Oh? Oh? Quite the statesman there you little Buck. I'd say you and your fellow kool-aid drinkers have already put forth your desire for the ex-TWA employees to hold the ability of seniority retention.
Thanks for the compliment. I have made no secret of my position of your seniority. I am for "dovetailing" except for you.
I've sat back and read your comments about how you and a hand full of AMFA sellouts voted to allow full dovetailing...then I read where there was no vote...then I read slim state they were a bunch of pig farmers...then I read where they never met a concession they didn't like...shall I continue?...
Why don't you ask the TWU if a non-binding vote was ever conducted at Local 514? Have their source confirm your inquiry with the minutes to the meeting.
You and yours have made it quite evident you have no love for anyone that is not a mechanic. "They hang on to the coattails and get the raises we do!", "they hold the mechanics back by including them in our contracts" If that isn't an elitist stature then I'm not the original Drippy Quill....HAHAHA!!!
I harbor no ill will toward any fellow employees in any classification, except you. I feel that those outside the mechanic craft and class have done well for themselves. As for raises etc.. I just would like to see the mechanic craft and class compensated at the top of their profession, you on the other seem to condone any concession of the past to achieve your form of industrial socialistic unionism.
Back to the start of the thread....is it true the AMFA members raised concern with Delle reference the usage of their dues money to bring you idiots into their fold?...HAHAHA!!!