Because the teamsters lied to them big time. The teamsters promised a long list of promises that they guaranteed would take place if they were voted in. The list was about 5,6 or maybe 7 long. To this day, and yes they are in a new teamster contract, they have NOT produced one iota of all the promises thay guaranteed the members. Hence this is why we are hearing little tid bits of them removing the teamsters at UAL. Top 3 that stands out are; 1- Promised to get them industry leading pay and bennies--never happened. 2- Promised to get them into the teamster pension plan--never happened. 3- promised to bring back all laid off members--never happened. 4- promised to bring in all outsourced maint in house--never happened. This is just a few there were more upon more and they never produced a single item that was promised to them. The one thing the teamsters did get them were much higher dues than what they were paying AMFA to represent them, and now they are paying dearly for that move, just ask them. Maybe a couple of them will chine in but you can go to their thread and follow all of it if you really want to know.