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Why no contract from the Association?

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So the LUS guys have 7 holidays a year? The LAA guys have had only 5 for the last 14 years. That alone equates to an over $20,000 giveback that a compAAny awash in profits continues to pocket. It seems the ASSociation turned a blind eye to this disparity from the start.

They enjoy 10 Holidays per year!

  1. 1 (D) Employees will observe the following holidays each year on the

  2. 2 dates established by Federal law, and the holiday pay will be equal to the

  3. 3 number of regularly scheduled hours: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King

  4. 4 Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,

  5. 5 Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and

  6. 6 Christmas Day. The actual day on which the holiday falls will be observed

  7. 7 as the holiday.
What you do not understand, as well as your twin there is, my union is not caving into the demands of the company like your union has for the last several decades. Our union is standing up to the company and not just throwing the membership under the bus by trying to "feel out" the membership on where they are, that's not how this union works. My current union is NOT the union that allowed the amount of outsourcing that is currently done at SWA. It was in fact the teamsters and, drum roll please, the IAM who agreed to the 70-75% outsourcing. AMFA is the current union that inherited previous agreed to outsourcing, and AMFA has been bringing in work for the last 10 years. AMFA has doubled our heavy maint lines in Dallas, and are currently trying to add a 5th line and maybe even more (see contract update #56). Nice try but you might want to educate yourself a little before spouting off. AMFA has actually done the exact opposite of what you suggest since being at SWA. The LAA AMTS are blind to anything. They simply know more than you do about what is going on with us. LAA mechanics have told AMFA that they know more about what is going on with our contract negotiations than they know what is going on with their negotiations, and we are under a gag order by the NMB mediators. Imagine that. Now that is what is sad...
Your talking TWU this and AMFA that's fine that's what you do. I feel you're hypocritical considering your contract status and outsourced work. I'll leave it at that to be really honest with you and those that know me will confirm I couldn't give a rat's butt what union is where I've been here a long time and I could tell you from experience they are all the same chit
We can point fingers AA/US TWU/IAM all day long. We did both benefit.You think that everyone from LUS should feel indebted to LAA people?

i point the finger at the twu for the seniority issue.

as far as the rest...no, i don't feel you are indebted to laa. i do know you are very sensitive about that issue and you defend us air, pre and post merger.

any cynicism/sarcasm i have in regards to lus, is low/mid level mngt., not employees.

i have noticed that it's ok for you to tell us you are fine with the status quo, but if a laa poster gripes about this or that, it's because the poster believes laa was/is superior?
And that's exactly the IAM's mentality. And that's exactly why the Association is Fkd up. And that's exactly why we don't have a contract yet. And that's exactly why your TWU brothers and sisters will not be on par with your half of the Association for a long time. And if I were in your shoes, I would would probably be exactly like you, a "IGM" Association brother.
Not sticking up for any union AANOTOK but the IAM mentality you speak of is watching out for their members as it should be
Your talking TWU this and AMFA that's fine that's what you do. I feel you're hypocritical considering your contract status and outsourced work. I'll leave it at that to be really honest with you and those that know me will confirm I couldn't give a rat's butt what union is where I've been here a long time and I could tell you from experience they are all the same chit

I think a lot of people might not realize Al that you very well might be the most "senior" poster on this board currently still in our industry? 1978 right.

You're certainly a PITA sometimes but no one can take away props from you from pretty much having seen it all.

Anyone on here (certainly not me) have more time than old Al?
What you do not understand, as well as your twin there is, my union is not caving into the demands of the company like your union has for the last several decades. Our union is standing up to the company and not just throwing the membership under the bus by trying to "feel out" the membership on where they are, that's not how this union works. My current union is NOT the union that allowed the amount of outsourcing that is currently done at SWA. It was in fact the teamsters and, drum roll please, the IAM who agreed to the 70-75% outsourcing. AMFA is the current union that inherited previous agreed to outsourcing, and AMFA has been bringing in work for the last 10 years. AMFA has doubled our heavy maint lines in Dallas, and are currently trying to add a 5th line and maybe even more (see contract update #56). Nice try but you might want to educate yourself a little before spouting off. AMFA has actually done the exact opposite of what you suggest since being at SWA. The LAA AMTS are blind to anything. They simply know more than you do about what is going on with us. LAA mechanics have told AMFA that they know more about what is going on with our contract negotiations than they know what is going on with their negotiations, and we are under a gag order by the NMB mediators. Imagine that. Now that is what is sad...
I'm sure your updates are the same chit as the associations different logo that's all. Just curious if AMFA is so great why did UAL dump them?
I think a lot of people might not realize Al that you very well might be the most "senior" poster on this board currently still in our industry? 1978 right.

You're certainly a PITA sometimes but no one can take away props from you from pretty much having seen it all.

Anyone on here (certainly not me) have more time than old Al?
Not only have I seen it at JFK and LGA I have also been in the bars and heard hundreds of anti this union pro this union etc.It all boils down to the same crap. I must admit it is a subject that some people are very sensitive to but being a world class scutch I can't help myself
I'm sure your updates are the same chit as the associations different logo that's all. Just curious if AMFA is so great why did UAL dump them?

So did NWA/Delta. (No excuses accepted)
I'm sure your updates are the same chit as the associations different logo that's all. Just curious if AMFA is so great why did UAL dump them?
Because the teamsters lied to them big time. The teamsters promised a long list of promises that they guaranteed would take place if they were voted in. The list was about 5,6 or maybe 7 long. To this day, and yes they are in a new teamster contract, they have NOT produced one iota of all the promises thay guaranteed the members. Hence this is why we are hearing little tid bits of them removing the teamsters at UAL. Top 3 that stands out are; 1- Promised to get them industry leading pay and bennies--never happened. 2- Promised to get them into the teamster pension plan--never happened. 3- promised to bring back all laid off members--never happened. 4- promised to bring in all outsourced maint in house--never happened. This is just a few there were more upon more and they never produced a single item that was promised to them. The one thing the teamsters did get them were much higher dues than what they were paying AMFA to represent them, and now they are paying dearly for that move, just ask them. Maybe a couple of them will chine in but you can go to their thread and follow all of it if you really want to know.
I'm sure your updates are the same chit as the associations different logo that's all. Just curious if AMFA is so great why did UAL dump them?
On the contrary you are wrong again. Our updates are much, much more detailed than what you guys get from this asso. even your LAA guys and a lot of the LUS guys think so.
i point the finger at the twu for the seniority issue.

as far as the rest...no, i don't feel you are indebted to laa. i do know you are very sensitive about that issue and you defend us air, pre and post merger.

any cynicism/sarcasm i have in regards to lus, is low/mid level mngt., not employees.

i have noticed that it's ok for you to tell us you are fine with the status quo, but if a laa poster gripes about this or that, it's because the poster believes laa was/is superior?
I guess I interpreted your post #354 wrong sure sounded to me you feel AA as the Knight in shining armor. Just out of curiosity are your managers more respectful and have a different tone towards employees since the merger?
Thanks Weez some people on here get my point some don't . I think I'm outnumbered by the AA guys. I fully understand the AMTs wanting a contract ASAP they will be getting hefty raises, but our guys? If this drags out until after our September raises we will see what a .0004% raise and 55 cent differential if you work nights. To me why would I or any LUS guy want to give up our scope or medical for that. If that is IGM I can say what the LAA posters on here want is IGM also. As far as SWAMT he has a right to post but he's got a huge set of balls considering his contact status and the amount his union allows outsourced for some reason the LAA AMTs are blind to this

If the roles were reversed, they would have the same position the IAM has now.
On the contrary you are wrong again. Our updates are much, much more detailed than what you guys get from this asso. even your LAA guys and a lot of the LUS guys think so.
Okay they spend a few more minutes writing rhetorical highlights
Because the teamsters lied to them big time. The teamsters promised a long list of promises that they guaranteed would take place if they were voted in. The list was about 5,6 or maybe 7 long. To this day, and yes they are in a new teamster contract, they have NOT produced one iota of all the promises thay guaranteed the members. Hence this is why we are hearing little tid bits of them removing the teamsters at UAL. Top 3 that stands out are; 1- Promised to get them industry leading pay and bennies--never happened. 2- Promised to get them into the teamster pension plan--never happened. 3- promised to bring back all laid off members--never happened. 4- promised to bring in all outsourced maint in house--never happened. This is just a few there were more upon more and they never produced a single item that was promised to them. The one thing the teamsters did get them were much higher dues than what they were paying AMFA to represent them, and now they are paying dearly for that move, just ask them. Maybe a couple of them will chine in but you can go to their thread and follow all of it if you really want to know.

AMFA Cheerleaders. Never any criticism. Nothing but excuses.
I guess I interpreted your post #354 wrong sure sounded to me you feel AA as the Knight in shining armor. Just out of curiosity are your managers more respectful and have a different tone towards employees since the merger?

It's all a stew. Who cares who's the meat or who's the potatoes. All the ingredients need to be added for it to taste good.
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