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Why no contract from the Association?

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Weez they were picketing in a remote part of the airport they would have been more noticeable in a row boat in the middle of Flushing Bay. I felt sorry for them until the news came out how AMFA tried to screw fleet. Dumb move NW laughed in their face epic failure yet to this day they try to spin it
There is no proof of that ever happening. No one has ever brought anything forward with a member of the AMFA Nationals signature on it. The problem you still don't want to comprehend is that the membership made the decision to go on strike not the national executive council. One of the other things that people don't want to look at is that NWA was trying to do the same thing that Eastern did. The results were the same but in your view the AMFA or should I say the members of AMFA were wrong and the iam was right.
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There is no proof of that ever happening. No one has ever brought anything forward with a member of the AMFA Nationals signature on it. The problem you still don't want to comprehend is that the membership made the decision to go on strike not the national executive council. One of the other things that people don't want to look at is that NWA was trying to do the same thing that Eastern did. The results were the same but in your view the AMFA or should I say the members of AMFA were wrong and the iam was right.
So you are saying what I was told is just "Urban legend"? Going through two bankruptcies i have heard many rumors of unions throwing one another under the bus. The Amfa one I think was pretty credible from my view. I think I might have even read something where the IAM addressed the issue something I never saw with any of the so called rumors
Believe what you want. The business plan of Parker and his team are staring you in the face. Look at the hangar being built in Brazil and the other things like cutting of O/T.
You know O/T has its cycles
There is no proof of that ever happening. No one has ever brought anything forward with a member of the AMFA Nationals signature on it. The problem you still don't want to comprehend is that the membership made the decision to go on strike not the national executive council. One of the other things that people don't want to look at is that NWA was trying to do the same thing that Eastern did. The results were the same but in your view the AMFA or should I say the members of AMFA were wrong and the iam was right.

Well that's between AMFA and the IAM to argue ad infinitum. I've heard TWU and AMFA at SWA get along well and I'm very glad to hear that if it's a fact.
Anyone remember why Walter White did it? It started so he could afford cancer treatment for himself and also take care of his pregnant wife and family. The path to hell is paved with good intentions. why do I bring this up? The iampf. It's loaded with good intentions. but also in the end its loaded with ulterior motives, such as officer pensions, officer salaries, and international empowerment.

the 401k plan now isn't the old supersaver. Each one of us, now have the access to Fidelity financial professionals. It's also something each one of us can control and own. the 401k is a tax advantage plan that allows each member too...

The employer matching contributions don't count toward the maximum limits that you can contribute to a 401(k) plan. There is, however, a combined contribution limit of $53,000 for the employer and employee contributions in 2015. Also, in 2015, the employee's contribution limit is $18,000.1

Given the plans' valuable tax breaks, it makes sense to invest the maximum if you can. There are annual limits. In 2016, if you are under 50 years old, you can contribute a maximum of $18,000. If you're 50 or older, you can make an additional catch-up contribution of as much as $6,000, for a total of up to $24,00.2

the stone cold reality right now, the iampf is underfunded, in a series of different measurements, much more than the 1 bill its reporting now. 1 bill isn't chump change. Don't google the three legged stool, google multi-employer plans in trouble.

stone cold reality right now, this association was birthed because of international salaries, and the pension.

stone cold reality, Trunka the real head of our association, stone cold reality, is going hat in hand to President Trump and asking for pension bailouts.

This has taken the Iam's Union primary responsibility of negotiating for better wages, benefits and work rules for the membership, to focus on their out sized salaries and pensions. Ask why TWU, isn't the lead on the contract negotiations.? So much for Federal law, on which Union was supposed to be Union on property. What did it cost Twu members? we got the raise, finally but scope and station re-openings? It also most likely held up a better contract, and which union has arguably the better contract, and got close to a 100 percent raise.

Hey, look the government has the printing press to make up shortfalls, but we are making our kids pay for our pensions, when it goes pbgc. And what will the Unions have to give up in the Art of the Deal, asking the government to make up the shortfalls.

The Iam also has a printing press, its your union dues, and instead of bargaining for higher wages, its negotiating a bigger contribution from AAl to help shore up their out sized salaries and out sized pensions. Its not mentioned but in the end, thats the true motivation. Sorry because I bet they haven't seen any cuts in their out sized salaries and pensions. If they have its not like the ones you're seeing brother. And don't bother questioning their salaries or why they are flying on A passes first class.

Stone cold reality, Google what happens when multi employer plans like central states planning, and ex UPS employees, who fully funded their employee pensions.

It's time to empower yourself. the Unions have now empowered themself. They Lord over us. Want to know, what the market to market, and duration risk on the pension is, ever hear the line they can do that brother...I might be wrong on these observations, but I'll let you guys vote on that, like this Asscociation.

Also in the end, Walter admitted he did it for the Corvettes.

1 and 2 were copy and pastes
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It's obviously something you are passionate about and i don't mean to criticize I doubt you are in it for any gain it's just the preaching AMFA good all other unions bad. I just don't see it
I have no gain what-so-ever. It's the fact that, yes, I am promoting AMFA because AMFA is a craft and class union just like the Pilots and F/A's have at most airlines. Only AMFA is for the mechanics as SWAPA is for Pilots, ALPA is for Pilots and the same for some of the F/A groups. I will say this, all industrial unions are bad (my opinion) they are all in for it for them and not the membership as a whole. AMP I would fully support for you guys, as that is a craft and class union for the mechanics. The teamsters are just flat out crooks and steeling from the members for their own good, and I know this from personal experience. The TWU and the IAM is only in it for their own pocket books and dues. Why in the world is a union officer making anywhere from 150K to 250K per year with full blown retirement pension "untouchable" while all along the membership is under 100K per year and their pensions are fully capable of being completely dismantled by no vote from the membership? Both the IAM and the TWU have these protections in place for all the officers but not for the membership. Now why is that???
Lets not forget how the iam hated the AMFA so much that they gave the names and addresses of all the people on layoff to the ibt like the people from the base in Indy that the iam agreed to allow the company to close.

I forgot about that. Thx for the reminder.
I forgot about that. Thx for the reminder.

It still amazes me supposedly good union people followed their corporate unions orders to help break a small craft union. AMFA negotiated the gold standard of contracts at NWA for its membership, and we all benefited from that contract. With that, the rest of the airlines & corporate unions wanted nothing to do with their mechanics joining AMFA. The next contract negotiations at NWA we all know what happened, you can see it all play out in a documentary film produced by a NWA mechanics daughter (Mellisa Koch) called red tails (Not the WWII movie) I highly recommend it $3.99 on youtube.
There is no proof of that ever happening.

It did, but I think the lessons that came out of that strike are far more valuable to pay attention to.

That strike came just as my first son was about to be born. Next week he wraps up 6th grade, and we (labor) still haven't got our **** together. Too busy fighting with each other instead of together. The bosses love it.

P.S Red Tail is a fantastic movie. Worth every nickel.
It still amazes me supposedly good union people followed their corporate unions orders to help break a small craft union. AMFA negotiated the gold standard of contracts at NWA for its membership, and we all benefited from that contract. With that, the rest of the airlines & corporate unions wanted nothing to do with their mechanics joining AMFA. The next contract negotiations at NWA we all know what happened, you can see it all play out in a documentary film produced by a NWA mechanics daughter (Mellisa Koch) called red tails (Not the WWII movie) I highly recommend it $3.99 on youtube.

People need to stop playing the team sport in that story and looking for hero's and villains. From how I read it the "Leadership" of BOTH Unions were guilty as hell. Their own emotions and greed had them mandate (manipulate) their members to play the role of cowards and not support each other when they should have. And if a General is leading you into a battle that maybe you know there's no chance of winning are you really honor bound to follow that General into the arms of Death?
It did, but I think the lessons that came out of that strike are far more valuable to pay attention to.

That strike came just as my first son was about to be born. Next week he wraps up 6th grade, and we (labor) still haven't got our **** together. Too busy fighting with each other instead of together. The bosses love it.

P.S Red Tail is a fantastic movie. Worth every nickel.

Many people don't have the guts to say it publicly because they're afraid of what other people might think or say about them but many people did learn that lesson.

They just prey they're never put in the position where they have to make a horrible choice.
BTW let's point out and not forget that there were "people" who didn't listen to the official mandate of the AFL/CIO and their respective affiliated Union "leaders" at that time and told them to go take a flying leap and supported the AMFA "workers". They "chose" to think for themselves.

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