpit crew the inflight attendants the frontline folks. we feel your PAIN. its one thing to get out of bed and say yeah i have to work. its another thing when we get out of bed and hear good things from you and another thousand. it keeps us going. unfortunately we as employees and the freuqent flyers were lied to when AW and US merged. making it a better public service company. we will survive. with the right people who actually CARE. they are out there. we just need to find them..
Listen up !

What kind of a major airline would still be experimenting with a computer system that runs their entire business? It has been over 90 days now and it is not changing nor will it ever change. I think it is time for our frequent flyers to start looking elsewhere. We are embarrassed and understand that you also need a reliable airline to fly for business and pleasure. Put us out of our misery. By the time this company realizes it we will be gonners. If both the employee group and the flying public, especially our preferred members meet with the company and tell them this "PIG" is wrong for a major airline and they don't listen, it is time to take us out of our misery. I cannot stand another minute of watching stressed out employees and travellers struggling and suffering at the hands of the "GREEDY".

Delta is ready when you are ! Southwest even sounds terrific.
It is all about saving a couple of cents a transaction. those cents add up.

The Sh!theads in Tempe don't care if the transaction doesn't work because they save more pennies that way.

But, wait a minute. If the transactions don't work that means more transactions. Where did those pennies go?

Damn, this so complicated.

I need a drink, then I will drive my lawyer and both our girlfriends home. Hope the cops are as dense as I am.
...it is getting worse!

For the last two weeks...my computer goes
It is a nightmare ...and an embarrassment.

I've worked both systems..and Sabre was quick...did many things internally without the agent hand typing everything in...and being
hampered by crazy popups.

Selling a flight and filling in credit card
information was 50 to 100 key strokes faster.
We had information that we could slide over...now we have to retype everything.

INTL....forget it.....where we used to have
25 choices pop up on availability for star alliance...now we get maybe two. then you have to renter EVERYTHING ...THE keys to save info don't work.
I'm beyond sick of the system and the people who thought it could work. Get out into the field and watch us suffer. Seems like all the management is hiding their heads in the sand...trying to avoid us.
Was boarding a flight in PHL yesterday morning to MCO and an employee of EDS was on the flight. He told me,and I quote "This system you are using is garbage and if you think you went back 20 years, let me tell you, you have gone back 30 years." THEY even know this computer is crap. Why would any company put their employees through this yet alone their customers.
We should not be at all surprised. We all knew that qik/shares was a dog the first time we saw it. It is funny that EDS would not come forward and tell the company that shares will never be able to do what SABRE does. If it is true that EDS runs both systems why not make a deal to sell the better system? Like we have been saying since migration "You can put all the makeup and lipstick you want on this pig but it is and will always be a pig"

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