Whining Furloughees

L1011Ret said:
The insight that this thread was designed to create anger appears to be on target. "Flame Bait" and you knew exactly what kind of resposes would ensue. You knew there are furloughees both native and TWA that inhabit this forum who were denied furlough pay, you knew that many TWAers suffered a great injustice at the hands of APFA and you knew there are nAAtive F/As here who really struggle with crew rest issues not to mention those who detest JW. You like to provoke them by calling them "whiners" though many of their issues are sufficient to cause legal and political action. It seems you cannot tell the difference between whining and injustice. You are attempting to tell them they should not feel the way they feel about the issues in question because it sounds to you like whining. You like to stir the pot and then criticize what you have stired up. In that sense you are the biggest whiner of them all, whining about the way others feel, something you have managed to invoke in them by your flame bait.
Amen, Capt., Amen :up:
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woztwa said:
Amen, Capt., Amen :up:
Where were all you sympathetic twa'ers when flyboy started a thread calling AAers the whiners. Seems as though you only respond when the topic goes against your APFA bashing agenda. Your concern about whats posted seems to only come up when its about your own agenda. Save us the "whats appropriate" and the "great injustices" speechs for another time.
Where were all you sympathetic twa'ers when flyboy started a thread calling AAers the whiners.


Do you ever know when to shut up? You talk about not wanting to ever have to fly with me, but I would be safe to say you are one of those chatter boxes in the galley who can't keep to himself/herself. Again, for the last time, go back and reread that thread I started. Yes, the title talks about AA'ers whining, but the thread is a letter by one of your union officials using his title from the APFA to complain to the company and his fellow F/A's about something of NO relevance. THere is no contract violations, nor any pertinent information he is giving. It's merely his crying out loud about his precious long NYC layover being taken away. My post was merely to show what kind of job this current union is doing. No wonder we have heard nothing rellevant from the APFA and your leader JW. Instead, they continue to collect your money and use it for personal use.

On the other hand, this thread you have started is nothing more than to continue throwing salt in an open wound. Whining about furlough pay is just the beginning of a long laundry list that the courts will have to figure out. The is a CLEAR viloation of the contract and the mistreatment of thousands of us furloughs.

Save us the "whats appropriate" and the "great injustices" speechs for another time.

Ok Miammi

I will save you those speeches but only if you can tell me what actually is appropriate? and that there truely have been no injsutices done? If you say the union is doing their job then by all means please prove it to us? If its by trying to get congress to agree that their is not enough rest time for crews remember it was your beloved union who Negotiated that away. Is that doing their job? Your comments are nothing, but greed and anger directed at those who even on furlough are trying to make this company survive financially so everyone can have a job.

What Unity?
MiAAmi said:
Where were all you sympathetic twa'ers when flyboy started a thread calling AAers the whiners. Seems as though you only respond when the topic goes against your APFA bashing agenda. Your concern about whats posted seems to only come up when its about your own agenda. Save us the "whats appropriate" and the "great injustices" speechs for another time.
Was exactly the point I was making miaami.

And NO flyboy courts dont decide who gets to whine and who doesn't. If its up to the courts then STOP whining about it!

NERVE! Internet thug. On a messsage board telling someone on a message (chat) board to shut up because they don't agree with your point of view. Maybe u should be searching harder for a job!
MiAAmi said:
Save us the "whats appropriate" and the "great injustices" speechs for another time.
Speak for yourself Miaami, better yet, speak to yourself! We are tired of your ramblings!

In solidarity with all furloughed F/A's.
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SkyLiner said:
Such distinguished and respected company,


I have never said anything about any other poster on this board. I may have stated that some have certain agendas but I have never personally attacked anyone. I respect everyone on this board as people who have a passion for the aviation industry. Whether I agree with some opinions or not does not make me right or wrong. Like I posted earlier if you don't want this thread to continue then dont respond to it.
Was exactly the point I was making miaami.

And NO flyboy courts dont decide who gets to whine and who doesn't. If its up to the courts then STOP whining about it!

NERVE! Internet thug. On a messsage board telling someone on a message (chat) board to shut up because they don't agree with your point of view. Maybe u should be searching harder for a job!

You obviously have no idea at all what the content of these posts deal with. Your statements make no sense and to call individuals names like "Internet Thug" only shows your own maturity level. The only reason I told Miaami to shut up was because it was his/her idea to stop this thread. It has nothing to do with my point of view. Instead this poster continues on with meaningless posts. While I am out looking for a job why don't you take some precious time off and grow up. A little bit of educating yourself will go along way to reaching maturity.

What Unity?
I for one think the furloughees for the most part have a reason to be upset, and if whining on some message board is good therapy then what's the harm? The majority of us (furloughees) who are veterans of the airline industy and who love the biz gave the ultimate sacrifice, our jobs... its difficult to see people who are still flying, whining about short layovers, when we miss our lives, and would trade any day. Think about it.
Many see that point of view, but a few are unable to to appreciate someone else's point of view. I am one of those who firmly believes APFA not only did a great injustice to the TWA F/As but to the junior nAAtive F/As too. A great injustice deserves to be heard and those who believe similarly must engage their energy in fighting for a more just union.
What MiAAmi doesn't understand is how the APFA has set the flight attendant profession back 30 years. What the very senior flight attendants have fought for all these years past, including those f/a's that were so callously tossed to the curb; is the respect and recognition by the company for our profession. By giving the company a gift of our furlough pay, the idiots that negotiated the RA have basically consented to the f/a career becoming a seasonal job. Need flight attendants for the heavy summer travel season? Great! When things slow down in the fall, we can just lay them off and bring'm back later when things pick up again. Heck...it doesn't cost the company anything.


I continue to shake my head at the selfishness and ignorance exhibited by some of the nAAtives.

Whine? You betcha!
onceoza said:
What MiAAmi doesn't understand is how the APFA has set the flight attendant profession back 30 years. What the very senior flight attendants have fought for all these years past, including those f/a's that were so callously tossed to the curb; is the respect and recognition by the company for our profession. By giving the company a gift of our furlough pay, the idiots that negotiated the RA have basically consented to the f/a career becoming a seasonal job. Need flight attendants for the heavy summer travel season? Great! When things slow down in the fall, we can just lay them off and bring'm back later when things pick up again. Heck...it doesn't cost the company anything.


I continue to shake my head at the selfishness and ignorance exhibited by some of the nAAtives.

Whine? You betcha!
YEP, AMEN. APFA put all of us in HELL giving up furlough pay and sending us back
30 yrs. Those SENIOR f/a's were there when most were in diapers. Make like the Chinese and have respect for YOUR elders. THEY fought for what you had...since LOST with JW, et al....typical children.
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woztwa said:
YEP, AMEN. APFA put all of us in HELL giving up furlough pay and sending us back
30 yrs. Those SENIOR f/a's were there when most were in diapers. Make like the Chinese and have respect for YOUR elders. THEY fought for what you had...since LOST with JW, et al....typical children.
No one is happy with any of the concessions including myself. Furlough pay alone did not save this company from BK, it was the whole package. We ALL took big cuts.

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