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Who Paid The Loan?

Buck said:
The majority of those at TUL and many in the system know who I am because I am Buck. Do your coworkers call you Nightwatch everyday at work? If you had any, you would realize that you could find the info to quote with. I believe the term is "Go Fish"

Wrong again...the term is "Buck off". 😀
Nightwatch said:
Wrong again...the term is "Buck off". 😀

Kansas City, Kansas City here I come, actually there it goes........
Love the concern you have for the brothers and sisters...but so far you are the only one that believes Stewart's stupidity...then again, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are ya?
Nightwatch said:
Love the concern you have for the brothers and sisters...but so far you are the only one that believes Stewart's stupidity...then again, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are ya?

I'll say that I take no delight in seeing others lose their job, even the likes of Steve Connell.

With the exception of their E-board everyone we met in MCO was genuine.

I've seen where some come on here and say that if we did not give concessions that we would have all lostr our jobs.

Thats rediculous.

They also claim that since I was against the concessions for jobs scam that I did not care about the junior guys.

That's a lie.

When all these layoffs first started after 9-11 I had urged Jim Little to explore the possibility of handling things differently.

I said that instead of a traditional (Industrial Union type) of layoff why not see how and where the company wants to make reductions and allow and encourage members to bid on weeks off without pay. The craft unions in NYC follow a similar approach. The top paid, most senior workers take the layoffs just like the junior guys.

Lets say the company wanted to cut 5 guys from JFK. Five slots would be put up for bidding. The person who took the week would get no pay for the week and could pick as many weeks as he liked. The person who was to be laid off would work that wek. The more people that bid the less weeks that the junior guy would be on the street. The bids copuld be done quarterly, every six months or yearly. I would have much rather have taken off the entire 16 weeks with no pay than work the same amount of time for $20,000 less.

The fact is that Little wanted no part of anything like this because his goal was to give AA the cost advantage it needed to put competitors out of business. By doing so it would allow AA to expand and swell the ranks of TWU members.

This was not about saving jobs, that was the threat, it was about giving AA costs that were so low that no other airline could compete. By 2008 a mechanic for AA will be earning $400/week less than his counterpart at Low Cost Carrier SWA. Go figure, if SWA is low cost then what, at $400 a week less, is the TWUs AA?
The fact is you were upset Little saw you for the rambling idiot you portray...oh yeah Booby..any line mech worth his weight (no pun intended) would know MCO is in Florida....
Nightwatch said:
Love the concern you have for the brothers and sisters...but so far you are the only one that believes Stewart's stupidity...then again, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are ya?

Actually I do respect most of the former TWA personal. It is you and those like you who give the rest a bad reputation. I was and I repeat was, one of the very few who held the position of "dovetailing" your seniority until you came along.
Nightwatch said:

The fact is you were upset Little saw you for the rambling idiot you portray


Well I guess that you think that massive paycuts and layoffs are preferrable to some sort of shared layoff that the trades haves used successfully for years.

oh yeah Booby..any line mech worth his weight (no pun intended) would know MCO is in Florida....

Well you got me there. Typo. Look on your keyboard, I is right next to O, however B is nowhere near O. By the way how do you know that I was not referring to Orlando?
Buck said:
Actually I do respect most of the former TWA personal. It is you and those like you who give the rest a bad reputation. I was and I repeat was, one of the very few who held the position of "dovetailing" your seniority until you came along.

So by your statement , you judge the "rest" by the postings of an alias using poster, kinda weak don't ya think? But truthfully, as long as it's just BS that you're spewing then your ignorance shouldn't play a role.
Nightwatch said:
So by your statement , you judge the "rest" by the postings of an alias using poster, kinda weak don't ya think? But truthfully, as long as it's just BS that you're spewing then your ignorance shouldn't play a role.

It would appear that you are the one who is standing alone, alias or not. Where are all of the other industrial unionists the hold the same position as you? Where are all of the former TWA employees who have given so much?

I could care less if you post as Gerard Arpey or Carl Ichan, the fact is that you appear to be the only TWU/ former IAM cultists who has a beef with his own craft and class.
You pal, are not in NW's craft or in his class...you are amfa, the un-union.
Calvin said:
You pal, are not in NW's craft or in his class...you are amfa, the un-union.

Oh, I did not know you and NW were Fleet Service or not mechanics. Thanks for clearing that up. You at least will not have to worry whether you will receive your seniority when MCI is closed.
Buck said:
Oh, I did not know you and NW were Fleet Service or not mechanics. Thanks for clearing that up. You at least will not have to worry whether you will receive your seniority when MCI is closed.

Oh? Oh? Quite the statesman there you little Buck. I'd say you and your fellow kool-aid drinkers have already put forth your desire for the ex-TWA employees to hold the ability of seniority retention.

I've sat back and read your comments about how you and a hand full of AMFA sellouts voted to allow full dovetailing...then I read where there was no vote...then I read slim state they were a bunch of pig farmers...then I read where they never met a concession they didn't like...shall I continue?...HAHAHA!!!!

You and yours have made it quite evident you have no love for anyone that is not a mechanic. "They hang on to the coattails and get the raises we do!", "they hold the mechanics back by including them in our contracts" If that isn't an elitist stature then I'm not the original Drippy Quill....HAHAHA!!!

Back to the start of the thread....is it true the AMFA members raised concern with Delle reference the usage of their dues money to bring you idiots into their fold?...HAHAHA!!!
Drippy Quill said:
Oh? Oh? Quite the statesman there you little Buck. I'd say you and your fellow kool-aid drinkers have already put forth your desire for the ex-TWA employees to hold the ability of seniority retention.

Thanks for the compliment. I have made no secret of my position of your seniority. I am for "dovetailing" except for you.

I've sat back and read your comments about how you and a hand full of AMFA sellouts voted to allow full dovetailing...then I read where there was no vote...then I read slim state they were a bunch of pig farmers...then I read where they never met a concession they didn't like...shall I continue?...HAHAHA!!!!

Why don't you ask the TWU if a non-binding vote was ever conducted at Local 514? Have their source confirm your inquiry with the minutes to the meeting.

You and yours have made it quite evident you have no love for anyone that is not a mechanic. "They hang on to the coattails and get the raises we do!", "they hold the mechanics back by including them in our contracts" If that isn't an elitist stature then I'm not the original Drippy Quill....HAHAHA!!!

I harbor no ill will toward any fellow employees in any classification, except you. I feel that those outside the mechanic craft and class have done well for themselves. As for raises etc.. I just would like to see the mechanic craft and class compensated at the top of their profession, you on the other seem to condone any concession of the past to achieve your form of industrial socialistic unionism.

Back to the start of the thread....is it true the AMFA members raised concern with Delle reference the usage of their dues money to bring you idiots into their fold?...HAHAHA!!!

You would have to ask Delle and those AMFA supporters....
Buck said:
You would have to ask Delle and those AMFA supporters....

Funny you have no comment other than the BS you tendered. I see you do not want to speak for AMFA on this item but you scurry you butt to the keyboard at other times...you kinda a Bucked up type of guy..huh...HAHAHA!!!

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