MarkMyWords said:
First of all Cav and Dell, I am not relaly asking the IAM to prove anything, Ias I siad i know the work is yours and has been yours, and I want it to continue to be yours. What I am looking for is a more compelling arguement if I am going to risk putting my job on the line supporting your strike. To say the work has been ours since 1949 doesn't do it for me. Would you garner more support if you said that the company claims it will save XX millions of dollars by contracting the work out, but we feel, and can prove, that the cost savings is much less, or not even there? I realize that the scope clause is there, and has been there since 1949, but obviously Jerry and Dave feel there is a loophole there big enough to drive the bus work to Alabama. I am just looking for a more fact filled arguement, and not just from the IAM. I want to know what the company is thinking with this issue. 1- what do they think they are going to save? 2 - What is the plan for work when the boeings start to retire? 3 - a true financial break down of what the costs are in house versus out sourcing. My question of proof was more directed at the company proving its case.
Some of the most troubling statements I read on these threads are the "shut it down", "we will put the company out of business and show Dave he screwed with the wrong people" and "we'll put the screws to Dave and his boys". Those kind of statements just seem like union posturing to me. Nice threats, but who will ultimately pay the laregest price? Dave and Company? Please, once we go into Chapter 7, they will sit there and collect their administrative salaries while they liquidate the company. Then it will be off to the next corporation with the bags of money they collected from US. You think RSA will suffer? They will be able to get some of their money back through the asset sale. They are first in line to get paid. Who is going to suffer? The mechanic who will now have to find a job at 1/2 what they used to make. The F/A that will have to find a job in another industry that may not be as flexible with their schedule and making a lot less then what they make now. The Gate agent, ramp agent, res agent, analyst, trainer, dispatcher, utility, secretary, scheduler, pilot, etc that will all be severly impacted while trying to find a new job making no where near what they make now. I understand your need to take a stand and use what ever tools necessary to ensure the work that is yours, remains yours. I support the process that will take place if the work is farmed out. But if you think for one moment that by striking you are proving anything to Dave and Dave, then you are fooling yourself. The effects on them will be minimal, it is the effects on the other 28,000 employees that will be the greatest. If you are striking to ensure the work stays in house as the contract states it should be, then you have my support. If you are striking because you think you are going to teach Dave a lesson, I think you will be learning more then he will.
Again, those are my opinions...
mark my words:why do we need to 'prove this to the company'??sometimes our checks go beyond the alotted turn time,usually do to heavy finds,going beyond what was anticipated...when this happens,as you may be aware at a third party Vendor,there's financial penalties.... this happens at U,we go into high gear to return the aircraft back into the revenue mode safely and as quickly as possible.all pull together to achieve these goals.
MARK,you want to know what they will this juncture,they are going to save hourly wages as they do not want to increase payroll...this is the major reason,don't let anyone tell you to farmout...sure they have a lower wage structure...but you get what you pay for,ask anybody who lost a loved one on any of the crashes recently that had links to 3rd party maintenence.
as to the plan for work after the boeings,dave is on record as saying the 170's and 190/195's would probably go mainline....and under our existing contract,if it goes mainline,it is our work...however around the same time they plan to do this,is around the same time our existing contract becomes i expect a farmout fight most likely leading to a strike around 2008/2009 unless dave runs this comapny into the ground by then.
as to proving a cost break down,i do not have that info...however,as i said before far as an agreed to contract between the company and the IAM ,it's our work unequivocably.the company agreed to this and had a chance to amend this when in bankruptcy,so ,if they had the opportunity and did not elect to exercise their option...who's at fault then? and if they are pushing the issue now which by contract,is our work.....why didn't this come up then and not now?and who's wrong here?
why can't anyone grasp this?the company had the best opportunity to address this and let it pass...they agreed to the contract as amended.....why is this an issue at all.YOU SIGNED THE AGREEMENT KNOWINGLY THEN AND NOW YOU ARE ASKED TO ABIDE TO WHAT YOU AGREED TO.LIVE UP TO IT.
when you sign your lending agreement for your house,you are required to live up to that,correct?why is cost or whatever an issue here then?did you call your mortgage company to abrogate your contract when you took a paycut?i doubt it.they signed on the dotted line just as you and i have for other things,we are expected to live up to these agreements ,so are they.END OF DISCUSSION....CAN'T WE AGREE HERE?
MARK,as to your request as to why you or your group should put it on the line for us?it is very apparent that this management has no civil regard as to contracts and loyalty.with this said,the best thing that has happened here at U is that for the most part,all labor groups on the property are on the same page due to these blatant disregards for what was signed and agreed to by ALL PARTIES,ALL LABOR GROUPS AND MANAGEMENT.
thank you for your detailed request for information,if needed i will try to find out any other things you need to know.
in solidarity,

MARK,THINK IN THIS REGARD...TODAY THEY ARE MESSING WITH THE IAM...TOMORROW IT MAY BE YOUR GROUP!....this is why we ask for your support...someday soon you may need our suport.
again,in solidarity....we look for your support and i thank you.