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Once Again The Iam Is Not Fully Informing You

If we lose the heavy checks on the Airbus fleet, when the Boeings are phased out the maintenance headcount will be reduced. Bringing the Airbus checks in house now will enable many of the mechanics and related who were furloghed when the Fokker's and Douglas's left the property to return to work. Anybody who makes the statement that outsourcing the Airbus's will not result in job losses should perhaps open their eyes and look at the history books!!!
Dear Strike Facts,

Here's another fact for you. It's time for Sincerely Dave and Dr. David to honor the contract we "agreed" to last year. The Airbus S1 maintenance check work belongs to the IAM mechanics, clerks and utiity persons as well as to their supervisors. We have the skills, the tooling, and the space despite the claims of upper managers. We know it... they know it.... the Mediator will know it and the Public will know it. We will do the work or nobody will because this USAirways will become "USairwa_s" spelled just like the logo on the Clt Hangar. The Doctor's Alabama Retirement Fund will have to take a hit as will the others who invested in a Management Team who rewarded the losers of the last team with $35,000,000 in bonus money. They are gambling foolishly. Because I am tired of the constant threat of mergers, layoffs, liquidation, bankruptcy, commuting, bumping and transferring, etc that this airline dumps on its employees I will gamble too. I will risk LIQUIDATION since that is what it will take. We will do whatever the laws allow us to do to keep this farmout from becoming fact.

HEY TRON:i know the drill...you're getting to know me,eh? 😀 lol
c'mon guy...what is and was in CLT is a "c" check program...not an "S"...you should know that. we do c-1 through c-11 and 'he ain't heavy,he's ma brother'.
see you later tronny 😉
keep up the solidarity! :up:

Well said, I say shut the deleted by moderator place down.
cat 111,

I see no reason to take that posture at this point in the venture.

Why don't we wait to see how the company plays thier hand....and then see how the Union and the Court rulings shake out in the aftermath. Nothing is over until a Court Rules...or somebody blinks.

I'm sure most of us agree that the company is going to pull the trigger on sending out one of these planes very soon...and it goes from there.

Lets let the legal wranglings take place.....then it will be determined if the doors need to close or not?

Personally I think we still have a legal up on these bafoons...so lets let the system work ...then see where it stands?. Saying close it up at this point is admitting defeat or a weak position in my opinion.

I for one don't feel whipped at this point in the venture....and yes I've played the shuffle to PIT and back to CLT within the last year...no fun to say the least. I at least had the option to do so..or not.
I agree with cat 111 it is time to shut it all down. I am tired of hearing the threats. I also hear allot of talk on the floor. Every is gettind ready. A couple of guys said they are getting their Coleman stoves fueled up for hot food on the picket line. Aw, it seams like 1992 all over again, but it appears we will be allot better prepared this time. Nothing like learning from 😀 experiance.
It's nothing but Deleted by moderator from this company. They love to threaten the employees. This is one threat I hope they lose. How many employees are tired of this deleted.
Amen to all. If Dave and comp want to steal our jobs, then let's leave them without also!
pitguy said:
I agree with cat 111 it is time to shut it all down. I am tired of hearing the threats. I also hear allot of talk on the floor. Every is gettind ready. A couple of guys said they are getting their Coleman stoves fueled up for hot food on the picket line. Aw, it seams like 1992 all over again, but it appears we will be allot better prepared this time. Nothing like learning from 😀 experiance.
PITMTC: it appears all is on the line....company/union going to a head...expect something this monday/tuesday.
its all moot...no one in pit wants to stir the pot while our brothers are putting it all on the line in CLT.
our union leaders in pit,bill and frank have let us down and have let the other AGC"S down in CLT ,put them out to pasture...so to speak...they are doing their best to send a message in CLT and we the wimps in PIT send the corporate assholes the message of 100% on time...what the ****? :shock:
cat 111 said:

Well said, I say shut the deleted by moderator place down.
Yo Cat 111,

I'm not wanting to shut anything down. I just figure that if I'm going to lose my job to farm-outs eventually, I'd prefer to have a little more control and take some exec jobs with me. The ball is in their court and it appears they are about to FOUL.

The "Execs" have protected themselves with "golden parachutes" etc. If this outfit doesn't make it, we are the ones that lose. IMHO, the single biggest problem we have in corporate america is management which has no VESTED interest in the future of the corporations they run. If the sum total of their livelyhood was wrapped up in their companies (as ours is), I think they would treat their employees differently. Pride and ego are poor substitutes for house payments and college tuition.

A320 Driver 🙁
October 2, 2003


Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Each of you are aware that US Airways has made their position known in regards to the maintenance of our Airbus aircraft.

We in leadership roles in the IAM have also made clear our position: THIS IS OUR WORK.

All Transportation Unions in the AFL-CIO support our position and have made their voices heard.

Your role in this dispute is to support the IAM to ensure that the maintenance of Airbus aircraft stays in house where it belongs. Also, your role is to show solidarity with all the Sisters and Brothers across the entire US Airways’ system.

Any other position plays to US Airways, management that would love to see our membership divided. There can be NO division between North and South, or East and West, or one station against another.

We are all in this together and together we must be. We have one foe in this dispute and it is not with each other. We must stand together and then together we will prevail.

Solidarity forever,

Scotty Ford
President/General Chairman

since they are not informing anyone i thought this may be interesting....

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