to me, a group can have as many opportunities as they see fit or whatever is deemed necessary..Who said anything about a FA? I really could not care less about inflight because they have had multiple opportunities to get a CBA and declined. Therefore, they get what they bargain for...nothing.
to my understanding a forum is public and anyone can share their opinion.Last time I checked this was not an "inflight only" board. I'm interested in those guys that are on the operations side that are compensated at the bottom of the "industry standard" scale in compensation and benefits.
my suggestion would be to start a thread and focus on that topic... if it is concerning other issues that may be important to a particular group, I think for the most part people generally respect that..
probablyp.s. I wonder why we haven't seen the contract for the combined DL dispatchers group. Could it be that their bennies are also better than the non-contract, non-union, non-pilot group? :huh: