No. They spend more time giving the membership a very detailed update to what was said, done, and acted upon during nego at the table. The companies actions and attitude speaks a lot more volume than their words. And then when we see our negotiators at work or just call them on the phone they give us the exact detailed update that the mediators do not allow them to put out or publish publically, but they still allow the company to run with their propaganda and not bring in the correct people to make the decisions. Your twin has no clue what is going on over here, he's just mouthing off because he has a hard on for me and will say anything to try to get me to entertain him. He didn't start doing this until after I continuously make him look like a fool in these forums, but mostly he does it on his own. Just be careful for whom you choose to ride with. I can tell by your responses that you are no where near his kind and I will debate or toss back and forth if you wish.