Bob, you're not really that good at mixing apples and oranges.
I dont see it that way. Could you be more specific as to how my points fail to relate?
Point being the union membership at AA had NO voice in securing money from AMFA to represent AMFA organizers at AA. This was $$$ borrowed for litigation, by the organizers, for THEIR own progress in undermining my union. How sweet and how UNDEMOCRATIC, yet you and yours always declare AMFA is so democratic, I guess that only counts in certain times and issues.
I still dont see what you feel is undemocratic about it. You have a choice, you can try and make sure that your money does not go to service this loan, if thats the plan. However we did not get to vote, nor do we get the opportunity to hold those who made the decision to spend the $2 million trying to organize Delta and all the other frivilous expenses cars, redecorating, etc, accountable, now thats undemocratic. The TWU is not YOUR union, you have no say in this union beyond the local level.
You speak of the TWU and cars and such, was there at any time paperwork to support repayment through future dues by a certain local for these?
Like I said, you can vote NO, and not be liable if the majority agrees. We were not given such an option on the cars for International officers, just the bill, without our consent and there is nothing we can do about it.
Nice attempt at AMFAnomics. Why would those or should those that do not want AMFA be liable for one red cent? Try collecting the total from your AMFA supporters and leave my wallet alone.
Are you willing to allow TWU members who want AMFA to opt out also? Shall I be expecting a check for $20, reimbursement for my share of the expense for the Delta campain, plus another $3.45 for the cars for the International? How about the current dollars that are being spent in order to keep AMFA out, can I get my share of that back too? Why is it that you would complain about the possibility that AMFA will use possible future dues to defray the organizing costs yet you have no objection to absorbing or forcing others to absorb similar costs from the TWU?
I dont expect the TWU to reimburse me the costs of the Delta campain, or cars or the AMFA campain. Thats the way it is. But you seem to have a very childish, one way outlook on this whole thing.
If you want to get into monies then why wont you comment on the fact that the company pays the union $3 million a year for Union Business? Dont you know that its a violation of the RLA, Section 152? Or does it not concern you that our representatives are recieving funds over and above what the union pays them, In most circumstances this would be called double dipping, payola, kickback, bribe, get the picture? These same people who are getting these funds are the ones who told us that we should give back more prior to bankruptcy than any other carrier got in bankruptcy. Are you one of those people who is getting a full 40 hour paycheck from the company while also drawing a full time salary from the union?
I dont see it that way. Could you be more specific as to how my points fail to relate?
Point being the union membership at AA had NO voice in securing money from AMFA to represent AMFA organizers at AA. This was $$$ borrowed for litigation, by the organizers, for THEIR own progress in undermining my union. How sweet and how UNDEMOCRATIC, yet you and yours always declare AMFA is so democratic, I guess that only counts in certain times and issues.
I still dont see what you feel is undemocratic about it. You have a choice, you can try and make sure that your money does not go to service this loan, if thats the plan. However we did not get to vote, nor do we get the opportunity to hold those who made the decision to spend the $2 million trying to organize Delta and all the other frivilous expenses cars, redecorating, etc, accountable, now thats undemocratic. The TWU is not YOUR union, you have no say in this union beyond the local level.
You speak of the TWU and cars and such, was there at any time paperwork to support repayment through future dues by a certain local for these?
Like I said, you can vote NO, and not be liable if the majority agrees. We were not given such an option on the cars for International officers, just the bill, without our consent and there is nothing we can do about it.
Nice attempt at AMFAnomics. Why would those or should those that do not want AMFA be liable for one red cent? Try collecting the total from your AMFA supporters and leave my wallet alone.
Are you willing to allow TWU members who want AMFA to opt out also? Shall I be expecting a check for $20, reimbursement for my share of the expense for the Delta campain, plus another $3.45 for the cars for the International? How about the current dollars that are being spent in order to keep AMFA out, can I get my share of that back too? Why is it that you would complain about the possibility that AMFA will use possible future dues to defray the organizing costs yet you have no objection to absorbing or forcing others to absorb similar costs from the TWU?
I dont expect the TWU to reimburse me the costs of the Delta campain, or cars or the AMFA campain. Thats the way it is. But you seem to have a very childish, one way outlook on this whole thing.
If you want to get into monies then why wont you comment on the fact that the company pays the union $3 million a year for Union Business? Dont you know that its a violation of the RLA, Section 152? Or does it not concern you that our representatives are recieving funds over and above what the union pays them, In most circumstances this would be called double dipping, payola, kickback, bribe, get the picture? These same people who are getting these funds are the ones who told us that we should give back more prior to bankruptcy than any other carrier got in bankruptcy. Are you one of those people who is getting a full 40 hour paycheck from the company while also drawing a full time salary from the union?