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Who Paid The Loan?

Who said anything about failure? Failure is for those who quit, there are no quiters in this group. Get ready for another long year.

Just wondering who paid the 2 million dollar failure at Delta for the twu? Did Delta help pay for this and their employees knew better than to vote for the twu?
Who said anything about failure? Failure is for those who quit, there are no quiters in this group. Get ready for another long year.

Just wondering who paid the 2 million dollar failure at Delta for the twu? Did Delta help pay for this and their employees knew better than to vote for the twu?

Dues Money!
Who said anything about failure? Failure is for those who quit, there are no quiters in this group. Get ready for another long year.

Just wondering who paid the 2 million dollar failure at Delta for the twu? Did Delta help pay for this and their employees knew better than to vote for the twu?

The question of loans from the amfa members at their respected airlines such as SW, NW, UA, and etc. Should be of legitimate concern to that of the amfa orgainizing committees at AA. Will those represented by the amfa still be willing to fund such an organizing effort in light of all the failures of the amfa? You have stated in the past that the amfa represented members vote on everything, and I believe it may be time amfa focused upon their own problems instead of funneling money's of their represented members into such a cause that is doomed to defeat in the beginning. The majority at AA have spoken and have said "NO Thank YOU amfa".... :up:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
The majority at AA have spoken and have said "NO Thank YOU amfa".... :up:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

If you stop and pay attention to the latest decision from the NMB, the NMB made the decision not to have a vote for representation. The membership of American airlines did not have the opportunity this time around to vote and express their interest in union representation. Do not twist the facts on the NMB ruling. It only shows your lack of intelligence. Stay informed and think before you post.

360 days till September 21st. 2005
1AA said:
If you stop and pay attention to the latest decision from the NMB, the NMB made the decision not to have a vote for representation. The membership of American airlines did not have the opportunity this time around to vote and express their interest in union representation. Do not twist the facts on the NMB ruling. It only shows your lack of intelligence. Stay informed and think before you post.

360 days till September 21st. 2005

1AA, It is not a matter of the twisting of facts as you suggest by the NMB ruling, it is a matter of common sense. With your suggestion to the membership not being allowed a vote according to you is a statement of scrutiny within itself. The majority chose not to sign an amfa authorization card which did not give the (50%+1) required to call for an election.

Now with the topic of money's loaned for organizing, would it not be questionable as to the willingness of the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA and etc. to offer any additional funding? You know, it takes cash to organize...! Would it not be to their advantage to use their money's to try to stop the bleeding that the amfa has within it's own ranks? When do they say to their BA that enough is enough..???

With you identifying to me that there is 360 day left until September 21st, 2005 you should have had ( 5 day's ) of card signing's and must be confident to the numbers so far. So, how many ya got.??? 😉

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
1AA, It is not a matter of the twisting of facts as you suggest by the NMB ruling, it is a matter of common sense. With your suggestion to the membership not being allowed a vote according to you is a statement of scrutiny within itself. The majority chose not to sign an amfa authorization card which did not give the (50%+1) required to call for an election.

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

2000+ on the final list were never even asked to sign a card, so how do you conclude that they "chose not to sign"?

That's a pretty good trick, first add 2000 to the list that were never solicited, and then claim on the internet, they chose not to sign. You must do magic tricks on the side for extra income.


No wonder we have piss poor contract language, you guys cannot even see a farce when it looks you in the eye.

They will be asked this time around, count on it!
Decision 2004 said:
2000+ on the final list were never even asked to sign a card, so how do you conclude that they "chose not to sign"?

That's a pretty good trick, first add 2000 to the list that were never solicited, and then claim on the internet, they chose not to sign. You must do magic tricks on the side for extra income.


No wonder we have piss poor contract language, you guys cannot even see a farce when it looks you in the eye.

They will be asked this time around, count on it!

decision, With your attempt to lay blame upon either the TWU, AA, or the NMB on the elusive 2000 that you reference not being asked to sign a card is ludicrous! It is your fault decision, and that of the amfa national, for not knowing the proper definition of the Craft and Class...!

Now who is responsible for the loan to the amfa organizing committee's at AA...? Aren't you one of the key organizers for the amfa in Tulsa? Who is to repay the loan? I was under the impression that the loan from the amfa represented members was to be repaid by future dues. Where does that burden lie now..? Is it upon the backs of the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. Or is there the possibility that the amfa organizing committee's at AA, who obtained the loan, be subject to succumb to garnishments to repay the loan...??? :blink:

Failure must have a price because McCormick, and Delle, are only in it for the money..... :shock:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
decision, With your attempt to lay blame upon either the TWU, AA, or the NMB on the elusive 2000 that you reference not being asked to sign a card is ludicrous! It is your fault decision, and that of the amfa national, for not knowing the proper definition of the Craft and Class...!

Now who is responsible for the loan to the amfa organizing committee's at AA...? Aren't you one of the key organizers for the amfa in Tulsa? Who is to repay the loan? I was under the impression that the loan from the amfa represented members was to be repaid by future dues. Where does that burden lie now..? Is it upon the backs of the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. Or is there the possibility that the amfa organizing committee's at AA, who obtained the loan, be subject to succumb to garnishments to repay the loan...??? :blink:

Failure must have a price because McCormick, and Delle, are only in it for the money..... :shock:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

Ok I am responsible for the loan, I am an AMFA Associate memeber and pay dues gladly to AMFA, something I do not do with the TWU. I pay the union who provides representation.
Buck said:
Ok I am responsible for the loan, I am an AMFA Associate memeber and pay dues gladly to AMFA, something I do not do with the TWU. I pay the union who provides representation.

O.K. Buck, I am glad to see that you are willing to step up and claim reponsibility for money's owed fellow AMT's for loaned funds. What is your opinion of the needed aquisition of additional funds from the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. to further your orgainzing campaingn at AA...? Will they be willing to empty their pockets, to aide an organizing effort destined to failure..?

.....Just curious... 😉

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
O.K. Buck, I am glad to see that you are willing to step up and claim reponsibility for money's owed fellow AMT's for loaned funds. What is your opinion of the needed aquisition of additional funds from the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. to further your orgainzing campaingn at AA...? Will they be willing to empty their pockets, to aide an organizing effort destined to failure..?

.....Just curious... 😉

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
And the twu claims its the AMFA that is selfish but by reading all your comments about getting paid back its obvious who is the greedy one here. This is about getting all mechanics in one union not just organizing AA so open your eyes and look past T Town for once in your life!
High Speed Steel said:
O.K. Buck, I am glad to see that you are willing to step up and claim reponsibility for money's owed fellow AMT's for loaned funds. What is your opinion of the needed aquisition of additional funds from the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. to further your orgainzing campaingn at AA...? Will they be willing to empty their pockets, to aide an organizing effort destined to failure..?

.....Just curious... 😉

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

I am sure that if the SW, NW, UA, members were given a choice between funding the AMFA drive at AA or the gAyFL-CIO agenda posted below, they would gladly choose organizing Aircraft Maintenance Technicians, over organizing Homosexuals. Don't you agree?


High Speed Steel said:
O.K. Buck, I am glad to see that you are willing to step up and claim reponsibility for money's owed fellow AMT's for loaned funds. What is your opinion of the needed aquisition of additional funds from the amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. to further your orgainzing campaingn at AA...? Will they be willing to empty their pockets, to aide an organizing effort destined to failure..?

.....Just curious... 😉

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

Are you a member of AMFA? I didn't think so.

So really it is none of your business. Just as the internal business of the TWU is none of AMFA business.

Of course the business of the TWU and AMFA are my business, because I pay dues to both organizations.

However it has been my experience that democracy has been the key factor in auguring assistance to rid my profession of the scourge that is the TWU.
Why is a twu cultist like hss worried about where AMFA spends its money? You twu clowns have more to worry about than this. The company and they're toy union have to now devise another plan to stop the AA AMFA drivers, inflating the list is not going to get the job done this time.

I Like how the twu cultist complain about the money AMFA spends, but you never hear anything about the MILLIONS the unelected twu International spends on a fancy New York City office, the MILLIONS they spend on car allowances for the International, all the wasted UBP time, and of course there is the failed twu organizing drive for Delta. Last but not least, that bar tab for all the twu drunks, that's at least a MILLION a year. :shock:

The twu couldn't organize a Flea Market. The "strength in numbers", "concessions for dues" has failed, and its been failing for 20 years. No one wants the worthless twu, except the ones that have a twu position now, or dream of one.

We're not worried Sackboy, Stewart already gave us his welder's oath that the gnome told him we, at AA, would not owe AMFA National a dime if AMFA were to obtain BA at AA. The LM2 form was a mistake, and I'm sure that mistake has been reported to the proper agency.

Stewart wouldn't fib just a bit, would he?
Nightwatch said:
We're not worried Sackboy, Stewart already gave us his welder's oath that the gnome told him we, at AA, would not owe AMFA National a dime if AMFA were to obtain BA at AA. The LM2 form was a mistake, and I'm sure that mistake has been reported to the proper agency.

Stewart wouldn't fib just a bit, would he?

Yes in the beginning the money spent on legal fees to ensure our rights to hand out literature at AA was categorized as a loan but, the NEC decided those fees should be absorbed by AMFA National. I have never seen anyone say they were a mistake!! There is no money presently owed and it is these type of lies that twu cultist spew that has always gotten us more cards. Keep us the good work NightWatch, we can use it!!!

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