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Why no contract from the Association?

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Your talking TWU this and AMFA that's fine that's what you do. I feel you're hypocritical considering your contract status and outsourced work. I'll leave it at that to be really honest with you and those that know me will confirm I couldn't give a rat's butt what union is where I've been here a long time and I could tell you from experience they are all the same chit
The one that is not understanding is you. It has been explained to you that the iam was on the property for approx the first five years and then it was the ibt until they were removed. How dense are you. The AMFA has done nothing but bring work back in house while they have been on the property. AA will soon be at the outsourcing numbers that LUS has. Unfortunately some of the people at LAA can't look at the LUS side and see that what is happening at LUS is what is going to happen to LAA.
And the company does not have to contribute more into the iampf for those extra holidays, o/t and cs work. They save on the AA side because we don't have the extra holidays and doubletime. I'm starting to think both the IAM and company are going to push us into the iampf. Company saves money and iampf gets (steals) our retirement money. Its a win win for them and a big loss for the AA twu guys.
1AA I believe you are right about being forced into the iampf. Remember Sito is in charge of negotiations and he is alsoon the iampf board. He is one of the people that was stealing from the pension fund by having these extravagant parties with $1500 bottles of wine.
Albert what you and the industrial unionist refuse to understand is that the iam and the ibt are the unions that outsourced all the work at swa. It was not the AMFA. AMFA has brought work back in house while the industrial unions have been outsourcing work as fast as they can at the other airlines. When it comes to the AMFA you want the work to come back in house overnight but when it comes to the industrial unions you want to make excuses. A perfect example of this is that the AMFA has only negotiated a couple of contracts while they have been on the property at swa. Sounds to me like you guys are a bunch of hypocrites.

I think they only got a contract extension with some added cash if I recall correctly?

Semantics though I guess. Personally tired of the silly, ridiculous back and forth bickering on the issue of who has the better Baseball team anyway.
The one that is not understanding is you. It has been explained to you that the iam was on the property for approx the first five years and then it was the ibt until they were removed. How dense are you. The AMFA has done nothing but bring work back in house while they have been on the property. AA will soon be at the outsourcing numbers that LUS has. Unfortunately some of the people at LAA can't look at the LUS side and see that what is happening at LUS is what is going to happen to LAA.

AA is not gong to go down that low for many different reasons none of which have anything to do with the Association or AMFA.
I'm sure your updates are the same chit as the associations different logo that's all. Just curious if AMFA is so great why did UAL dump them?
This is one of the problems with industrial unions. The members don't understand that they are the ones in control in the AMFA and in the industrial unions the decisions are made for you. So you can be a child and be told what to do or you can be an adult and make your own decisions. The only complaint that I have heard about the AMFA structure is that they are so democratic in there process that they vote on a lot of issues. To me that is not a problem that is members getting involved and taking control of there lives to provide for there families.
Because the teamsters lied to them big time. The teamsters promised a long list of promises that they guaranteed would take place if they were voted in. The list was about 5,6 or maybe 7 long. To this day, and yes they are in a new teamster contract, they have NOT produced one iota of all the promises thay guaranteed the members. Hence this is why we are hearing little tid bits of them removing the teamsters at UAL. Top 3 that stands out are; 1- Promised to get them industry leading pay and bennies--never happened. 2- Promised to get them into the teamster pension plan--never happened. 3- promised to bring back all laid off members--never happened. 4- promised to bring in all outsourced maint in house--never happened. This is just a few there were more upon more and they never produced a single item that was promised to them. The one thing the teamsters did get them were much higher dues than what they were paying AMFA to represent them, and now they are paying dearly for that move, just ask them. Maybe a couple of them will chine in but you can go to their thread and follow all of it if you really want to know.
Lets not forget how the iam hated the AMFA so much that they gave the names and addresses of all the people on layoff to the ibt like the people from the base in Indy that the iam agreed to allow the company to close.
1AA I believe you are right about being forced into the iampf. Remember Sito is in charge of negotiations and he is alsoon the iampf board. He is one of the people that was stealing from the pension fund by having these extravagant parties with $1500 bottles of wine.

Sito Pantoja was not named at all in the DOL suit and the DOL dropped the suit by settlement and the alleged perpetrators were removed and had to recompensate the trust for their misdeeds. And the trust was ordered by the DOL to make changes to make it more secure. (Essentially they have eyes on them now)

BTW Sito Pantoja is a former TWA and by default current AA Aircraft Mechanic just like you. Here's his bio.

This is one of the problems with industrial unions. The members don't understand that they are the ones in control in the AMFA and in the industrial unions the decisions are made for you. So you can be a child and be told what to do or you can be an adult and make your own decisions. The only complaint that I have heard about the AMFA structure is that they are so democratic in there process that they vote on a lot of issues. To me that is not a problem that is members getting involved and taking control of there lives to provide for there families.

Good or bad for pure unfettered Democracy still very debatable? Would be very bad if you live in a Country of dumbasses or anarchists.

BTW ever heard of the Electoral College? That's what you and I are in.
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Lets not forget how the iam hated the AMFA so much that they gave the names and addresses of all the people on layoff to the ibt like the people from the base in Indy that the iam agreed to allow the company to close.

And don't forget the "accusation" that AMFA leaders told the Company you should take from the IAM instead of them? "Accusation of course"

If true it certainly would raise my hackles to see them crushed like a bug.
Albert what you and the industrial unionist refuse to understand is that the iam and the ibt are the unions that outsourced all the work at swa. It was not the AMFA. AMFA has brought work back in house while the industrial unions have been outsourcing work as fast as they can at the other airlines. When it comes to the AMFA you want the work to come back in house overnight but when it comes to the industrial unions you want to make excuses. A perfect example of this is that the AMFA has only negotiated a couple of contracts while they have been on the property at swa. Sounds to me like you guys are a bunch of hypocrites.
True, the B checks became phase checks and went to South America. Our heavies outsourced for the first time in AA or at least since I've been employed at AA. All this under the management of USAIR/AmericaWest. IAM is the companies lapdog union. I thought the TWU was the lapdog union until the IAM and Parker and company took over.
That says plenty about the IAM and how much they suck up to the company.
Tulsa is very concerned about the future. This trend is concerning to AA jobs. The IAM could careless. That's the IAM M/O.
Albert what you and the industrial unionist refuse to understand is that the iam and the ibt are the unions that outsourced all the work at swa. It was not the AMFA. AMFA has brought work back in house while the industrial unions have been outsourcing work as fast as they can at the other airlines. When it comes to the AMFA you want the work to come back in house overnight but when it comes to the industrial unions you want to make excuses. A perfect example of this is that the AMFA has only negotiated a couple of contracts while they have been on the property at swa. Sounds to me like you guys are a bunch of hypocrites.

Okay fine go with AMFA (what do I care)I'm sure your life will change dramatically . It will be great I'll never have to hear one of you b!tch again.
I think they only got a contract extension with some added cash if I recall correctly?

Semantics though I guess. Personally tired of the silly, ridiculous back and forth bickering on the issue of who has the better Baseball team anyway.
Yeah the IAM outsources the TWU started B scale blah blah blah
True, the B checks became phase checks and went to South America. Our heavies outsourced for the first time in AA or at least since I've been employed at AA. All this under the management of USAIR/AmericaWest. IAM is the companies lapdog union. I thought the TWU was the lapdog union until the IAM and Parker and company took over.
That says plenty about the IAM and how much they suck up to the company.
Tulsa is very concerned about the future. This trend is concerning to AA jobs. The IAM could careless. That's the IAM M/O.

On who exactly (meaning a person or people) do you base your "opinion" that the IAM or anyone else for that matter could care less?

Did Dale Danker Preaident of Local 514 put out an official update stating that the position of the IAM Negotiators is that they could care less about people's jobs in Tulsa?

Can you please (seriously) provide some proof of your claims?
Yeah the IAM outsources the TWU started B scale blah blah blah

I knew you were thinking that but I was just going to wait and let you respond for yourself.

Merry Go Rounds can get very dizzying huh?
Yeah the IAM outsources the TWU started B scale blah blah blah

And AMFA lost all the jobs at NWA but fell on the sword as Martyrs to save the Class and Craft.

We can give that one a blah blah blah as well.
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