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The unhappy thread

Beacuse he likes cultural wastelands with plummeting property values.
It must be tough.

Living in a cultural wasteland w/ plummeting property values.

Does your A/C bill equal the A/C & Heating bill for PIT?

Don't feel bad, things improve over time or not.

Property values in PIT don't seem to move much in either direction, even in good times.

Hope you didn't buy in the last 5 years.

I have friends who can't sell their house even though it's so cheap.

It's a trailer w/ lots of land and a lake. Go figure.
Oh here we go with my city is better than your city. Look, Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh good or bad. Philly is a HUGE city with a whole lotta ghetto and it's overall just ugly. Charlotte is an up and coming city but you just can't take the Yeeeeehaaaaw out if and never will. A few banks and Nascar don't make you Atlanta honey. Phoenix is filled with...well just watch the news. Arizona, the friendly state. :lol: It's in TERRIBLE shape. I don't think ANY city should be singing high praise. Every city is trying to survive. One thing that is FACT is Pittsburgh holding its own. So the OCC is in Pittsburgh? Who cares besides the people that are there. This whole airline is turned upside down. 🙄
And why did they move OCC there after cutting over 450 flights, thus reducing quality of the non-rev benefits for more than 500 employees who now compete with hundreds or former crew for what few seats remain! Especially when the deals CLT and PHX were offering US for moving OCC were far more lucrative than what the morons who run Allegheny County could ever dream of offering to keep OCC in their joke of a city!
Putting the OCC in PIT was Strictly a POLITICAL Decision......they really didn't want it there (fully knowing all the cuts) but they really didn't want to DEAL with the backlash of criticism from State and Local politicians......especially the Governor or Senators. The Issue of PITTSBURGH and it's role in the current operation of USAIRWAYS is a D-e-a-d END street......it's one of the Best Airports in the World, built in a City that really couldn't justify it's Need and had in place a Group of Political Morons that thought they could Play Airline POKER with a Group of Corporate Bandits who Knew the Game a helluva lot better than the jokers that run Allegheney County. The politicians SCREWED Allegheney County with their GREEDY Demands and now the citizens of Western PA have to pay for an underserved, overbuilt facility that wasn't needed to begin with. Is it a Nice Airport, YES. Was it needed, NO!. And who's side would I take in the argument.......Management. Politics in PA are as corrupt here like they are in most places........but in PITTSBURGH, they really have it down to an Artform. The OCC operation was meant to APPEASE the Politicians and get what They wanted in PHL in the longterm.
Keeping anything in Pittsburg is a huge mistake (especially the Operating Certificate) and eventually will be undone. As said before these where not business decisions in a true sense but heavily political ones. Path of least resistance so to speak.
Not offering attractive enough buyouts early in the merger process to try and get as many unhappy lifers to go away! They had one brief opportunity to really change the culture and missed out completely.

But I'll spoil the pitty party and add they have done a great job on the financials and keeping us all employed when the industry lost a ton of jobs.
Keeping anything in Pittsburg is a huge mistake (especially the Operating Certificate)

Not offering attractive enough buyouts early in the merger process to try and get as many unhappy lifers to go away! They had one brief opportunity to really change the culture and missed out completely.

Given the previous testy relationship with the FAA in PHX keeping the Operating Certificate in Pittsburgh (the locals spell it with an 'h'), was a good idea.

As for getting unhappy lifers to go away, I guess you will just have to suck it up and learn from them.

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