Amen, Capt., AmenL1011Ret said:The insight that this thread was designed to create anger appears to be on target. "Flame Bait" and you knew exactly what kind of resposes would ensue. You knew there are furloughees both native and TWA that inhabit this forum who were denied furlough pay, you knew that many TWAers suffered a great injustice at the hands of APFA and you knew there are nAAtive F/As here who really struggle with crew rest issues not to mention those who detest JW. You like to provoke them by calling them "whiners" though many of their issues are sufficient to cause legal and political action. It seems you cannot tell the difference between whining and injustice. You are attempting to tell them they should not feel the way they feel about the issues in question because it sounds to you like whining. You like to stir the pot and then criticize what you have stired up. In that sense you are the biggest whiner of them all, whining about the way others feel, something you have managed to invoke in them by your flame bait.