Fleet Plan/Pilot Manning
US Airways December schedule and pilot bid was to fly 279 aircraft with 4488 active pilots. The January bid announced the furlough of 471 pilots, with 326 in January and 145 by April. These layoffs will reduce the bottom seniority number to 4017. The company informed the pilots union the January bid would still have 279 aircraft; however, the company intended to reduce flying to better match capacity with demand. Some observers believe the pilot head count reduction is due to three points: Reduced block hours, eventual elimination of the training float, and possible productivity changes.
US Airways has begun painting its silver B-737s and expects to have the entire 279 aircraft fleet in the dark blue paint scheme by March 31. There will be one aircraft painted per week and tomorrow the company will have a B-737 returned from Aero Corp., the Lake City paint contractor, which will leave 21 aircraft in the old paint scheme. Reports indicate the company believes the benefits of having the entire fleet with the same paint scheme, as far as the passenger perception of the company, during a formal reorganization, outweighs the cost burden. This strategy was used by Continental Airlines during their successful bankruptcy reorganization. However, from a thought-provoking perspective, does it make sense to paint an aircraft and incur an expense if you were going to remove the jet from service?
Also noteworthy, the ALPA restructuring agreement provides for a minimum fleet count of 275 aircraft out of bankruptcy and 245 aircraft in bankruptcy. Some observers believe upon emerging the company will be required to operate a minimum of 275 aircraft (including permanent pilot bid plus 8% for maintenance and spares), with a daily utilization rate measured of 10 hours, per the pilot restructuring agreement. This clause would support the November schedule change and hub optimization plan. This plan adjusted hub routes/schedule where Charlotte became omni-directional with larger, higher geographic banks, the Pittsburgh traffic flow will be directionalized with an east-west focus, and Philadelphia would continue with strong O&D traffic and the principal international gateway.
Therefore, all things being equal, it appears with US Airways painting its remaining old paint scheme aircraft, the fleet plan reduction could settle at 279 airframes.