decision, With your attempt to lay blame upon either the TWU, AA, or the NMB on the elusive 2000 that you reference not being asked to sign a card is ludicrous! It is your fault
decision, and that of the
amfa national, for not knowing the proper definition of the Craft and Class...!
Now who is responsible for the loan to the
amfa organizing committee's at AA...? Aren't you one of the key organizers for the
amfa in Tulsa? Who is to repay the loan? I was under the impression that the loan from the
amfa represented members was to be repaid by future dues. Where does that burden lie now..? Is it upon the backs of the
amfa represented members of SW, NW, UA, and etc. Or is there the possibility that the
amfa organizing committee's at AA, who obtained the loan, be subject to succumb to garnishments to repay the loan...??? :blink:
Failure must have a price because McCormick, and Delle, are only in it for the money.....
amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!