Everyone: Wow ! Lots of false statements on here since the last time I visited. Where to begin?
1. Whoever wrote that AFA spent 5m on the campaign is flat-wrong. First, AFA didn't spend anything on the campaign -- nor did our AFA dues dollars fund the campaign. The campaign was funded by the CWA Organizing Department and because 99% of the work was done by "Delta FA volunteers", the costs were not nearly what they were the last time.
2. NWA FAs are NOT going back to an 'independant' union. That's what we had with PFAA -- and in fact, that's the organization that agreed (without a fight) to the 195m (annual) concessions and five year duration of our current contract. AFA was elected AFTER this amount and duration was agreed to. Furthermore, we aren't going back to a union where the local and national leaders are paid 30 - 45 % more than what they would earn on line as a FA. That is my biggest complaint with APFA, PFAA and many other independant unions. People accept union positions for $$$ instead of passion for change.
3. Yes, it is true that the NMB and Delta argued to "keep" a dead Delta FA as an eligible voter (Delta even admitted that she died in February). And, yes, this dead FA counted towards the final vote. Obviously, this shows how complicit the NMB and Delta execs were in padding the list in every way possible. In fact, if you add the 1,100 FAs on long-term furloughs with the 821 FAs that took the early out (both groups have little to no employer-employee relationship with Delta), what you get is an additional 1,900 people padded onto the eligibility roster. So, I think it is entirely fair and reasonable to say that the Delta FAs (that actually WORK AT DELTA) won their election. Removing the 1,900 from the roster (oh...and the dead lady) would have offset the mere 1,300 votes short of the 50% plus one. Congrads, Delta FAs !!!
4. Finally, AFA wouldn't "raid" the AA FAs. AFA doesn't go out knocking on doors to drum up membership. Like somebody accurately stated here, all organizing campaigns are based on the pleas from FAs that want to join AFA. I speak from experience when I say this -- because when we first requested AFA's help with an organizing campaign in Sept 2005, we were asked to establish (first) whether we thought there was adequate support for the campaign. Obviously, there was -- we won the campaign.