So lest pay delivers better customer service.More pay doesn't deliver better customer service.
So lest pay delivers better customer service.More pay doesn't deliver better customer service.
Sad sad sad no more negotiated benefit and pay rises for youI agree that I am truly underpaid and that I'm just not paid enough to put up with this bull @#$%, but I knew what the job paid when I took it. I agreed to do my job for that amount of pay, So, we can't fix the sand castle and we can't make them pay us more but I can do an outstanding job everyday and make damn sure that no complaints go to the DOT because of me.
Yes, I'd like to rip their heads off and tell them they made the mistake
Thus the problem we have with a rotted corporate culture....
"US Airways employees are paid JUST enough so they won't find other jobs."
"US Airways employees do JUST enough to not get fired."
Meanwhile, the product becomes sub par....and the customers suffer.....while US Airways management continues to charge top dollar.
And then there are two fixes....."beat" the employees, lower customer expectations....or start treating employees the right way.
They've opted for "the beatings." Sadly.
Okay, smarty pants.Maybe you should consider Employee Assistance Program-Employee Assistance Services. Do you need help?
Since I started the thread comparing CO to US, let me add a point or two from my conversations with CO management.
They brought up the philosophy of priorities before I Van mentioned, they told me their priorities are EMPLOYEES FIRST, CUSTOMERS SECOND, shareholders third....take care of 1 and 2 and 3 will fall into place.
Another comment which was made during a Q & A with Larry Kellner and Jeff Smisek (imagine Doug and Scott HOSTING a party and meeting with 400 of their customers...NOT) was that they needed to fully fund the employee pensions, and they were looking for ways to reverse the pay cuts which were needed after 9/11--and would plan their expansion with that in mind.
While pay and $$ is not the only ingredient to this formula, the difference in corporate culture is night and day. What you have in CO is a management team who actually WANTS to run a world class airline, and has the talent and knowledge to do so, and do it well. Then you have the Sand Castle.....if they ever took their heads out of their spreadsheets and actually worked on making things better, they'd have a chance. I just can't wait to see the numbers from the next 2 quarters when they realize how many high rollers have left.....
And you wonder why I BOUGHT 2 Business First tickets on CO to Europe rather than burn miles on US????? I refuse to reward stupidity and dishonesty.
You are right Happy, everyone fingerpoints, just the way Dougie likes it. The walls of the Sand Castle would tremble if we all ever stood together.
So not fair when you take things out of context. 😛 I was replying to tokerboy's response of PAY ME. More money an hour isn't going to make QIK work better, and it isn't going to make that reservation agent that hung up on Art's associate any nicer or concienscious about the service they provide. And the passenger did say he had the ticket numbers. It's been a while since I've re-issued tickets, but isn't the re-issue key still there? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm truly just wondering. And John John, I'll make you a deal, I'm going into work tomorrow and I'm going to re-issue a ticket and I'll let you know how it goes. I've always had access to some form of usematch, to find tickets by name. Do you not have access to this program where you are, again just wondering?Hey happy do you know what it takes to find and associate a pass date ticket to future travel in QIK/SHARES.If so tell us agents and the success rate of doing so
if its too far past you can't...1800 help desk.....sad......Hey happy do you know what it takes to find and associate a pass date ticket to future travel in QIK/SHARES.If so tell us agents and the success rate of doing so
PB, I honestly have never used Sabre to book a reservation only to dissect reservations and read notes in the record after travel is complete. And from this aspect Sabre requires just as many keystrokes, maybe even more. But you've raised another interesting point that I'm now wondering about. Native Shares uses alot of key strokes, and I mean alot, and yet Continetal effectively uses it everyday to kick US butt. How do they use it so effectively, and yet US can't? I have access to native Shares, and you wouldn't believe the amount of key strokes it requires. It is literally like the "recipes" from the original computers back in the 80's. Does anyone know how Continental does it?Just a question for you regarding QIK/SHARES if I may. I used to do as part of my selling job do productivity studies. So while I was at the gate I often positioned myself to where I could count keystrokes. I counted them on SHARES and SABRE and I found that SHARES was about 30% more keystrokes. I've also timed my calls to the CP desk and they are decidedly longer than with SABRE.
Have you in your job experienced anything similar?
Why do you have access to native SHARES and no body else does? Why would a company allow a select few use a system that could help the entire agent work force?I have access to native Shares,
NOI've always had access to some form of usematch, to find tickets by name. Do you not have access to this program where you are, again just wondering?
OK we will document that you refuse help and put it in your file as for the name-calling are you sure you don’t need helpOkay, smarty pants.I don't need help.