Dear Strike Facts,
Here's another fact for you. It's time for Sincerely Dave and Dr. David to honor the contract we "agreed" to last year. The Airbus S1 maintenance check work belongs to the IAM mechanics, clerks and utiity persons as well as to their supervisors. We have the skills, the tooling, and the space despite the claims of upper managers. We know it... they know it.... the Mediator will know it and the Public will know it. We will do the work or nobody will because this USAirways will become "USairwa_s" spelled just like the logo on the Clt Hangar. The Doctor's Alabama Retirement Fund will have to take a hit as will the others who invested in a Management Team who rewarded the losers of the last team with $35,000,000 in bonus money. They are gambling foolishly. Because I am tired of the constant threat of mergers, layoffs, liquidation, bankruptcy, commuting, bumping and transferring, etc that this airline dumps on its employees I will gamble too. I will risk LIQUIDATION since that is what it will take. We will do whatever the laws allow us to do to keep this farmout from becoming fact.